Why is Japan still allowing blatant child porn comics?
Won't someone think of the children?
Why is Japan still allowing blatant child porn comics?
Won't someone think of the children?
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Would you prefer they go out and actually molest real children rather than fap to comics? You're a monster.
Not an argument
These authors of said comics like pic related are clearly pedophiles and should be castrated
mods are sleeping.
you know what to do bois
Last time I did that I got a visit from the local PD and all my shit seized
So you want to criminalize thoughts too? Even more of a monster.
Sounds like reaction formation to me desu. You a pedo, user?
reminder that those type of thread are a clever way for OP to start a pedo thread with lewd anime girl without getting his thread deleted
sage and hide is the recommended action
Why are you pushing censorship with no proof of adverse effects of the comics?
Did you face any charges?
Yet you own these same comics that supposedly offend you.
There's no children involved, it's just drawings.
Admit the real reason you're against this is that you want a pretext to ban Muhammed cartoons you mudslime.
I do think of them
...when i fap
Solve the problems on your land first, pinko.
the author of that one is a woman
You can't castrate her
got any examples?
They just want another step to ban the drawing of Muhammed in any form. The religion of peace cannot be defied, otherwise they will allahu akbar us.
That's not true, only men can be that filthy.
But you can do mutilation to her, according to the religion of piss' logic
they are thinking of the children. just not in a way you want them to
Ootska reika is a godess
Because in most places of japan you can fuck a 13 yo (but not in the pussy)
/pol - How dare you corrupt and ruin a child's life!
child grows up to be a leftist
/pol - I hope this faggot dies a horrible death
The virtue signaling here by /pol is comical and pathetic.
Just save a real child before Anime/manga, faggot
reminder the laxer porn laws get the lesser sex crimes there are
Source? I need to think of the children.
>child porn comics
See that's the great thing about real life. YOU don't get to change the definition of words.
I blame T_D who just sees what the new SJW trend is and does the complete opposite
>being this retarded
children are VERY MALLEABLE
All men are attracted to these girls. All it takes is seeing it once. If you've even so much of heard of loli you'll go and look at it eventually, just give it time. Funny thing is more people will be exposed to it thanks to these articles.
Need I say more?
>shit tier asian thinking anything he says has any value
You're REALLY new here, aren't cha?
Japanese soul - yamato damashii - is pedophile. I have a proof.
Greatest work of Japanese literature is Genji Monogotari (Tale of Genji). Those fake Chinks adore that book.
The main character Genji fucks a little girl (called Murasaki) so hard that her womb gets destroyed and she never bears a child. Sad. At the same time Genji is the ideal man imagine in Japan.
Btw he also fucked his stepmother because she reminded him his own mother.
Japs have a tradition of pedophilia, like Muslims (but Afghan muslims prefer little boys over little gels. they have a thing for micro penis in their mouth)
>thought crime thread
Statist vermin
Before the Olympics in 2020, Japan will have to really clean its act up. I'm sure things like these will be banned.
Nevermind, found it myself.
The name is "I don't need feminism because I love my big brother's dick!"
>shit-tier asian thinking
so if young children are left on their own to leftists, will they not be leftists? are they to become nazis as they grow up around leftists so as to justify the state becoming their guardians?
Nope. They have already had the Olympics several times in Japan.
gonna need a source asap
>"I don't need feminism because I love my big brother's dick!"
tfw feminists really just a want a good dicking
ppsh with swastika wtf
Author is literally in responses
reminds me of this
nigger I need to know the title of the hentai
Maybe if most of them weren't ugly bitches, they'd get it.
If I draw a stick figure and some circles for boobs, then say this is a 10 y/o loli should I go to jail for the rest of my life?
Drawing porn doesn't get you arrested under any circumstances
I really like lolis, how do I kill my self?
Korea wants a word.
hah, faggot
You can be prosecuted in the US for loli, depends more on jurisdiction that is bring the charges against you.
don't do it lad
/ebola/ needs you!
While I hate it as much as the next guy, someone brought up a valid point the other day in a rekt thread on gif.
