New shia location thread
New shia location thread
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Is there even any evidence of him flying to Finland? I know there was evidence when he went to Tennessee, a waitress at a diner took a picture with him.
Whoever decides to go to the cabins getting buttfucked by Antifucks
>kettle of tea
>mfw I want Shia to be an axe murderer
Thats the thing, it could be prerecorded and someone else is ansering the questions while the recording plays
I don't think it's a cabin in the woods. I'm pretty sure it's literally a tiny cabin inside a huge building and he's just not leaving it as an art exhibit so people can come watch.
Aren't the cabins just sets inside of a museum?
Ok, so there is video in the museum. Could you find out where the video is coming from? If it's wireless it could be connected to a router implying that it's real. If there is some sort of dvd or recording device next to the screens it could be pre recorded.
Theres a cabin in the museum where you cango and communicate with him, but he is actually in the wilderness somewhere
Theres a finnanon that works there, he said he can use wireshark to find the ip of the camera but his work starts in like a week
makes sense thanks for clearing that up
Sounds like we'll be waiting for a while then. If I was filthy rich i'd fly over and be Boots.On.Ground.
But we might already know his location, yesterday autism was utilized. I dont have the pic but we likely know where he is
There's literally nothing wrong with tea you insecure closet fag.
Who is this and on what thread?
Soon as the stream went online one of the three said "blizzard".
Here's pic of the area where it's snowing atm, most likely cuckshed is in southern Lapland.
Explain please?
Like anons said. It's pre recorded, he already left Finland and is now in another cabin in Big Bear too answer any further questions. He can't be too distanced from Hollywood.
We know some possible locations but based on different info and we aren't sure yet
Some finn from yesterday, idk
Pic related is his suspected location
Ay the stream's back online
This loser does the most to try and stay relevant. How fucking sad.
What self respecting American uses the word "kettle"? I certainly never have.
We make him relevant. Still fun though.
The longer we wait, the better.
Let him feel secure, let him think he's out of our reach.
Let him get some of his sanity back before we crush his psyche again. We'll have him looking over his shoulder for years to come.
What word did you make up for it? Hot water pot is my bet
Ah I see, a cocksucker. Want a spot of tea, chip chip? Cheerio, cockgobbler. Don't forget your fig newtons, faggot.
wait, so its just a video from the museum of where people go to talk to him?
Holy shit that looks promising.
What's Big Bear?
This has been called fake a bunch of times so idk
This pic is just a mock-up, not the actual location.
Blizzard lead is retarded
Nah dude, let him go crazy thinking we're out to get him and nothing happens.
Big Bear is like Kentucky, only in Northern California.
Burny wurny boily woily, actually.
Yeah, they have a stream of the outside of the cabin exhibit, and the conversation going on, but not what's going on inside.
Couple of anons where streaming from in there yesterday
Tea Pot, do you britfag a Actually say "who is going to be mother" when asking who is going to pour? So gay.
I still dont understand whats going on with this whole thing. Why is he hiding somewhere?
So Sup Forums are we going to track down his cuckshed and find him?
I'm in NorCal! Like way far north, I'm above Sacramento. Anything I should know?
Somebody needs to tell him that the Pokemon GO craze ended a long time ago. People don't want to travel like this.
Yes. What the fuck do you call it?
this shit is clearly end of SPEED
when you look at the other guy during the periscope stream his hand is on his hip and the other hand isnt near a keyboard and yet hes responding
its fake as fuck
also the way Shia's feed keeps glitching, thats not a normal "low bitrate" effect, thats deliborate
thats what happens during editing and processing, a shitty skype call wouldnt look like that, it would still be blurry and pixelated, but not that shit where he just disapears and has that streak across the screen
unless the PC he has is a fucking piece of shit
>Inviting spurdo's to your house
Literally allowing Mongols to cross your borders.
Goddamn retard.
It's a resort town. I believe it's in either Utah or New Mexico. My aunt's friends are lawyers and they own a cabin up there. I remember staying there and had a dope time.
what is he streaming?
Oi m8, get this yeah, they actually (unironically) microwave the water for their hot drinks.
Nice 1488 get
Big Bear is in Southern California near San Bernardino.
Fucking gross. What's sugar cubes called? Taking anal?
>anybody want anal?
>I'll take two dicks
What's wrong with bongs?
We also got this from the absolute madmen in season 3
>Whoever decides to go to the cabins getting buttfucked by Antifucks
This may just be a rumor, but I've heard that Finns are fucking savage people who would likely have very little to worry about from Antifags
Never hear anyone say that... The usual thing to say if there's no definitive for who's brewing some tea/coffee you say "so who's putting the kettle on?" Or for some simple banter you attempt to get someone to say the letter t of which you reply "yes please" and by the queens law you're obligated to make a cuppa
this is disinfo
Water steamer.
Just speculation that he's actually in Big Bear, to be close to the Jerusalem of the US, rather than in Lapland, Finland.
Im catching up to the situation, desu.
Finns don't really give a fuck about him, do they? Twitter is not going to work now.
Did you all see the security just put those two poles there and then take them away immediately after about two minutes? what are they doing
What he should be doing is making movies.
