Would you say this is accurate Sup Forums? What do you think will be the next big "counter-culture" fashion statement for e-warriors?
Would you say this is accurate Sup Forums...
Other urls found in this thread:
dick head
god this decade is shit
fur suits
pol has gone full Ushanka now that it supports Putino on everything. Seriously i dont know if its just shills or what.
Probably this
He looks so happy
you know it in your heart of hearts
never owned or worn any of these peasant caps never will.
Fuck you for making me laugh while eating carrots I am going to hell now
Made me exhale audibly
>MAGA hat
>Not already finished
>Sup Forums is consistent with what they believe in
>must be shills
Trumpcucks are the shills
Where does Holocaust conspiracy theories fit into that picture?
Merman tails.
my only hole is fascism explodes in a way we haven't seen
some were just stupid enough to believe trump's non-interference rhetoric, and now think he's doing the bidding of israel while fighting the only secular desert leader, like /sg/ love assad i bet they were triggered as fuck
And some are shills and baiters
I guess. I still have the masks and fedoras anyway
i wouldn't mind these two. Klan garb might be a little too out there for most normies, but Swastika armband is timeless.
>>MAGA hat
>>Not already finished
it's on the decline right now, but just wait until 2018 - 2021 and we'll be reminiscing about the cringy period in our lives where we unironically wore MAGA hats.
>founded by (((EZRA LEVIN))) and (((LEAH GREENBERG))) former democratic staffers
I don't wear hats
Haha holy shit that picture makes Sup Forums look like the last website I'd ever want to visit. Why do I come here? Normie repellant?
twin testicle masculinity hat
The entire time
Way better.
one of these
Obvious answer
And we gotta hear the le Spain is not white meme, everyday.
Holy Week traditions being hold for more than 500 years in southern Spain.
Red arm bands without the swastika are still aesthetic and would really trigger some people. Make it an awareness campaign for propulsion and moral high ground.
What do you guys think about red armbands NO swastika? Just like a red sweatband at the gym or something
And it will make adding the swastikas later that much easier
Letting you colonize South America was one of history's greatest mistakes.
>What do you think will be the next big "counter-culture" fashion statement for e-warriors?
I'm not exactly sure. It all moves in waves anyway. We've gone through so many cycles that I have no idea what will come next.
haha multiple listservs i'm in related to my college sent that to me. blind libs take signals so diligently from their overlords.
sounds good, go for it
i still think about the sort of things europeans could have done if they had colonised south america first.
Fucking spaniards rocked up and fucked all the disgusting natives, creating a whole continent of swarthy half-breeds.
I am relieved spain did not find australia first, because they surely would have fucked all the abos.
South America is wasted on the spainish/native/african mongrels that live there.
yeah nah, shitcunt.
>try to concern troll
Antifa is going to get beaten the fuck down no matter where you go, faggot. its only a matter of time it gets labeled a terrorist organization. when you attack someone's core beliefs dont act surprised when you get hurt
>Sup Forums trying to be ironic and contrarian accidentally makes fursuiting mainstream
Hey, it worked with Trump
I wonder, what WOULD happen if we all started wearing yamakas ironically and it somehow caught on as a "we stand with israel" type thing? or even turbans/hijabs? we turned pepe into a banned hate symbol, could we actually start wearing traditional Semitic garb and get that banned/get people to start asking questions?
There is only one choice for the concerned Sup Forumsack when it comes to signalling their counter-culture edge.
>pic related
Deus vult
gorilla masks desu
>getting buttmad over a joke
kill yourself reddit. holy shit i fucking hate you niggers.
>inb4 replying to your own post
reminder to support your Russian furbros in their time of need
jewish supremacy
religion. calling it now
yes, we could effectively false flag the jews by pretending to be them.
It worked for the jews, they pretend to be white all the time to bring about changes in attitude towards whites.
If we all start "identifying" as jewish and wearing kippahs, we could start to sway public opinion.
We wouldn't even need to be real jews, we just need to espouse the more extreme jewish ideas and values - they are inflammatory on their own.
This. It should be a nigger or kike head tho.
>being this salty to raid Sup Forums
fedoras evolved into beta males and sjws in yet another attempt to get laid
anonymooses went full sjw
way to cry about it
oh jesus I can see it now
>MSM: Kippahs: The insidious new fashion trend of the alt-right
>people coming up to you and asking if you're juden and looking like racists if they ask you to remove your religious headwear
>pepe-themed kippahs and turbans
>Stalker gas mask
jesus reddit, what are you even going on about? how did you even get to antifa? you need to unironically kill yourself.
Antlers, also, nice digits.
>hurr durr it was cringy
Kill yourself
>oy vey, get away from me you unwashed goy
>did you just overcharge me 25 cents? i'm suing you!
>i need my 2800 slaves, stupid goy. now wash my car before i call my rabbi
>don't talk to me if you're not circumcised, you disgusting gentile scum
>is that pork that you're eating? urgh... filthy goyim
>"hey stop being rude"
>oy gevalt, that's very anti-semitic, i'm reporting you to the ADL for that!
if done properly, we can trick normies into realising the true nature of the jew. most normies think jews are white anyway, so they might actually believe you're jewish just because you wear a kippah.
One way to destroy a movement or people is to dehumanize them by marketing their image.
Pol laughs when people say "don't appropriate my culture for your costumes" but it's true.
nice numbers user
I don't think the MAGA hat is a symbol of the counter-culture we're seeing. But if we want to call it that then the next one will unironically be the swastika.
It'll be like the pentagram for metal heads.
And by the end of it most people won't even associate it with the holocaust.
all the anonymous/fedora fags support Bernie though
Reverse image search and actually read the comic. This has to be meme magic, right?
>proxynigger thinks we invaded Syria
you shills are a broken record. fuck off
Tbh, ushankas can't be beat in cold weather.
Right wing jews squad will subvert the subverters
Jesus fucking Christ. I just realized I've been on this website for 11 years.
>be reddit
>call other people reddit
>people go to reddit to look at the info or group they are talking about
>end up joining or reading the info posted because its good
grats on winning
better than being a liberal faggot for a day
I'm willing to bet they'll ruin the Beret next.
The fedora was never a counter culture icon. It was a dumb meme started by Christcucks to point and laugh at. There was never a real association between that hat and a social group beyond dumb kids with a bad sense of fashion.
fucking hell
that has to be a shoop
Cheap nationalism carefully controlled by (((them))) so the restless people around the world get the ilusion of democracy feel a change is coming, just to be betrayed like americans with Trump.
>supporting current sitting President of the United States
I seriously hope you shills dont think this, I think the Antifa and SJWs running around naked with words painted on their unshaven unbathed obese bodies are the counter culture at this point. You guys are just doing whats "fashionable" at this point and hating on Trump and in 3 years when you realize it hasnt gotten you anywhere, you'll hide your "Im with her" shirts and claim you supported Trump all along, cause thats what you faggots do.
Don't put down the fedora that way. I love my fedora
who are you even talking to schizo? you realize antifa faggots have been around for a while and are basically anonymoos right? you newfags stick out like a sore thumb, we've been making fun of antifa since 2012.
the_donald immigrants need to lurk more before posting.
Oh god I forgot about the damn commies.
>SJWS are the counterculture
It only gets Greater from here.
Kayne West
>Kayne West
**Kanye I meant.
Fucking hang yourself plebbitnigger
M826 ain't that comfy