How is it legal to literally show a video of a child getting beheaded (there are multiple, cartel and ISIS ones), yet CP is illegal? I have no logical explanation for this one.
post more lolis
Because you can't make a lot of money with child beheading videos, but you can with child porn.
This is the exact argument every prosecutor trying a child pornography case will use, defendant user is supporting the industry by seeing cp.
i think a lot of us prefer little boys over little girls
Because I know someone will ask, here's the source:
I skimmed through most of the video but I watched the part where she would interview or talk to various people.
Goddamn she is legitimately a vile, manipulative, bitch of a person. She flips her questions around, often takes advantage of the fact that the japs don't really understand the nuances and tones of the english language to judge them in a derogatory way without actually saying it.
This stood out to me particularly:
>"So if it was completely legal, would you be interested in having sex with a child?"
>"If I could find a child who would like me and consent, then yes"
>"So is that your goal despite it being illegal?"
>"What I said what in response to your question"
What a piece of shit.
Go on...
>implying you cant sell isis videos to media outlets
What a great country.
You can. But as long as you don't cop a plea, you can never be convicted. People get embarrassed by the media and the prosecutors constant news conferences(done for this purpose) and just cop a plea to make it go away. The Supreme Court already made a ruling on this subject BEFORE GW Bush's Child Protection Act. So that portion is null and void.
Nuclear holocaust is preferable to letting the normalfags take the lolis. Keep pushing and there will be blood.
Nice try faggot, I won't fall for your reverse psychology.
>little boys
You gross jew, Loli master race.
whatsthe sourceon that comix
There you go.
>Not purchasing
Is CP ad-supported now or something? How does downloading something without paying for it support it in any way?
You can, sure go ahead.
>implying there's a market for child beheading videos
Its a statement to push the narrative, even if it obviously is not the case they will still use this to push a conviction.
>think of the children
Sounds like they've got that taken care of
>implying there isn't
Where there's demand there's money.
Now thats just thought policing. You cant sentence a person for a crime when there is no crime.
why all the hate for boylovers?
do you have any idea just how promiscuous some little boys are?
Also its not just downloading, but cache images can be used for a conviction, they simply have to prove it existed in any form on a device that can be directly linked to the defendant.
>Implying there is
futa = death by firing squad
Loli = A-okay
Just because you haven't been there doesn't mean it doesn't exist
>t.Scottish catamite
Goddammit Carlos!
>defendant user is supporting the industry by seeing/listening
what twist do they actually use in courts to make the exact same argument jumping to different results for the movie, game and music industry that is somehow getting destroyed instead?
>Japan has pedo porno
>Lowest pedo crime rate in the world
>Japan has gun ban
>Lowest crime rate in the world
This is how gaijin look, we send shit like this to them just to judge them
Are JCs lolis?
This video is good rage porn if anyone is interested.
I watched it earlier and this bitch is an absolutely horrible person.
The last segment she finds a real life hikikomori with a child sex doll and fucking berates him tries to shame him and the poor dude hasn't even ever had sex.
The dude takes it like a champ, and actually makes some really good points, but she's a total bitch about it and at the end acts like HE is the disgusting monster when she CLEARLY exploited that dude.
Fucking whore.
Huh I guess we should throw everyone who wrote a fiction, movie script or whatever if it contains violence in some way. Why stop at thought policing pedophilia when we can thought police murder too?
Kill yourself you freedom hating communist bastard.
Ive told my story here before but here is an example.
Army fag
IT mos so not shit to do
browse b all day
someone says they seen cp on my phone, probably because b was more cancer around that time than now
ultimately convicted of possession of cp in browser cache
They do not have to prove intent, only that it existed in some form.
Yeah that section killed me on the inside.
If I could take over a random female child body and have sex with him I would.
>not posting underage rape snuff guro as bait
If drawings are considered cp than authors should be held responsible for the murder and theft occuring in their work.
>what twist
the twist is if you question them or even try to argue with their logic you get labeled as being a pedo sympathizer or even worse a "pedo enabler"
It's one of those things that if anyone denies or questions the narrative their life's work and everything they achieved will be flushed down the drain
lol what is this