Fillon is, vote fillon to MFGA
Le Pen is NOT far-right
Also he is winning
Why waste vote on losers like makek?
bump, le pen is a rural and suburban centrist retard
fuck off
t. commie
>LePen isn't far-right
The okd tranny is alt-right as in catering to right wingers as more of them are anti-EU and rascist.
>not shareblue bs
Le Pen is anti-immigration. That's all that matters.
Fillon is a jewish candidate, even more so than Macron. He wants to raises taxes for the poor and lower them for the riches. The worst kind of cuckservative.
It's not about choosing the most right wing candidate you fucking hue. It's about choosing the candidate that shows they want the best for the country, not only themselves or the select few.
Of course positions of power are going to give themselves and friends preferential treatment and you have to look past that to what's the best for the people of a country.
Fillon is anti-immigration too, but can actually get things through congress
Fillion is pro-EU, an organization that has explicitly stated its intention to force the countries in it to accept migrants. He's the French version of a neo-con, he'll talk big to appease the goyim then allow the left to do what it wants.
>place an ugly picture of her on the bottom of the shill pic
wow monkeys sure learn fast huehue
If I need some insight into the intricacies of futebol I'll ask you. In the meantime kys faggot. Note that Fillon is not the worst candidate.
"Far Right" is just a European code word for anyone who doesn't have a muslim dick in their mouth.
this guy gets it
>Macron less capitalist than Asselineau
He let in so many shitskins when he was prime minister.
Literally a cuckservative.
And the ones who refuse to do so will be promptly told they have to go back
He had no power back them, he will be president now and set the agenda, unlike le cohabitation who will be a cucked president with no legislative support.
Fuck this.
I don't want more shitskins. I want less of them.
I'm glad I don't get to vote. There's a tough choice: Le Pen, the only anti-mass immigration candidate (who would wreck the economy), or Fillon, the only sensible one when it comes to the economy and lessening the burden of regulation (who is pro immigration). Whatever, at least my country has a good president... for now.
>imying that wouldn't be a good thing
>boo hoo hoo muh fairness
Mélanchon supporter detected
>prime minister of France has no power over immigration
Yeah sure.
She needs to kill europe, this is more than France at this stage, its about the white race and culture.
sure hes good for France, but Le Pen is good of everyone
something I haven't considered. The EU needs to go and Le Pen might kill it
And how will Le Pen change the laws all by herself? FN will be cucked in the 2nd round votes in most districts and get few seats and everyone will vow to "Resist Le Penpf" and try to sabotage her, while Fillon would have large enough legislative support to enact some positive changes. He's the rightmost viable candidate, and his victory would be an incentive for his party to become tougher on immigration.
As a cucked president with a legislative minority cohabitating with a PM from another party, what will Le Pen do? (that Fillon won't, sincw both are pro-russia and so on)
Not back then when there was no momentum, public support and Sarkozy called the shots
She has said, she'll impose impossible restrictions to the EU,effectively killing the relationship with the EU. You all seem to have forgotten the real problem here. its the FUCKING EU!
You don't get it.
Fillon said multiple times he's pro-immigration and when he was in charge he let in thousands of shitskins. He's also a fucking traitor to his country for not resigning after Sarkozy signed treaty of Lisbon (despite the NO of the 2005 referendum).
Everything he said or did indicate he's a massive cuck pro-UE and nigger cock lover.
Why should I vote for a guy like him while I'm anti-immigration?
dont worry people will see how trump is now acting like every other politician and breaking promises and revert back to the old "same-same-but-different-lesser-of-two-evils-why-even-vote" timeline mentality.
do the smart thing and pray WW3 comes and levels the entire globe. im done.
Ignore the shills
Only Le Pen can MFGA
That was in the past. He's moving right on this now and the whole party will if he wins
How bad Le Pen going to be stomped in the second round?
Sup Forums true candidate
Ask the Le Pen bots what she did to her father.
Ask the Le Pen bots what she wants for the economy: more welfare, more handouts and therefore more migrants and niggers.
You have to understand, that in France being against PC culture (like Donald was) means going against what the leftist bullies want to make non-negotiable. Fillon is a madman. He wants to tear down the welfare state, make the EU a bitch that is only focused on trade and has no pretense of becoming a country (reform the treaties and cuck the commissioners).
Fillon has understood something: migrants come to France because they are lazy subhumans baboons. He knows that everything is co-dependent upon killing the incentives that bring them here in the first place.
He is a strong statesman. A visionary man, a friend of the white race and a god-fearing Christian. By all means, François Fillon is our guy.
Sup Forums didn't know him because Juppé the cuck was said to be the landslide winner. Instead that islamic loving cock sucker has lost 66% to 33% against Fillon.
all hail the IMPERATOR FILLON - God-King of France.
Yeah he's totally not signalling vapidly to steal votes away from Le Pen...
That was all in the past goys he's changed now!
