I mean you don't have any decent ideas forget about creating or inventing something. No wonder every top company is operated by an Indian intellectual.
The future is bright white boi thanks to us .
And btw Pol is our yard now
How can white people compete
Every body respects us apart from Pol tards.
When i was in Europe people used to bow down and bend their knees in respect thinking i was their intellectual overlord..
But i told them i am not boastful like white people
We Indians respect each others existence and don't want to scam every single Penny out of one another.
We also strongly believes in universal brotherhood.
I think this is what separates us from the west
Here I was thinking my space escalator was golden
Wow! Blows my space ladder out of the water!
I propose an elevator back to Earth from the edge of the universe
Checkmate, Pootheists
European people can't compete with us .
You will get a participant trophy though
>India, the most classist and racist country when compared to the West
Look it up.
>Your country is nothing without us ( sorry for being rude but facts can be rude)
But didn't it appear in Megaman X8 already? The Jakob project?
Yeah someone copied it from us. Like every single time in history
Build it then India I dare you
Next he should design an elevator from the streets that leads into a toliet.
I'm not Indian but I laugh when I realize that white men will never accomplish half of what Indians can do
Yes, thanks for owning all the gas stations; Europeans surely couldn't do such a thing!
Please bathe, though. It stinks having to pay for gas.
Pay reperationz first white boi.
We forgive but we don't forget.
I know this has nothing to do with politics and isn't really a valid argument, but I just want to remind you that Indian men are objectively the ugliest major people group.
We have deodorant in stores too buy em for us:)
won a contest for a proposal.
And space elevators are an outlandish idea. The precision required to make the carbon nanotubes cables would be too expensive and impracticle. Every molecule in the cables running from earth to space have to be perfects, no imperfections. One molecule is out of place and the whole fucking shitty as space elevator comes down.
But why do white women love Sikhs then?
will it be made of poo?
> Let's just build an elevator, but to the moon lol
Is there a designated shitting corner in the elevator though?
Indian are known for such perfection you mentioned.
Look at our codes
South park did the same shit.
No we have toilet nearby
The moon IS the designated shitting corner
forgot pic
All of the greatest intellectuals of all time are white: Euler, Einstein (only oif you're okay with Jews being white pol) Newton, Gauss, Archimedes, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Turning, Descartes. There is not a single nonwhite that is smarter than any of these men.
I can't tell if you're making things up Pajeet, or if you're genuinely handicapped...
The sad reality is that no one enjoys either the company of an Indian man or having to look at one. White women don't love Sikhs/Indians. Even Indian women only settle for Indian men because of arranged marriages and there being a shortage of white men to go around.
Stay delusional though, friend. Maybe it's hard to accept reality, or maybe it's just the fermenting poo that's altering your brain. Either way, I'll continue to pray for you and your country. I can't even imagine how horrible life must be for you :(
>British banter
Where are my reperation ?
Last time i checked my account they weren't there
I hope that they're here by now
You mean moon craters, or the designated streets you'll buuld in the atmosphere
>>Every body respects us
>>Thinking i was their intellectual overload
>>every body
my intellectual overlords, you are most amusing
>Renamed to Yakub project
>Plato, Aristotle, Socrates
Indians are white
Sorry, Rajesh, but "The concept of a space elevator was first published in 1895 by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky"
>indians are white
>Stay delusional though, friend. Maybe it's hard to accept reality, or maybe it's just the fermenting poo that's altering your brain. Either way, I'll continue to pray for you and your country. I can't even imagine how horrible life must be for you :(
Thanks hurt me right in the feels.
I am mixed race and i feel lost.
>space elevators are a new idea
lol, didn't halo have those like 1.5 decades ago?
The average Indian male is smarter than einstein.
The female is 77% as smart
Is he going to shit in the elevator too >?
Must say here in my country all you curry munchers are good for is your woman so eager to fuck white guys. Love myself some degenerate slut with a curry mouth sucking my cock and giving my dick a tingly burn sensation.
The moon orbits the Earth. This shit makes no fucking sense, Are you saying the elevator rotates around the Earth too? How does that even work. Wtf?
I magine winning something four doing almost nothing. Damn, I am jealous.
Also, this wouldn't work which makes me even more jealous.
An elevator from the earth to the moon Huh? Did our little towel head take in the consideration that the earth rotates and so does the solar system?
They're Eurasian mutts.
Civilized. Have their own form of domesticated Asian rice.
And there are probably Alien ruins somewhere under an overpopulated city.
Moon is moving.
How could this possible?
Yes ancient Greek and Indians are 99% genetically similar.
Indians are meds
space elevators are a legit idea.
elevators to the moon are just comedy
For Indians nothing is impossible
>White male makes an attempt to comprehend what the Indian intellectual is saying and is lost.
Not surprised.
>first "how can white people compete" thread gets derailed into niggers getting BTFO
>makes another out of butthurt
wow OP
It's all make believe, you fool!
Indians be dumb. The only redeeming quality of Indians is that they were culturally enlightened by the British. Without the British you would be nothing.
Except proper hygiene
>it's another newfag forgets about his id episode