What does Sup Forums think of Jozip Broz Tito?

I was born in a very commie family so I've been told my entire life about how Tito was Christ 2.0 so I want to hear the other side of the spectrum.

So what are your thoughts on him?

Other urls found in this thread:


He was a great statesman and commander, but he didn't set up a good administration to carry on.

>"If Germany loses control of the Rhine better call me Josip Broz"
What did he mean by this?

He was a piece of shit, like all commie dictators. Also, probably a foreign agent, because of his accent

Ok, but can you tell me exactly why? Just saying that he's a piece of shit doesn't really add anything to the subject.

Pogledaj dokumentarac koji pa ćeš valjda doznat nešto više,ja ti samo mogu reći da je bio poprilično dobar u internacionalnom biznisu i spriječavanju rata između rusa i amera.Moji roditelji su ga uvijek hvalili ali nisu mislili da je ikakav bog ili Isus.

Znam, ali jbt svaki dokumentarac koji pogledam ima gomilu govana propagande i laži


Austrijski kaplar u napadu na Srbiju. Borac protiv Srba, britanski agent.
Doslovno se borio protiv "srpskog nacionalizma i hegemonije", surađivao s ustašama i hvalio ustaški pokret.
Partizani su najveća prevara kao pokret otpora. Nakon rata razmontirao cijelu srpsku predratnu industriju i preselio u Sloveniju, Bosnu i Dalmaciju. Jesi li ikad pogledao Ustav 1974? Jesi li pogledao kakve granice su povučene? Tko je stvorio Milogorce, Makedonce i Bošnjake? Beograd i Vojvodina su kolonizirani degenericima iz pasivnih krajeva, nakazne komunjare se pobile 55 tisuća ljudi u Srbiji 1944. i 1945., u Hrvatskoj preko 100 000. Strijeljali profesore, svećenike,
učitelje, oficire i glumce.

if Tito didnt fuck around and utilized Tesla's free energy, the world would be speaking Jugoslavian

Is Jugoslavija the only real example of a functioning Socialist state?

>Free healthcare
>Very good healthcare to the extent that people from France, Germany and UK were flying over for operations and procedures.
>Free education
>Brilliant "arts thinkers" and science programmes so advance, they sold rocket technology to both the Russians and Americans
>Free housing
>Comfy and roomy homes easily capable of withstanding the schizophrenic weather that the Balkans endures (freezing winters, boiling summers)
>Comprehensive transport links
>You want to go to the coast? Jump on a train. Need to see your girlfriend's parents in another state? Smooth roads linking city to city.
>Full employment
>Work weighing you down? Enjoy more mandated leave than most countries in Western Europe
>Worried about overbearing external influences?
>Don't worry. Tito is playing both the Yanks and the Ruskies.

Once when i die all of this will be yours. So guy played safe, killed or exiled all of his closest assosiates on first sign of disagreement. Rankovic was stripped of his powers (and he is guy who established secret services in commie heaven). Hebrang was killed in prison. Hebrang was a guy who established commie movment in Croatia. Kardelj was shoot in hunting accident. Kardelj was Slovene commie and ideologicaly set up so called self goverment. Djilas was imprisoned, etc...

So in commie heaven any single one who set up any potential threat to Tito was forcely removed from power. Dictator as any dictator in the world, established personal cult, and non-stop propaganda about his greatness. And his greatness was a simple oportunistic way of keeping himself on power. Rest of stuff was of less importnace, and that is exacly why we had such a terrible break in that shitty Yugoslavia.

Kažu da ako dovoljno dugo tražiš istinu da je i nađeš,a sam razliku između propagande i činjenica moraš nać.Tako je za svaku povijesnu osobu bilo laži koje su ljudi sami otkrili,pa zato vidiš zašto /pol voli Hitlera

Pazi ovu debilčinu.
Kakva sranja se šire o prokletoj SFRJ, pijunima Zapada, na kreditnoj i materijalnoj pomoći Zapada, i sa par milijuna ljudi u emigraciji zbog katastrofalne ekonomije.
Najgora stvar je što se Nesvrstane predstavlja kao uspjeh a služili su isključivo da odvrate dekolonizirajući Treći svijet od Drugog, sovjetskog i socijalističkog. Kad je pao Varšavski pakt, Treći svijet je ubrzo ostao izložen koncesijama i neoimperijalizmu kroz multinacionalne kompanije i globalizam, a zemlje Nesvrstanih kao Libija, Irak, Egipat, Sirija, Jugoslavija su završile krvavo.

