Based united
Based united
Other urls found in this thread:
So? Doesn't change the fact that he didn't deserve racist abuse
>people voted for united
goodest of goys
Not even the same doctor. You fell for the Jew media meme. Congrats now kys.
Textbook defamation and the best part about it is they got THE WRONG FUCKING CHINK
That's a completely different doctor to the one that was pushed off the plane and now which ever outlet that ran that story has just outed themselves are corperate slaves AND uniteds reputation as a corperate bully has been reinforced
A total fucking PR mess that they can only make worse
I only seen the new angle footage posted in the other thread
I am absolutely embarassed to be an American after viewing it. The other passengers were cucking the fuck out.
This gook should have been shot on the spot.
nice try united shill
"based"... just like how "based" aussys are
>unfit to practice medicine
>thinks he's amazing and doesn't need to follow the rules
yep typical, and we have lefty pol on here defending this piece of shit
Sup Forums has always been left, newfag
the ultimate redpill is the left
That's a good goy.
That airline company needs you.
And your shekels. Don't forget the shekels.
(((fact check))))
>minority gets abused then the media try to defame his character
Just another day in Trump's America
Literally irrelevant to what happened to him.
Yeah these cucks were out in force in these gook threads last cpuple of days, also alot of them are from reddit The Donald
>be burger
>get on plane
>get dragged out of plane because the company needs to fly employees
>get beaten
>airline pays journalists to smear your name with crimes someone else with a similar name did
freedom/10, would emigrate
TMZ had a quote from one of the doctor's colleagues that said something about "interpersonal problems" and that he "unilaterally did his own thing".
Here's the way I think about it:
If you leave your car in a bad neighborhood, it's your responsibility to lock it. If you don't you can expect to have your shit stolen.
Does that mean that you deserve to have your things stolen if you don't lock your car? No, but it's still your responsibility to make sure that you lock your door.
On airplanes post-9/11, you have the responsibility to not fuck around with air marshals/airport security, because they're not fucking around with you. Did he deserve to be beaten and dragged kicking and screaming from the plane? No. Did he have the responsibility to assess the situation and understand that immediate consequences for disobeying airport security were a real possibility? Absolutely.
And the fact that he's guilty of trading drugs for sex DOES play into this insofar as he refused to get off the plane because he's a doctor. I'm not sure how he's still able to practice medicine with over 100 felony counts for illegal prescriptions, trafficking, and fraud.
fucking kikes
turning Sup Forums into a boring place for slow witted merchants to collect shekels
>all modern art
United did nothing wrong.
This confirms that the police have telepathic up-links to crime databases and any claims of excessive force are the result of everyone else not having direct sub-cranial access level of clearance to see that information
kys cia nigger
In all seriousness, though, I don't understand why this is a fucking story.Here's a tip for everyone, though: if you're asked to get off of a commercial airline, and you don't, you're going to get your ass kicked. As for "but muh freedom", the airplane belongs to the pilot, and the pilot takes cues from the airline. The airline decides x person needs to leave, for whatever reason, the pilot decides that x person cannot be on plane. X person is informed, and X person does not comply. X person is now trespassing.
Sorry about your nose, faggot. Try not trespassing next time.
>ronery azn
>wanted to get laid with a hooker and she told him to bring a lil blow
because the media LOVE TRump!
Not an argument
>be kike airline
>decide to be ultra megajew and bump paying customer for an employee (not even a matter of overbooking)
>offer kike vouchers that aren't worth shit
>surprise surprise no one is retarded enough to take it
>3 good little goys submit
>gook is having none of it
>man is issued an unlawful order (any lawyer is going to argue what the definition of boarder is, literally anything else does no apply to case)
>Option A. Pick someone else. B. Up price C. Put them on different flight, D. Put them on another airline E. Beat up old man
>Select Option E
>United gets cucked
>CEO thumbs his nose at the event
>loses 800M
>w-w-well he's a sexual deviate! (irrelevant anyway)
>wrong fucking guy
>CEO: O-Oh well this was a bad event and I regret this badly
>image destroyed, about to lose 1B, chink is getting that fat jew settlement, CEO getting raked over the coals
Good to see the airline kikes getting what is coming to them. Fucking faggots.
