Is he Sup Forums approved?
Honest thoughts about PJW?
I think he's good entry tier red pill material but doesn't give much substance
outside of racial topics, yes
his main asset is that he redpills 13-18 year olds and pushes neutral people over the edge into rightwing shit
need a quick rundown on why people repost this shit every hour
Here we go ...
No but Paula is
I literally came here to post about the main stream meteor.
My friend is obsessed with him and I don't know why. Probably because he's Jewish and freaks out anytime I bring up the jq
paula Josephine is sexy as fook. imajun ma shawk when ma payneis gayts rawk hawd
All his points are valid. The way he chooses to deliver them is cheesy and obnoxious
Trahps ahe thah new countah culturrr
He is entry level babies first redpill. Also his video are pretty viral.
He is /ourguy/
I think he does a good job, but so does Ben Shapiro
Anyone who criticizes Trump after being a big supporter is good in my book. He isn't completely blinded by the cult of personality, which is good. Even if he might be wrong.
female pjw is hot
So demure but devious. Would hate fuck.
Male PJW is hot. I'm not gay but give the guy some credit.
you nazi larpers dare make fun of the MAYNE STREEM METEOR?!
>300 replies incoming
No he isn't Sup Forums approved. Sage.
>Anyone who criticizes Trump after being a big supporter is good in my book. He isn't completely blinded by the cult of personality, which is good. Even if he might be wrong.
Good thing we have you to warn us about that "cult of personality", eh? The rest of us fools were completely blinded by it.
according to new research 99% Sup Forums watches PJW
Kind of hate how he had to clarify he isn't "entirely off" after getting shit on.