If Yugoslavia was a geopolitical structure located in any other part of the world, he'd be considered a brutal dictator.
Yugoslavia however, was founded in the Balkans, where causing 1 million deaths in little over 2 decades is basically a child's play, and a non-crime.

People that live in an environment this brutal, are simply used to dictators and respond well to them,
and they do not respond to weakness.
Tito never displayed weakness in his first few decades of power,
and he led the state the way pre-war generations of mainly Serbs expected the King to do it, that is with the iron fist.
In the Balkans, ruling with the iron fist is the only way to rule, and democracy will in general fail you.

That said, people from different republics most likely have a different approach towards Tito and the regime.
Most Macedons I've met always considered him a god, so did Bosniaks.
On the other hand, a lot of Serbs nowadays reject him, but I don't know how much of it has to do with his nationality,
nor how much of it is the fact that Serbia actually dealt with its demons of WW2,
and weren't afraid of revising the Ravna Gora movement's role in the war against fascism.

In Slovenia, there isn't enough talk about how Tito and his comrades violently took over the liberation front from patriotic Slovenes and made it a Yugoslav soviet-style movement. There is also not enough talk about how they traded Carinthia and Trieste for god even knows what at this point. From the point of view of Slovene nation, Tito is historically a villain, which is why the war on nationalism by people who used to suck the end of his cut-off leg, is still going on.
Fact of the matter is, Tito needs to be rejected alongside his many helping hands that damaged the reputation of Slovene partisans by killing off the patriots and ordering the rest to brutally massacre the collaborators.

The latter years phenomenon of blind worship of Tito is the most bizarre.

kim jong un type of dictator

90% of war dead in Yugoslavia was result of "brotherly nations" - Yugoslavs, Bulgarians, Albanians. Yet the 10% due to Italians and Germans resulted in utter genocide of Italians from east Adriatic coast and Volksdeutschers from Pannonia. No punishment for actual perpetrators like Balisti, SS Bosniaks, Ustashe.
In their place and their properties were settled goatfuckers and primitive savage hillmen, the same way pre-communist elite and bourgeoisie was eliminated and their place taken by scum like Jeremić's parents, Plenković and Vidošević's.
Pantovčak, Tuškanac and Dedinje, Stari grad were colonised by party scum, Montenegrin murderers and Kozara sadists.

Every single Serb that thinks positively of Yugocommunists, partisans and Tito should be burned alive.
Like any Russian that approves of Lenin and Bolsheviks.
Conversely, every single Croat worshipping "Croat" partisans and Tito should be thrown into mines and pits and left to die in slow agony, the way their heroes left their victims.

>Hebrang was a guy who established commie movment in Croatia. Kardelj was shoot in hunting accident. Kardelj was Slovene commie and ideologicaly set up so called self goverment. Djilas was imprisoned, etc

Chento in Macedonia..

>Conversely, every single Croat worshipping "Croat" partisans and Tito should be thrown into mines and pits and left to die in slow agony, the way their heroes left their victims.

Koji su to onda ljudi oslobodili naciju ako ne partija,jel?

Daj debilu pogledaj koliko je bilo Hrvata u partizanima na kraju 1941., 1942. i 1943. prije pada Italije.
Jako su oslobodili.
Tijekom cijelog rata, partizani su nanijeli 10 000 gubitaka Nijemcima. Poginulo je milijun Jugosa u ratu. Više od pola od toga su Srbi.

He looked like a Nazi, I like him.

Misliš da su onda samo saveznici zaslužni za našu nezavisnost?Kako bi izdržali sav teror da nije bilo nekakvog otpora pa makar od odmetnutih snaga. Da smo ostali na ustaškom režimu ne bi nam ostalo ni h od hrvatskog jezika,odma bi nas svrstali u naciste brate

He lived in Russia for a long time

Everything you need to know about Tito and partisan "resistance" is the fact that they never attacked a single German position until the general retreat from Balkans started and the Red Army was chasing them
In addition, Vienna and Berlin fell before partisans "liberated" some towns and cities.
Most importantly, not a single extermination camp,
trains leading to them were attacked.

Perhaps it is best summarised by the fact that on english wikipedia, the quote on composition comes from a work of a Mexican man turned Norwegian women, "historian expert on Balkans".

