Why is there suddenly a shit ton of leaf posts about cucks and false flagging? Can mods ban all of Canada like they did with Russia? My leaf blower ran out of batteries like an hour ago.
Why is there suddenly a shit ton of leaf posts about cucks and false flagging...
You cannot contain us. The leaf is meant to be free and dancing against the wind.
>like they did with Russia
What did he mean by this?
day of the rake soon.
we might be over run with libtard cucks here in Kekada but we are fighting back
hiroshima banned all posters from russia for a day once (within the last year) because of a huge increase of traffic or something
>My leaf blower ran out of batteries like an hour ago.
Take a breath, have a glass of water, and you'll get right back to blowing Canadians, I have no doubt.
battery powered leaf blowers? Is that some kind of canadian libshit environmental thing? You can't use two stroke engines anymore?
>leaf blower ran out of batteries
Your dog is battery powered?
Although leafposting hasn't been that bad lately tbqh
it was a Murikan that posted the learn Sup Forums you cuckshill
sure pick the worst place in canada. sarnia is chem valley and full of murkians that try to be canadian
Every Canadian thread I see I think we built the wall on the wrong side
>13 months in a canadian year
you people are fucking out there, you know that?
we wish that wall was up too cause then your illegals wouldnt be coming here
>the wall
Or built it at all, in fact
Is it illegal if they migrate to a shittier country
my date is in a different order lmao drinking to much crown to care atm
Yeah !
USA is a waste land. reason one side of my family immigrated from america to canada yea thats right im a white first generation canadian. only problem now is getting jihadi justin removed from office
I'm looking at moving to Calgary. Work in IT and I heard the pay in Canada is way less, so I'll have to weight that. But it's getting to point in the U.S. that paying taxes is an immoral support of ZOG.
in ontario our minimum wage is 11.40 or around there. it evens out to be about same amount and like the border town im in we ake USD at par with CND just to fuck with murikans
Even if politicians like Trudeau have bad ideas, isn't it fair to say he still reflects the country? In the U.S. it really feels like the federal government is just an oppressive military controlled by (((secret))) entities that steal money to self propagate. I literally feel no representation from D.C. at all.
how long until the world knows you as Estados Unidos de América? 25 years?
did they emigrate due to white flight? i know i would
Krautchan redirected people here.