Funny thing is if ONE aspect of the story was different it wouldn't even be that bad.
Like if the CEO had just outright owned up to what happened instead of deflecting before finally taking responsibility on the 3rd attempt. And STILL no direct apology.
>1 post by (((this ID)))
Here's two for you Paco
>bump paying customer
You guys seem to think this makes a difference. Of course customers pay you. You act as if a bumped person doesn't get another ticket or a refund. They also get an incentive.
Not an argument.
Not an argument
Not an argument
>Businesses can just do whatever they want as long as they throw money at you
The vouchers are complete pieces of shit.
And what fucking good is incentive if you miss an event, wedding, funeral, or anything like that.
The whole practice of getting to roll the dice is retarded.
why are there so many united shills on this board?
Not an argument
This. If he was a bad hombre I'd say otherwise
>multiple people in the recording shouting "NOOO THAT'S HORRIBLE STOP THIS ISN'T RIGHT"
>not a single one of them offers their seat up for this man
what did they mean by this?
He could be a convicted child rapist and murderer and it still wouldn't change the fact that they treat their customers like shit.
Not an argument
You know what's good friend.
His past has nothing to do with it. Airport security doesn't have homeland security info you fucking mong
>unfit to practice medicine
But he is allowed to practice medicine.
they're getting paid to try and make United look less terrible, and failing
Who the fuck wants to stay a night in Chicago for some fucking travel vouchers?
a clue a clue
Not an argument.
Reminder for the burgers: YOUR tax money was used to bail this joke of a company out of bankruptcy.
How much money did these clowns lose since the incident? They even have to spit back the air fare for ALL the passengers on the plane, and who knows how many of them will sue for PTSD.
So how much of this incident was niggers?
I saw a clip and it looked like it was probably nigger workers that got empowered to make an incredibly bad decision.
> people of color should never be thrown off airplanes that is something for whites only
fuck you
>implying thats a crime
he was giving away government candy for some poon
He didn't receive any racist abuse you asswipe.
Why was this fuckwit NOT on a no-fly list?
No he left the plain ones under his own power and once he was back in the terminal he rushed back down the jetway and jumped in his seat again.
United would have had to have cancelled the morning flight out of Louisville if they didn't get their crew they're driving or taking a bus is not an option due to work and rest related rules set by the federal government.
People who do not comply with verbal commands given by flight crew run the very high risk of getting hurt that's just the way it is here now.
And Provera good reason they don't know that a passenger who was belligerent isn't one beer away from trying to kick down the cockpit door or assaulting a flight attendant all things with very serious consequences when your 7 miles above the Earth's surface.
Passengers have literally beaten erratic violent passengers to death in the United States since 9/11 with no repercussions because these laws are taken so seriously
Sorry, that's not how it works. For being an American, you sure seem to lack even a basic understanding of your rights.
Did this plane have a first class section?
I thought usually what you do is upgrade people to first class, for free, when there's an overbooking.
So he's a faggot? Suddenly this all makes sense and is satisfying.
>taking a bus is not an option due to work and rest related rules set by the federal government.
lol nobody is buying your shit bruv. regardless it's not your customers fault for your own fucking screwup. if you have to inconvenience them due to your own poor ass organizational skills then you need to compensate. The fact that you're even attempting to defend United is hilarious and shows how cucked Americans are to corporations
No, it was a small commuter plane all coach.
still they should have offered more money or vouchers for Future travel which is what Delta did
They got the wrong person on this report.
There are two Dr. David Daos and he is the other one.
How is that defending it? I'm just explaining what the rationale is. United should have offered higher cash incentives to get people off of the plane.
(((Rules))) the UA made up just to fuck customers if necessary. Why are you defending your abuser so much?
"Usually" you'd figure things out way before assigning seats and letting them on the plane. Someone at the desk fucked up bad and I'd really like to know who it was.
wasn't even overbooked see
Dr. Doak BTFO
Based United, hope they win the Europa league
Probably someone at the crew assignment desk at United's headquarters called the gate agent and said we need those seats available now. The gate agent was then probably authorized for how much money they could offer for bribes and when no one took the bribe they were instructed to remove people at random and it just escalated from there.
Really not a mistake this kind of thing happens every single day dozens and dozens of times a day it's just that usually people take the bribe. Some people even make very good money doing that.