Yeah, fuck actual documents, znaci.net, archives and Yugo historians. A unreferenced Tito quote is relevant

Kao što su Sovjeti svrstali Rumunje, Bugare, Mađare i Slovake koji su sudjelovali u napadu, Barbarossi?

Tebi se sviđaju jer su uzrokovali nestanak Srba, Talijana i Nijemaca u Hrvatskoj, priključili Istru, Dubrovnik i Baranju prvi put u povijesti, te dijelili tuđu imovinu. I što su uništili Srbe i Srbiju.
Kurac su oslobodili državu.
Izumrijeti ćemo prvo u BiH, potom u Hrvatskoj.

Eat a dick chetnik faggot

get raped by american bombs

you can eat a dick too, nazi puppet

Chetniks were American allies, British puppets, like the ones who staged anti-Axis coup even though Yugoslavia got extremely favourable agreement with Axis.
What kind of an ignorant retard do you have to be, to be oblivious of the fact that Chetniks were offered asylum and refuge in USA and UK post-war?

Partisans where american and uk allies after they butt fucked all of you faggots with no outside help

read a book from outside your 3rd world shithole

Yugocommunists singled out Yugoslav Army, then Chetniks, then Ustashe as their primary enemies. The Germans and Italians were secondary and to be avoided whenever possible.
That is the reason the only fights until late war were Yugocommunists fleeing from Axis operations to eliminate "bandits", which translates into Yugocommunist elite throwing tens of thousands of people to die as cannon fodder so that they can escape intact and spread their "revolution elsewhere". Moše Pijade, Kardelj, Tito literally said that they need suffering, reprisals and genocide to make people approach them, so they deliberately did false flag attacks and provocations aimed at Ustashe and Germans responding.

one of the best leader ever
a visionnaire

I work with old ass Bosnians who think Tito was the greatest thing ever. They are pure blood marxist, commie, CNN obsessed shitheads. I also want to know why Tito sucked because if these people like him he must have sucked really hard.

>No outside help
>British airdrops start immediately
>British liaison officers immediately joined
>American airdrops join in
>Ship deliveries once Italy falls
>Yugocommunists walk around in British uniforms, sporting British and American weapons and equipment, firing British an American ammnition.
>Red Army approaches Balkans
>In mere days inflicts more damage on Germans than Yugocommunists in whole 4 years
>Yugocommunists order aerial bombing of cities like Niš, Belgrade, Zagreb, Zadar, Split even though there were almost no German soldiers inside of cities

Tell me, which books have you read so you can pose as an authority and attempt to insult me?

fuck off, he created a generation of multi culti marriages between muslims-croats/muslims-serbs. The offspring if those marriages is non religious and has the same mutli culti views as libs.

Fuck commie atheists.

nice lies. ustace were worse than the nazis, you deserved everything that happened in the later stages of the war.

fuck those old fucks. The new generations are nationalistic here and dont fall for the yugo meme.

Does anyone know what Goli otok or Barren Island are? Is this a forced labor camp Tito used from '49 all the way up to '89 to punish 'political adversaries'?

You are right, but it doesn't negate You're both right. It had its' ups and downs. I have to admit that and I fucking hate commies.

Because Bosnia was the worst shithole, and supposedly anti-nationalist and atheistic regime bundled up a nation based on religion - Muslims/Bosniaks. The irony is that many of them are descendants of Muslim refugees from neighbouring regions which expelled them when the Christian forces liberated them.
In addition, a huge amount of investment and industry relocation, artificial modernistation happened there.
The Muslims thrived during "communist" period.
He also pardoned them for war crimes and practically no part in partisans, while giving them legal grounds and claims to be later used to claim whole Bosnia and Herzegovina, which were expanded to include regions like Bihać and Jajce, which were Croatia historically.

>australian thinking he is more educated on croatian past than a croat


This thread is cancer.
Tito had a good plan, but he poorly executed it.
Budimo realni, svi bi sad ok zivjeli da je jos tita, a ne mi budale imamo kretene za vode drzava i jebu nas di god stignu.
Ako hocu posteno zivit moram u njemacku otic.

