When did you first realize Trump was just a NWO in disguise?

>Trump, can we have a wall?

A barricade? What do you need a fence for?
I can't believe my own son wants my last rail.
Help! Police! A madman is trying to kill me over a curb!

When did you first realize that OP IS A MASSIVE FAGGOT?

oh look another shill thread trying to de-rail trump

Oh look, another jew.

Shill back to /r/the_donald with you.

When he started saying what shillary thought

>>trying to manipulate Trump's promise of being non-interventionist in hopes of turning Trump voters away via making the impression that Trump is working with the Jews

B8 m8

Reminder that the donald cucks are subverting us.

Out cuck! OUT!


not buying it

>using a photoshoop to subvert
nigger he just shilled for NATO

When he let the Clintons off the hook right after getting elected. Do you remember the pathetic rationalizations we've seen on Sup Forums back then?

> I-it's 69d chess, he's lulling her into a false sense of safety so that she doesn't flee the country.
> He's gonna lock her up after the inauguration, for sure!

good post. We will se in the coming weeks if trump realy is a kike

I wonder how much American taxpayers money he will give to Israel.

The last weeks weren't enough? How many more weeks of contradicting his promises do "we" need?

the wall is going to keep as many faggots in as it is going to keep out and the funny thing is that people on either side are going to be longing for the other

We did that in Germany too.

that's how I know


>good job schlomo
>the goyim will never know
Hurt your feelings because your daddy is getting criticized?

On a related note, what happened to Hillary? What is she doing nowadays?


When he started filling his cabinet with bankers.

im fucking her
Pretty good lay desu



>When did you first realize Trump was just a NWO in disguise?
As soon as he passed an executive order ban people from 7 mid-east countries, build the pipeline from Canada, eviscerate the EPA, and set global warming fucks back 2 decades.
It was obvious he was for a NWO and freeing of the OWO.

It's simple enough.


Really... on Sup Forums??
Derail the president of the US with one post on Sup Forums
Get over it cockhead.
What happened to this place.. to Sup Forums?
A place where people redpilled, where they sought and revealed truth no matter how harmful or what agenda.
Trump was supported here because he connected with us and talked and promised at a level that transgressed official party lines and agendas.
He's since not yet delivered. He may still, he has 3 years 8 months.
Is it too much to expect that the people you support and vote for based on what they've said and represented themselves to be actually deliver on that??
And if they don't and behave in the opposite direction, should they not be criticised?
You're the shill, you're the one who is blind and blue pilled blind devotion is just as bad as swollowing the globalist Jew agendas


The taxonomy of Trump supporters is now fairly clear. Only reddit "intellectuals" still support him. Goddamn I love how Sup Forums is always right.

>freeing of the OWO
sounds good to me

You have no idea how many of us have tried to explain this to the redditors here, yet all we fucking get in return is


I actually used to think they had potential to be redpilled. Boy was I way fucking off.

Because you were doing it wrong. Those people won't listen to reason, nor will they listen to criticism. I liked the approach against Hillary back then, "draft my daughter" and stuff like that. I think it could work to just take their stances and exaggerate them so much that sane people will eventually realize how stupid that is. They praise Trump? Let's praise him even more, let's ignore every contradiction, let's glorify war on Syria and NK to such an extent that people start to think "eh... hold on a sec, is that really what I wanted?"

Till Eulenspiegel tactics.