Even the whites in Chicago smell like niggers.
When I visited there I couldn't breathe, the stench was so horrific.
OP Delete this
>How is that defending it?
>People who do not comply with verbal commands given by flight crew run the very high risk of getting hurt
You have no obligation to comply with illegal orders. There's a very rigid protocol for doing this, and one of the stipulations is that you cannot remove passengers once they have already boarded, you can only offer the reimbursement before they're seated and this is one of the reasons why.
Digging up dirt of a random citizen and plastering it all over the msm so idiots without a functioning brain can say shit like "oh he was a bad guy then its ok" even though the whole thing has nothing to do with his past crap (which he paid the price for)
People that now switch "sides" cause of such a obvious manipulation should consider applying for a Darwin award to save the rest of us the hassle of having to deal with them.
One of the biggest problems I see coming from an airline family is that the vast majority of people have no idea how Airlines actually work.
There are probably over a hundred flights a day that are overbooked from just Atlanta alone and usually the situation works itself out seamlessly.
Nationwide there are dozens of flights every day in the United States were some one doesn't volunteer to take the bribe and they are simply asked to take a later flight and they understand that sometimes things like crew delays mechanical issues or weather causes things to happen and it's not something to get upset about.
What happened on that United flight was a perfect storm of everything going wrong that could though.
It should be a testament to how well the system normally works that this is the first time that this has really come up given the extreme frequency of overbooked flights.
Not an arrangement
Fake news.
Don't expect the kike-loving, bootlicking Americans here who support this shitty practice to understand mate.
go ahead and show us the law that states the stewardesses can't take a fucking bus to their job lol go ahead oscar, we're waiting
it Was actually the UK Daily Mail the dug up that story
If they had just come in from another flight and it appears that they had the time it takes to get from the departure airport to Louisville would have exceeded the amount of rest work time as Allowed by the FAA
Our MSM is just as bad mate, I'm not denying that. I'm having a go at the retards here who support United.
It wasn't even the same guy. It was another random citizen with a similar name.
I'm positive that those journalists got paid to write about his supposed "past"
I don't know where you're getting your information from but it is absolutely legal to remove someone from their seat once they are on board for any reason the the airline deems appropriate and is not in violation of another law.
>implying mattering matters
>implying mattering matters more than not getting your ass kicked for being a paying customer
>arguing for corporate boot-licking
what racist abuse? goddamn, you asian wannabe white supremacist are annoying
They are digging dirt on the guy, trying to justify their actions. No matter if the Asian guy was perverted, United is still guilty.
We corporotists nao,
Next time any of you purchase a ticket read the back of it or if you print it from online read all of the fine print you usually just skim over.
What you are in fact legally purchasing is a contract to get you from one place to another there is no promise of how or when that will happen the language used is very clear on that but most people don't bother reading it so they assume that they are legally entitled to during the flight they actually booked but that's not the case.
They could legally send you the passenger on a bus and that sometimes happens and they would still be upholding their end of the contract
I'm just explaining what the rules are don't get mad at me because no one ever reads the fine print.
For all the complaining that people do about jews here you would think that reading fine-print would be a given for Sup Forums
>neo Sup Forums has 33% support for complete corporatism
Really explains the trump dicksucking
fuck off Ishmael
They both did something. How's that so hard to understand? Two sides are guilty.
this shit had like 600 million on chink facebook
like 99% of Chinese internet users
Would Chinks care if he weren't asian
For Chinese, Chinks come first
Chinks if all areas of the world come first before Americans, Canadians, Australians
If China invaded, 90% would assist the Chinese military, 5% would flee the country and take no sides and 5% would wait until Chinese victory is assured then start gassing non chinese
But it was in violation of another law.
We have been over this several times, United didn't even follow their own contract, and furthermore they didn't follow the law, there are ways you can be denied, now of them were followed, SO SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU ARE WRONG AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN WRONG, why do you think everyone is so mad about this?
>For chinks, chinks come first
Only if they're not in main chinkland.
Funny thing is if this happened on some chinese airline in China, I doubt they would even give a fuck.
>When a person is standing in the way of profit so you deputise government agents to beat up a malcontent so your profit margins aren't damaged.