Is it time to bring back the confederacy? Why should some retards in DC control our lives rather than people the locals? States rights! Libs get their liberal utopias and we get them to fuck off to different states rather than ruin ours. Shame that it's associations have made it go the way of national socialism, time for freedom from the federal govt
Confederate States
Still the flag of a traitor country
Fuck that.
Our country is built on treason against a foreign authority, you oaf.
My country is founded on finders keepers but that doesn't mean I want to give it to Asians
Fine, but don't pretend that it's different when they do it.
The deceleration of independence is. Have you read "OUR" constitution
Don't be a fag. Best way to MAGA is to free the country from the tyrannical federal govt.
Not sure what you're trying to say mate
Confederates fucked everything up, there were some good figureheads in there as people but they did more damage than good as a group and pretty much ended up setting in motion the things that prevented blacks from being sent back to Africa after they were freed from slavery.
You wouldnt happen to be a libertarian?
Liberal here. I grew up in Alabama and I already did fuck off to a liberal utopia in another state. So...Yeah, sure guys, carry on. You have my full support.
Well it sure wasn't CSA that cut Sambo loose.
They already failed, we had to rewrite our whole constitution because of it
>i grew up learning the commie version of U.S.A history
Do you like it when the retards in DC stick their cocks down your throat? The swamp people are the absolute dumbest people in the world and if even Trump couldn't drain them, then nobody will. We are being cucked
You can't have a homogeneous society with slavery, it's just a matter of time before it destroys that society, you know as well as I do that Lincoln intended fully to send them all back to keep the U.S. white
Still hold many of the ideals but realize it's not a coherent position anymore
Ill tell you what its going to take m8 since youre being chill and i know that you are not a shill. Every race needs to be proud of where they came. If every state was National Socialist but tollerant and not over aggressive the world would be perfect. Adolf Hitler did maybe one thing wrong. Thats it. That's the game plan. It worked. It will work again.
Move national socialism to more of the middle of the political spectrum, where it should be. And that's a good start.
The South was a couple decades from being completely run over by niggers. Lincoln bought us a century, fucking degenerate plantation owners bred niggers like rabbits. If the North ddint do what they did there would be 200 million niggers here right now.
I've been leaning more and more in that direction. Realistically it's the best option and probably the future. I've been interested for a while but I'm hesitant to throw my support behind it just yet as I don't know if it's feasible at the moment. Shit pisses off though as the two movements I'm most interested in are being smeared as racist
Maybe we try it this time with out the slavery. I don't want to enslave people I just want to take the power away from the federal govt and give it back to the states.
And here I am just wanting to kill niggers,
I'm sure Alabama or NC will still allow that. See there's something for everyone
Fuck off shill
Don't go with the heard mentality. Were not racist. Were seperatists. I just want my people to be proud people again .
Just fucking try it, treason monkeys.
Confederacy is second best nation ever after Nazi Germany
It was nearly 45% nigger.
I hope you get stung in the chest by a gang of stingrays- Uncle Sam
I'm not racist, I very much agree we should protect and be proud of our culture though
>we shouldve sent them back
>we shouldve kept the oil
Two biggest mistakes in U.S history besides letting women drive
No. The south has changed. The flag is still great. It is more of a lifestyle, fuck the city dwellers.
Buddy my great great granddad immigrated to Minnesota from Germany in 1860. He fought for the union. I don't want to secede I want the states to have more power and the federal govt to have much less. No reason the dumbass cocksuckers in DC who rely entirely on groupthink should have this much power over us. I mean they are absolutely retarded
>Lincoln intended fully to send them all back
This is a complete lie
No sauce faggot. Ive got the quote right in front of me. Try me
nope he wanted to get them the fuck out, but the chimps said "they wuz amerikan an sheeit"
One quote doesn't make up for the 14th amendment. An early draft of which Lincoln was working with congress on before he was killed. You don't give rights to slaves then ship them overseas user. Does your quote also contain appropriations from congress for buying land in Africa? Supplies for a colony of millions? An unprecedented amount of shipping to move the millions across the ocean in a timely manner?
The costs of such an operation alone would probably exceed the costs of the civil war itself but tell me how your quote somehow negates all that?
Bring back (((Judah P. Benjamin)))
yeah, a jew was why the confederacy lost, not that the confederate army didn't seize washington dc when they had the fucking chance...
Funny that the person that killed him was one for keeping them here. He goes down. They stay. No one said anything about cost or congress.
>Lincoln said he wanted to send them back
Thats all i said. Thankyou for confirming
Advisor to Jefferson Davis, the Kissinger of the Confederacy.
>Did nothing
How much are you being payed to post here? Im fucking serious, you cant shill a shill and i want to know if im being compensated fairly
Man you scrambled to come up with that one didn't you? I didn't confirm anything because you never showed me your quote.
I think you're mistaken. It's the rural and suburban retards that have hikacked our country. SMART and INTELLIGENT people voted for Hillary.
Two relies for one post what a blessing. Now I know you dont know shit.
You're upset because she was a junior senator in New York that voted the same way everyone else did? Wow. How edgy. How Bernie Sanders of you.
A history teacher at my school had one in his class, when he was told to take it down by the principle he defended it and being a history teacher made a fucking good case. But the PC bullshit at our school wouldn't hear any of it.
>Shit pisses off though as the two movements I'm most interested in are being smeared as racist
Right. And that's not by accident. The two movements that hold the ethical and philosophical keys to modern liberty are "forbidden fruit". Really makes you think. Who made them "forbidden fruit"?
We should never have let it fall to begin with.
Time to finish what we started in '61 and stomp the cursed alliance once and for all.
I think we all know (((who))). Nationalism died after the holocaust just like our civil liberties disappeared after 9/11. Liberty is actively being stamped out in the name of humanitarianism.