Le Cuck (Pen) =
>civic nationalism
>no muslim and nigger rights taken away
>no muslim and nigger deportations
>niggers continue to interbreed with whites
>muslims still outbreed native French
God Emperor Fillon of France =
>welfare and gibs taken away
>niggers and muslims leave france
>France still has a chance of being great again
Inb4 "muh no dual citizenship for Israelis":
The Jews can say that they renounce their Israeli citizenship to keep the French, and easily get it Israeli one back right after
She can't control her own daughter - pic related.
Let alone the nuclear codes or immigration
victims of islamic terror in the west... appealing to young French voters....fucking schocking
also nice try samefag
>civic nationalism
Fillon is a bourgeois faggot that will never understand the people like Marine does
Liberals are cunts
Putain de coco dégénéré.
Don't ever utter the word "bourgeois" or any variation thereof when appealing to working class people.
Vote le pen, i have some money on her winning.
She can still be a nationalist you autistic retard
Captcha just fucking KNOWS sometimes.
Please dear french people, elect everyone but Macron, he's a dicksucker
I'm not a commie don't you worry pal
And how about dyed hair, choker and dyke look? MLP is trash.
Isn't Mélenchon pretty against the EU?
Police your language, Augusto is resting uneasy.
It is, but he may have the intention to make the VI republic with even more cucked and civic constitution. Fillon is the best, because he wants to destroy the welfare state.
Mélenchon means good life for subhuman niggers and arabs.
Wassup Depardieu?
Fillon is a globalist puppet.
Marine is the only choice.
Halting the genoicde of the French people > Economics of any kind
>shilling for this cuck again
did something happen to Macron's odds?
He's pretending to be against it. He want to edit the treaties, but you need the approval of the 28 countries to do it. Nothing more than a crypto commie
Disgusting. In my girlfriend's college in Bordeaux every single one of her brainwashed friends supports this fucking pinko like he's some sort of savior and will basically lynch you if you're pro Le Pen.
We aren't fighting for the right, we're fighting for the continued existence of our races, nations, and peoples.
No, we need a Frexit.
If France pulls out of the EU, it will be one giant step closer to crumbling to the ground. Do not fuck this up frogs.
lepen is pol
>Le Pen, the only anti-mass immigration candidate
Didier Tauzin wants to stop mass immigration altogether for at least 20 years. He is "who?" tier but I'm just saying.
Source of your stats? Melanchon is literally ahead of Fillon.
I bet money on LePen, frogs, what are her chances?
the fuck is this?
Any spanish speakers wanna translate?
Why did you girlfriend come to study in France? Non-STEM education is disgusting outside of SciencePo
all honest patriots should support the FN regardless, because it's the closest to their views
Asselineau for example is a fake anti-EU and fake patriot because he won't support Le Pen even if their programs have 90% in common
Can you translate this for me?
Vote Macron cause he's CUTE
Yes, fucker shamelessly steals from the whole country, let's reward him with the presidency
He deserves nothing but the guillotine
"Yes, France is a country of immigration, some immigrants have been assimilated and have become more French than the French who welcomed them"
disgusting traitor
Thanks. Almost believed that liar when he said Fillon was anti-immigrant.
>Asselineau for example is a fake anti-EU
he's not. Being anti-FN is just a strategy to be liked by the media
Come on France, vote frexit, you know it makes sense. Shadilay my brothers!!!
She's French.
Actually French or? And you? Diaspora?
It's not just about being far right, they need leaders that are anti EU. Countries need to be more independent without international organizations telling them how things should happen.
normie; the chart
Le Pen won't solve the race problem. That's the thing
Sarkozy is out and the PS is dying.
The election is already won as far as I'm concerned.
>Current year
>not François Asselineau
vote Asselineau to make france great again
Wasn't Fillion involved in some kind of corruption scandal where he admitted to crimes punishable by up to 10 years in federal prison?
Le Pen vs Mélenchon in second turn, screencap this
Brussels and Germany on suicide watch. EU is finished
Can't even hide the fact you're a kike. Back to Israel you go.
not leaving eu = i don't give a fuck
we see already how ''god emperor'' trump is selling out
Fillon is the same party as Sarkozy ''French people should forcefully mix''
he's a cuck and so are you for supporting him
He will sell France to niggers out of the "competition", instead of "muh diversity".
Much improvement.
Fillon is also a liberaha.
He will sell his mother for shekels from transnational "jahbgivers". Not to say about country.
Fuck off, left-right isn't important now. We need to dismantle the EU asap, then we'll continue with these details.
>Voting for a thief.
NDA for the first round
Le Pen for the 2nd round
If the 2nd round is Macron against Fillon, then I will vote for Macron although I hate him.
I remember the Faillon shills who came a few months ago, trying to rally pol behind their cuck.
> NDA for the first round
The French jeb Bush.
> W-we're taking v-votes from the Nnational Front because we have the same program, but we're not racists like them !
I'm sure they put that cuck there ONLY to call people to vote for Macron/Fillon on round 2.
Gloire a Marine !!!!!!
>Cheminade more leftist than mekenchon
>dupont-aignan more rightist than lepen.
How mad do you think she is about her daughter having brown eyes?
If you're talking about Marion, she's her niece, not her daughter.
And Sup Forums don't listen when people said she won't be in le pen's government.
Better forget about her.
Oh right, my mistake.
Where did the brown come from though?