Mods deleted Thread about (((White Genocide)))

So, fuck you mods. Here is another thread. This video was made by an American Sup Forumsack.

Watch, learn. Start eating healthy NOW, quit cigarettes and dope, and work out evey day! Prepare for whats comming.

Download the video, incase jewtube holocaust

Allahu Akbar, white people never deserve to exist anyway, fuck all whites, we all people my nigga, diversity is our strength fucking norwegian breivik racist, have respect of other cultures you cis scum

>"""White Genocide"""

Hello shills


When whites are gone,you are next on the jewish agenda

>muh shill here
>muh shill there
do you have cognitive dissonance that everytime something that offends you call shill

I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be cool and rational, but muh shill

You cannot stop white genocide, its the true redpill friend

Allahu Akbar faggot decadent west will fall

Why would jews eliminate us, we are good goys!

I suppose you are sarcastic. If not

>Muslim doing the jewish bidding

How's the third world treating you? Not well if you're calling for whites to be genocided I guess, fucking rice nigger.

Please, you filthy Muslims are the real infidels. Your heresy is named "Mohammedism." Follow the true path to God, and become Catholic

bump that last thread was up less than 3 mins

>I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be cool and rational
Old Sup Forums would engage people who disagreed in rational discussion and it's users would even play devil's advocate from time to time to help the other users form arguments against the opposition. Nu/pol/ are a bunch of faggots from reddit who came here, didn't lurk, and started posting with the belief that Sup Forums (and Sup Forums as a whole) are all about shitposting.

mohammed wasn't real you were tricked by jews lmaaaoooo. Arabs and all muslims were literally the first to be cucked by jews. BTFO faggots

>implying I'm not larping as a mohammed cuck worshipper when I am a proud catholicuck surviving in a muslim majority country

You got trolled fucking leaf
white people deserve genocide if they can't even tell the christcucks from the mudslimes

>not subhumans

They're ultracatholics nationalists anyways.

We may be third world, but we preserved our culture from political correctness. What have you done to fight against political correctness? Bitching about it in mongolian basketweaving forum, yeah, because thats the only good thing you probably only done in your life, shitposting while not taking decisive action against the scum that is ruining your country.

Trump is at least doing something for the betterment of your country, but you just call everyone shill muh shill because your rural retardness prevents you from thinking too much.

Your comfort is your enemy, stop being comfortable and do something good for your country

Yes, I was being sarcastic whiteboi, if i assume you are. I'm all for white race, if they stop being so dumb to import people to dilute their genepool

kek, I am catholic, just larping as a mohammedan to trigger you cucks
Deus Vult friend.

This is a good compilation video. I'm watching.


The video is enraging.


Remember to give a like to the creator if you can

I doubt it. It probably just 404'd because not interesting. I've reported 3 off-topic threads and they are still here.

ya i forgot that aloha snackbar is a catholic saying. fucking shitbrain.

annoying chinko micro dick pretending to be catholic lmao. Your ENTIRE country is cucked by mohammedans no wonder you want to act like one online.

i did. put the serbian remove kebab song in next one.
