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Was Jesus white?
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Hell nah
Filthy Hamite
Half white, because of his dad.
not likely
would say most likely semitic
slight chance of being barbary, greek, roman or syrian
very slim chance of being anything else
I'm a catholicuck and I worship Cesare Borgia
he was judean middle eastern and had long hair and did NOT look like a nigger, pic related has image and proof to back it up
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~Sup Forums and that based Estonian
Fuck you Nigger Kike
I think who gives a shit about some jew cultist?
Even snopes said you were wrong faggot
your not a true catholicuck
jewsus was white
hence the kikes murdered him
he was /ourguy/
also Good friday soon
he was 100% slav.
>And Jesus went into the temple of God
>and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple
>and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers
>and the seats of them that sold doves
Slavlife bestlife
Jesus was the son of a Jewish woman and an Aryan man.
Jesus was white
Jesus was not a Jew
Jesus probably looked like a Palestinian.
Probably, since he was sinless and a son of god.
That portrait is that one king's son who was a massive nutcase
Pretty sure Jesus was brown
You are crazy to say that without evidence
You ever notice how "hot" lightens the skin?
How long before it's in the news?
>tfw jews so btfo they call the cops.