How to spot a retard from r/the_donald:

How to spot a retard from r/the_donald:
>Calls everyone who criticize Trump's treacherous, neocon, Zionist behaviour a Shareblue shill
>Completely oblivious to the JQ
>Unironically shills for Israel

How do we deal with the r/the_donald problem?

Other urls found in this thread:

don't forget redit spacing in their posts

where they separate every point with a double break

like this

to make it easier to read i guess

Shut the fuck up, shareblue kike

shouldn't you be worrying about your people going extinct?

i do this

am i a reddit?

Israel is our ally in the Middle East

Ovens for you, (((mr. divide-and-conquer)))

Just downvote and move on.

>How do we deal with the r/the_donald problem?

gas them, of course.

hese moves are multi-faceted, like light from a prism, going in different directions. There are not errant, nor chaotic, yet travel in a predetermined course. If you change the position of the prism, naturally, you will change the trajectory of the light emitting from the prism.

While I cannot in any way claim to understand the myriad of courses these interactions are running, I do have a concrete foundation in trusting that things will go as best as they are able. This trust is born from trusting in God and knowing that He has put the world leaders in place and that He put President Trump in place.

With all of the past actions that have taken place since President Trump took office, the latest being the missile strike, I have remained confident that the course of action was correct for the greater good and for a better outcome in the following times.

I do not know the mind that comes up with these plans, yet I do see the character of the man, President Trump, and how he has remained the same from yesterday to today. His actions insofar have proven that he takes this job of his seriously, and while there may be odd seeming occurrences, that does not mean that they are, perhaps I have not looked at all possible angles in the situation and the desired outcome.

Finally, my faith in God has not wavered, nor has my confidence in the one that He has placed into office.

le upboated!

wonderful post, my alt-right-knight 'pede sir!

No, shariablue is falseflagging and trying to make "reddit spacing" to make it harder for us to express our longer thoughts in an organized manner.

It's all part of (((their))) plan to make the board even more unreadable and suppress our more well-thought out thoughts.

kindly off yourself

I've figured out why The_Donald posters are so poorly suited to Sup Forums. They don't understand shitposting. On a fundamental level it confounds them. So when they see shitposting they scream "shill" because that's the only explanation that makes sense.

Kill yourself, shill kike. We're not falling for your plan to make Sup Forums unreadable.

Hi plebbitnigger now fuck off stop trying to fit in

Trump was ok, but everything that made Trump great were just the views of Bannon being expressed through Trump. If Bannon leaves or is fired Trump will go full neo-con guaranteed, screen-cap this.

Bannon has already been fired, no?

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. It's been fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn these past few weeks. But seriously, we can't let him get the nuclear codes.

This crew sample meme is pathetic. You have to go back.


They tend to call Assad a sandnigger, and call anybody who supports him a "mudslime lover" or a "traitor" easiest way to spot a zionist loving kike. Lets not forget "4D chess lmao"

Isn't r/the_donald just Sup Forums-lite? As far as I'm concerned they just need to lurk moar. At the least, they're useful for relaying shit to reddit normies.

>Trump was ok, but everything that made Trump great were just the views of Bannon being expressed through Trump

When i first saw /r/the_donald , i thought a bunch of you faggots decided to fuck around with reddit and do a takeover, then again its probably Sup Forums.

Also you /r/the_donald is basically blind trump propaganda. You cant deal with it and you cant fix them, you can just look at them drool.

Looks like Kek wants you cancerous redditfags out of here.

>This kills the shill

Nope. There's a lot of misinformation going on in some posts about it but definitely not, and Trump has stated that he will not fire Bannon.

Confirmed reddit t_d has got to leave.

Kek agrees.

This is true. Ironic too. Trump has surounded himself with neocons and Bannon's plight is perhaps evidence of this. He also presents his puckered asshole for Netanyahu's sexual pleasure.

well there you have it


I've been doing this on here before reddit existed.

welp, time to go crew

Looks like I have to go back

This is what I've been waiting for.


Kek confirms t_d but must go back

The quints of chemotherapy removing the cancer

>bullshit only newfags from reddit would swallow
>to talk shit about reddit
you faggots are really going places. wanna prove your an oldfag by shilling for hill?

Oy vey, my cover is blown.

Divide and conquer.

Upvoting for Sweden

Wow, Kek wills it.


now kill yourself

bumping for faggot redditors to see

Shill for Hill? Are you kidding me? You fuckers are the dumbest of the dumb Trump supporters. He could take on Hillary or Jeb's platform completely now and you guys would still shill for him because you are basically cucks.



They don't believe in free speech

Rebbit kike asskissers need to fuck off

It IS fucking easier to read

I've always done this and now I get called a fucking redditor all the time.


Fundamentally different. T_D do not understand Chaos or the beauty of shitposting for the sake of shitposting. At risk of sounding like a colossal fagcunt, they don't 'get' the lulz.

>pushing the Sup Forums really is racist meme

this gentlemen, is a shill. Abstract times we live in

They were born of the Trump movement, so they assume that we're all trump supporters as well, failing to understand we've been shitposting things long before Kek came on the scene.

kushner is influencing him tho

This is reverse psychology. I've seen screencaps and reddit posts that confirm reddit is raiding this board to make it anti trump.

However it doesn't matter. FORM YOUR OWN OPINIONS.
That's what we're supposed to be about anyways. You're all so concerned with sifting through lies and conspiracy and yet this board is such a hivemind.

If you were all honest and diligent in your pursuit of truth, it wouldn't matter who was raiding.

>Shill for Hill?
Trumpcucks haven't realised they're the new Hill Shills that will overlook every single thing their idol does because they think voting for kike puppet A is better than kike puppet B

I double space because I write in Markdown all the time..



Former trump voted here. Honestly it's hilarious watching Trump crash and burn like this. But seriously, we can't let him near the /r/esist discord channel where we shareblue our masturbative revolution fantasies and project our insecurities onto people we don't know on the internet



This is what Joel Olstein faith has done to Christianity. Ugh. Did you not read revelations? Christ died 2000 years ago user we've had so long for Satan to whisper his lies in our ears

I'll just leave this here

you can't


Muh goy emperor

Downboated. All shills are known Spencerfats

>Obsessed with identifying other redit users
>obsessed with ingroup-outgroup dynamics
>obsessed with virtue signaling monitoring other people's use of spaces
>unironically denies the well documented existence of russian shills, and leftist shills


Where I'm from we call those kinds of people F A G G O T S

Hello Vladimir, another day another ruble, huh?


white and based

W-we will be alright, r-right?


fuck off t_d, you are shilling along with shareblue if you are too retarded to notice

I unironically love the shitposting that goes on here. Its a real art form and it makes me chuckle every time. I know everyone likes to shit on Sup Forums but this place is great and I love you guys.

the only way you'd know that's how they format their posts on reddit would be if you use reddit

ya dumb faggot


>thousands of shills
jesus christ the delusion

Are you fucks even trying? Crew sample proxy Sweden.
Fuck me you are shit at this and to be shit at shit posting on pol is really saying something.

The best part about these lefties larping is that they will get used to throwing out kike and nigger without a second thought. Eventually while chatting with their liberal friends they will throw it out ironically, in jest. Of course their friends won't find it funny at all and friendships will be ruined. They think they're subverting us, when we're really subverting them.

by redpilling them. They're easier to wake up than libcucks are. The biggest problem with them is they still think the Republican/Democrat thing makes a difference and that Trump or any elected official isn't simply a Jew puppet

Been thinking this and Kek confirms. The shills are actually happy with Trump now and are probably shilling FOR trump not against him at this point

such is life on Sup Forums