Limping toward the cottage, quiet, quiet
Now you're on the doorstep
Sitting inside, Shia Labeouf
Forgive my newfagness, what makes 1488 important? I'm sorry that a newfag such as myself rolled it.
i had this open the entire time, why didnt it auto-start?
why are they using and not fucking twitch which has non-gayming options to stream now
Ready the skis
Objective: find his hide out
Possible intel from operative will be provided within 72 hours
The word "kettle" is used all the time where I live. Hell, kettles can do anything. We even have a fucking kettle carnival each year.
Steamy weamy tea macheeny
do brits really say 'go for a bong?' or 'have a bong?' when referring to smoking weed?
The word "kettle" is used all the time where I live. Hell, kettles can do anything. We even have a fucking kettle festival each year.
This seems to be a good pointer.
Who wants tea is the right question. Do you guys seriously just put the kettle on to hear the whistling? Has the water been tested recently in Yorkhobbitshire?
Google it
> find shia
> redpill him while drinking tea
> shia takes down cuck flag
> shia flies Sup Forums flag
> watch the media implode
Bloody plebs
no touch burny water pot
no you are just a retarded burger nigger.
14 = reference to the 14 words, famous white nationalist saying "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"
88 = H is the 8th letter in the alphabet = Hail Hitler
used a lot in american prison tattoos amongst white gangs
>The inside story on you young fascists is a lot of you ended up in shock humour/lonely dude forums that nazi recruiters joined. It’s not a fucking puzzle, all the history is on the sites. There you crossed ur nerdy hobbies with ur nerdy resentment. Bunch of fucking nerds with your dipshit teenage beefs probably started with a resentment of woman who won’t speak to you and now you think you have become POI radicalized.
So how did it happen? How did you become a fucking nazi? A bunch of real Nazis whispered poison in your ears while becoming your only community, your only “friends”. And they used multiple levels to make irony and bigotry and fascism more acceptable by drowning it in “oh we’re just joking” So you combine all this with capitalizing on isolated nerd dude resentment and even deeper isolation, BAM nazi.
You can talk to any former “chan” boy and they can tell you how it went from “shotty shock humor” to “white supremacist recruitment”. The “lol only normies care about hurting others attitude” + the general nerd male resentment of these communities. Its prime fertile ground for actual Nazis to grow. People talk about pol, but you need to see the various communities converge. R9K’s “who wont woman fuck me” bs “anything goes and anyone who gets mad is just a normie” vs endless outbursts of anger at everything. Pol here becomes less of an isolated phenomenon and more of a natural end point for all these circles crashing into one another. And pol, also being its own thing, emans it is rolled back into those communities amplifying your worst aspect then roll it back into pol.
So essentially you have an online pressure cooker to turn your typical teenage nerdy bullshit into honest to god fascism. The surrounding of hateful idedas, the detachment from the harm you do? Turning them into “just jokes” becoming your only friends and that just your community you can see it in many others but again your not a fucking mystery
>Shia & Friends living in cucksheds alone in the middle of nowhere
Let's get 'em boys.
Decimal places in pi, which will lead you to the next step.
The microphone and camera are directly above Shias screen in a plexiglass box.. Maybe finns go in and screw with it
The inside story on you young fascists is a lot of you ended up in shock humour/lonely dude forums that nazi recruiters joined. It’s not a fucking puzzle, all the history is on the sites. There you crossed ur nerdy hobbies with ur nerdy resentment. Bunch of fucking nerds with your dipshit teenage beefs probably started with a resentment of woman who won’t speak to you and now you think you have become POI radicalized.
So how did it happen? How did you become a fucking nazi? A bunch of real Nazis whispered poison in your ears while becoming your only community, your only “friends”. And they used multiple levels to make irony and bigotry and fascism more acceptable by drowning it in “oh we’re just joking” So you combine all this with capitalizing on isolated nerd dude resentment and even deeper isolation, BAM nazi.
You can talk to any former “chan” boy and they can tell you how it went from “shotty shock humor” to “white supremacist recruitment”. The “lol only normies care about hurting others attitude” + the general nerd male resentment of these communities. Its prime fertile ground for actual Nazis to grow. People talk about pol, but you need to see the various communities converge. R9K’s “who wont woman fuck me” bs “anything goes and anyone who gets mad is just a normie” vs endless outbursts of anger at everything. Pol here becomes less of an isolated phenomenon and more of a natural end point for all these circles crashing into one another. And pol, also being its own thing, emans it is rolled back into those communities amplifying your worst aspect then roll it back into pol.
So essentially you have an online pressure cooker to turn your typical teenage nerdy bullshit into honest to god fascism. The surrounding of hateful idedas, the detachment from the harm you do? Turning them into “just jokes” becoming your only friends and that just your community you can see it in many others but again your not a fucking mystery
Probably 'hervidora', considering their demographics...
there's no fun in trolling anymore now that he revealed himself...
Big Bear is in Southern California. About 35 miles from Riverside.
Damn son.
thanks for those quality posts aussie.
Ooooh ok thanks for explaining that
Fuck I'm norcal
I'm sorry
looks like security hanging around steady now
what an awful art exhibit lmao
>Americans call peepee friction pleasure "sex." PFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Bunch of Jonnes showed up. /ourguys/?
>pay 14€ to get in and get yelled by some homeless looking man on skype call
So he is most likely to be situated in Rovaniemi?
I'm like an hour and a half away from Big Bear lake.
What happened to HWNDU? Wasn't it supposed to run as long as Trump is president?
Did he give up already? Or is he trying to deliver the message with his new project? If yes then I don't get it.
It's an area with resorts and snow I was just b8ing, mate.