If North Korea were to launch a nuclear missile could it be intercepted?

If North Korea were to launch a nuclear missile could it be intercepted?


Hope not. And it better hit Commifornia, specifically LA.

If not, I'll see you guys in bootcamp or best, hell.

Israel yes.

The only nuke they could hope to launch and hit america is from a submarine.

50 percent of the time

Yes, it should always hit the US instead of anywhere important.

all any one has to do is lauch a nuke into orbit detonate and let the emp wipe out our sattilites. Wed tear ourselves apart

Probably not before it sputtered and crashed into the ocean 60km from it's launch point.

a gust of wind has a good chance of intercepting a NK missile.

It already was yesterday, didn't even make the paper in California.

>tfw the only thing keeping you sane and alive in the wasteland will be simple shit like board games and MTG

It would be intercepted by the Pacific Ocean about 300 miles from launch point

anybody /live on the outskirts of a city and afraid that little fat fuck will be off target and land it right on your house/ here?

we would send some old draken warplanes to intercept it.

This might come as a surprise to you but space is full of electromagnetic radiation.

Gotta get past that dang ol ocean first man

You could die at any time, don't fear death it is a part of life.

i recon the US were developing laser based missile defense systems. Intercepting an ICBM before it reaches anything important is still hard as shit, your best option is always to literally obliterate your opponent before they can do anything else.

yes, missle defense is like 5 layers deep.

could it prevent a hundred or thousand? maybe not.

but 1? from getting to the US? the chances are good yes.

You guys saw the iron dome right? Don't we have that shit but on steroids for the explicit purpose of blocking nukes?

Yes, how would we get along without you? Especially with contributions such as this


No, it's very difficult

They need a target Portland Oregon.

This, if China launched a portion of there arsenal (because a lot would be sent at south korea, Japan, singapore, etc) at us we would still probably knock out 2/3 across the pacific. But if Russia loosed their arsenal of 2k+ we would be fucked.

for thaad which is like gen 1 tech from the 80's.
ticondaroga class cruisers' sm-3's have a much better rate.
then get past the patriot batteries.

>not SF
Hit it at it's heart you dumbass.

>every missile fired at our aircraft carriers, submarines, and Japan is successfully intercepted
>a nuke hits san francisco
>Mattis: "whoops, our missile defense system malfunctioned because of...uh...smog :^)"

You get drafted and die in WW3 if LA gets bombed.

This. Mother Earth would intercept it before we would have the chance.

Too many people, Portland area is about 2.5 million. If (((they))) nuked America it would be a Hiroshima-esque target, maybe 200k people

If the launch is detected in time, probably. Past that, it's like searching for a needle in a haystack. Ballistic missile interception works, spotting the missile is an entirely different story, efficiency numbers are inflated for purely commercial reasons, but actual efficiency is very low.

>10-14kT single warhead without any modern penetration aid systems
>on the rocket directly from 1950th
>could it be intercepted?
Are you seriously? It probably will drop to the ocean by itself.

If only it could reach NYC, imagine all those 1% jews getting nuked and all those niggs and mudslims

of course

The us can just deactivate the atoms you idiot.