Just beautiful
The Art of the Deal is a genius piece of literature
I've grown old waiting
H-he'll deliver, just wait, you'll see, he said he would..
Paise Kek
i-it's just 5d chess! yeah, 4d chess!
look it sa sign from kek we must believe maga maga maga!!!!
haha guys this is so funny we are totally trolling thse pol nazis loL! man i love my unemployed life dont you guys do too, discord? haha :^)
what discord sevber you on user?
1. There will be no massive intervention on the ground in Syria
2. Assad will eventually win, but beating his head with a stick taught him some humility.
What Trump did was basically "beat a guy on your first day in prison to show strength". It does not matter which guy.
p.s. Obama established the image that US presidents are pussies who talk big and do nothing. Reversing that quick is for everybody's benefit.
prepare for le master trollers to respond to you with "go back to r/the_donald"
Influence teams pls go
Activated my almonds
It's pretty nice. All credit to the Jewish dude who ghostwrote it for Trump:
That works only with goods though, usa isn't one person they didn't all elected him expecting the same outcome even though he's a faggot
The question is who exactly is he conning? He's conning someone right now but I'm not sure if it's the kikes or us. I'll wait to see what happens to Bannon. If he gets canned we'll know the kikes have assumed direct control of the administration. If he isn't canned then there's some hope yet, but right now? Yeah, he'll be done before the week is out. Fucking (((Kushner))) man, no idea why he let Ivanka marry a card carrying member of a radical goy hating heeb sect. I mean, they all hate us goys, but the sect he's a part of makes the others look like they suck goy cock!
I get that, but he could have done it in a much better way. Then again with the fucking (((neocons))) breathing down his neck and that video of the Kennedy assassination that we've never seen before...
what exactly has he not delivered?
How could he have done it better? Throwing a bone to the left and the neocons seems like it's a good move, and now that we know he doesn't want to go into Syria, it doesn't seem like things can get any worse.
immigration policy
repeal and replace
'drain the swamp'
He has delivered a lot for establishment Republicans and for "main street" businessmen... sort of.
Congress is balking and Ryan is kind of an obstruction.
He literally has to wade through highly viscous bullshit to get things done through congress.
The House has done absolutely jack shit.
Senate confirmed Gorsuch but has been slow on Trump's cabinet.
Refugee ban
Repeal and replace obamacare
NATO involvement
Defunding sanctuary cities
No kike war
not interfering with the middle east, for one
It's there in black and white. He WILL get around to it
>I get that, but he could have done it in a much better way.
I think it's that it was the first occasion. Your first action always creates an IMAGE that is hard to undo (because people's mental map of you is empty at that point and the first data sets the prior parameters). Now everybody knows and Trump can show more deliberation on all other occasions.
forgot about draining the swamp when his whole cabinet is the swamp
>bankers, globalists, jews, neocons
Give him time with the wall, that was always going to take at least 6 months to get started. And he's done some good work with immigration.
We're catching on real quick.
Trump is not able to deliver.
do you not realize how long the process for all that shit takes?
spend a fucking day in your state legislator and you'll understand
It hasn't even been a year, you impatient baby.
Draining the swamp was a policy which he enacted that put a 5 year ban on politicians in the executive office from becoming lobbyist. Fuck off kike.
Shillary in prison for starter
Is there really nothing left on this board but shills? Really makes me kind of sad. Can't even get a decent thread anymore without my hurr durr drumpf is a conman. I honestly supported him but look how bad he's failing. The man has been in office for 3 months and has fulfilled more promises than most presidents do with two terms in office. So shills keep shilling I guess if it pays the bills, but just know it's falling on deaf ears.
They can shill all they want. He's elected and there's nothing they can do about it for the next four years.
fuck off sharia blue
Fast enough to make your head spin?
sounds like democracy
pretty sure he never said that
Dude if it's true, it doesn't matter if Reddit says it.
Trump hasn't delivered on shit.
ITT genderless libtards only have three months worth of patience in a possible eight year term.
I'm 38, I remember Ronald Reagans speeches being on TV when I was a kid, it was AMAZING SHIT, but NOTHING ever came of it.
How long do we have to wait before those who speak against corruption and cronyism do more than speak?
>lobbying ban
>wall takes longer than 3 months
>economy is bustling, China stopped buying coal from NK and buys American coal now
>foreign policy is going fine, stop getting butthurt about a fucking airfield
>gb2 reddit
Yep....All can be done in 3 months guys. I'm absolutely 100% ShareBlue about it.
Thank you for posting this.
So far after Trumps public statement on Syria I still stand behind him. He may or may not know it was a false flag but trying to sell that wasn't so easy.
Now he has it on open terms that he will rek anyone who crosses him.
Imagine if the terrorists in Syria try to false flag another chemical attack. he can nuke them from orbit and call it out this time because he's proven he will attack the government if they do it.
it actually sets him up in a good way.
China turned around and put the leash back on North Korea for us.
(not that I don't like North Korea. I think they are a great nationalist country who just want to be left the fuck alone, and we antagonize them constnatly)
The Syria issue was unfortunate, but it made complete sense as a longer term political move. Demonstrating that he'll use force without hesitation shows that he's not a pussy like Obama.
LAMO 88D Chess master piece praise keke
Ronald Reagan coerced Russia into allowing Germany to unite and almost singlehandedly ended the cold war and gave our country some of the best relief from nuclear tension we have ever seen.
He also started the war on drugs and crippled inner city law enforcement for years even up until today it's effects are ruining lives that only needed guidance instead of punishment.
Saying he did nothing is just silly.
Just one off Praise kike #MAGA
>beating his head with a stick taught him some humility
I'm sure bad boy Assad has learnt a lot
My community here is a rail road town, most of our high paying jobs involves the rail road and the rail road ships coal as its bread and butter.
Trump negotiated more coal being shipped to China while simultaneously dealing with "wmd" in the middle east and dealing with a nuclear power in NK AND confirming a conservative judge into the scotus.
Fuck off shill.
he was anti second amendment as well, but he damn sure paid the greatest lip service to freedom, liberty and bullshit like that.
He talked about it on the campaign trail, but did he do it?
Kek, the shills are as happy as we are, user.
I'm not defending him.
I actually fucking hate him. He's one of the most two-faced presidents to ever enter office and was a lying hypocrite.
He certainly didn't do nothing and managed to do some form of good for the human race.
My point is Trump will likely be the same scenario.
I would take a burning dumpster full of fresh Indian diarrhea over Hillary Clinton.
>Trump negotiated more coal being shipped to China
I still find this amazing, they have fucking shitloads of coal and they just took it.
Trump is a master salesman.
If I could go back in time and tell 2006 myself that I would become a CIA-sympathizing gun-running advocate, I think old me would an hero the both of us.
that's a lot of poo user, you might have to shovel 2 designated shitting streets.
Aren't you guys getting sleepy? We should all have a nice warm glass of milk and hit the hay.
Trump didn't actually write the book tho, he paid some other guy to write it.
wow so much for his cabinet nigger
2/10 shilling
Atleast make an argument you retard.
He's president, does it matter if we catch on?
we can't do shit about it now
>implying nazis don't need love too
Are these shills even human?
The Art of the Deal is real. Look how he got China to turn on North Korea.