You have 10 seconds to explain to me why you dont have a lot of 10/10 latina gf, Sup Forums.
You have 10 seconds to explain to me why you dont have a lot of 10/10 latina gf, Sup Forums
there are no latinas here, thank the lord
Because I don't want a lot of babies with 90-point IQ's.
They're all taken as they are traditional, i.e., they cheat less, aren't completely money-driven (all women are gold diggers), and are gorgeous.
Because I'm ugly and socially awkward/autistic
Cos we have an actual ocean in place of your imaginary wall. Although we do have Irish birds, and the bogtrotters are basically the beaners of the British isles
>not wanting this
What, are you gay or something?
The truth.
I don't like the smell of bean farts, thanks. Kill yourself, Pedro.
Nice fantasy beaner mate. Pic related is real life
But I do
i did. you don't want to get involved with the spice. they are crazy and will drive you crazy
their minds are polluted with socialist bullshit
you just need blue eyes. then they will love you
Because the good-looking ones stay in their countries.
shit tier desu
I meant the Mexican qt.
I actually am dating a colombian chick who is here to study her masters. Shit's pretty cash. Very conservative family (even too conservative for me, luckily shes more liberal).
Nice try, Maria.
Because my kids would have ugly brown eyes.
They age like milk past the age of 20
>Shit's pretty cash.
>(even too conservative for me,
>luckily shes more liberal).
you are the biggest faggot on the earth
Because my country isn't full of mudslimes you fucking cuck