>biggest warmongers on earth
>says Russia is a threat to world peace
>meanwhile(USA): Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, and now Iran?
The truth: USA is the biggest threat to world peace!
>biggest warmongers on earth
>says Russia is a threat to world peace
>meanwhile(USA): Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, and now Iran?
The truth: USA is the biggest threat to world peace!
Other urls found in this thread:
delete this
The US will rule the stars until the end of time. The lesser nations that still exist are but stepping stones and pebbles.
We also killed Dracula. You are welcome, Romania.
wrong pic.
lol queers
pls just nuke us
America is the policeman of the world unfortunately. We enforce international law.
t: John-Beauregard Horowitz
Somebody pissed on your flag
>60% white
>including Jews, Arabs, and "white Hispanic"
Well that guy's lifetime just got a lot shorter
Don't forget
>Israel vassal state
>ground zero for neoliberalism, 3rd wave feminism and SJWism
yet not your own
I love Murica but is going down the shithole by systematically ignoring every law it has to keep the people in power in check (nepotism, collusion, branch independence, the god damned constitution)
All the problems in the Western World can be traced back to the French Revolution
Least white nation in Europe
'murrica thread fuck yea
Fuck Romania why do you even exist
A literally who country jealous of this amazing country! Just an average day.
Looks like this thread needs even more FREEDOM
>The truth: USA is the biggest threat to world peace!
Drumpf is a fucking jewcycked animal. 90% of Sup Forums monkeys are Ex drumpffappers
Don't write us off yet. None of us on the inside have given up hope.
Remind me who ended WW2.
You must be new here.
The USSR. And Germany's own stupidity. Also OP sucks cock.
The day of the rake is coming leaf.
>implying retarded slavshits could have have won on their own
Don't resist leaf, you'll get yourself killed.
True. However many believe the use of nuclear weaponry by the US signaled the end.
USA only barely 200 years old
>>biggest warmongers on earth
lol kids and their allergies to history
OP is a faggot
"World Peace" is just a meme, it isn't real. All nations are in a constant state of competition with the goal of being stronger, richer, and better than all other nations by any means necessary. There will never be world peace, ever. America isn't the biggest threat to "World Peace", humanity and existance is.
The only thing that could temporarily stop of us from fighting amongst ourselves would be an invasion from another planet. But if we won that war, we would go back to fighting each other.
We are animals. Before civilization, we fought with other animals. Now we fight other humans. And if we meet extraterrestrial life, we will fight them. But there will ALWAYS be a fight.
You are unfortunately right about the US being basically an Israeli vassal state.
I would argue that neoliberalism, feminism, and general SJWism are not inherent to the US and didn't start here either.
They did the heavy lifting. We basically just tossed them ammunition and food so they didnt eat bark off trees.
>The Resistance
>Claiming to be fighting for our laws
>Simultaneously subverting and breaking laws
(((They))) cry out as they strike you