If "Ustashe" were worse than Nazis (even though war crimes were perpetrated hugely by Muslims, SS, Legionnaire forces of Wehrmacht and regular army) why did Yugocommunists pardon them, like father of Vesna Pusić?
If Croats and Bosniaks were worse than Germans and Italians, why were Germans and Italians completely annihilated and the actually savage ones termed "brotherly nations" and given full pardoning and status?
Either way you try to spin it, you make a fool out of yourself.

jajce nije bio hrtvatski. u 14st je bio glavni grad kraljevine bosne.

Stop bringing up the past, forgive and forget.
We dont need to number out the genocides performed by both countries.
They say balkan people have the "genocide" gene in their blood.
How about we show them otherwise and stop acting like that.

No, you fucking idiot, he executed his and the plan of his globalist masters perfectly.
Serbia and Croatia, the two actual historical people, lie in ruins, the mentality is poisoned, relations never worse, while the Divide et Impera principle resulted in several new political nations and entities.
Go fuck yourself you descendant of Yugocommunist scum.


Croatia and Serbia and Bosnia still live in this world you outrageously disgusting jizz stain. They don't have to read a book, they can go outside and see it for themself. Who the fuck are you to be the moral authority on the subject you literal retard

B-but i am of Hungarian and German descent.

Subhuman commie. I am always amazed by imbeciles among Croats and Serbians praising Tito. A murderous, backstabbing, turncoat degenerate, who betrayed every single one. A "communist" one the total payroll and supply of Churchill post 1942. A "communist" with access to American nuclear tech, American credits, donations, food rations, help, weapons and planes post-WW2.
An "anti-fascist" who wrote letters proclaiming KJ to be the true enemy, and offered cooperation to Germans and Italians, not to mention the pre-war and early war praise for Ustashe movement.
Die a painful death, you subhuman praising party descendants: he genocided Volksdeutschers, even though Germans were responsible for less than 10% of Yugoslav deaths; and settle hillmen savages in Pannonia and Adriatic towns.

Not to mention political nation building like "Macedonians", "Montenegrins", "Kosovars", "Muslims" (an "atheist" state creates a nationality based on - religion) and a failed one - "Vojvođani".

>Kraljevina Bosna

Što ćemo sa jajačkom banovinom?

Nego, da te pitam, tko je bio stanovnik kraljevstva Bosne, koja vjeroispovijest je dominirala i znaš li što piše u očuvanim izvorima, tekstovima?

Da nisu možda današnji Balije potomci Tvrtka Stefana, Vlaha i Srba Kulina Bana, Hercega Sv. Save i tako to?
Mislim, bosansko plemstvo su doslovno potomci hrvatskih banova i velikaša, srpskih kraljeva i velikaša.

These Bosnians came here in 92 and never shut up about how awesome Sarajevo and Tito are. They completely hate America and vote for every possible socialist candidate in order to ruin it.

This pig: philly.com/philly/blogs/jobs/INQ_JobbingBlog_A-survivor-wants-to-help-young-people-thrive.html

Her husband did nothing with his life except brag about how he was a bookie who didn't pay any taxes in Bosnia. Yet he still believes OTHER people should be paying a LOT more taxes.

Single-handedly set the foundation for the shitstorm that unraveled after he was no more.

Fuck him.

I love you Rus bro. I love Serb nationalists who were persecuted since 1918/1919.

I love Roman Dmovsky and Poles, too.

Bosna i Herzegovina su breeding grounds.
Tamo su isli se mijesat srbi s hrvatima i vice versa.

How can you love Tito?!!!
He eliminated historical Hungarian population in northern Croatia and Međimurje, Baranja; Germans in Pannonia, practically down to negligible populations.
Hungarians, Italians, Germans should have been kept and I love them far more than hillmen savages and party scum who replaced them.

What do Ex-Yu Anons think of Yugoslavia when it was still a monarchy?

banovina je uspostvaljena 1463. nakon pada bosne. tacno je je pripadao hrvatsko-ugarskom kravljestvu ali je izvorno bio grad srednjovjekovne bosne.

Wtf i hate Tito now.

was probably way more intelligent compared to today's politicians(including seselj), but wrong ideology so fuck him.

To je svima jasno osim Balijama.
Kad ih vidim kako prisvajaju Kotromaniće, Kulina, Mateja Ninoslava... "bogumile", "bosančicu", Crkvu bosansku...
Sve zapadno od Vrbasa nikad nije bila Bosna, povijesna Hrvatska, i treba izbaciti uopće iz diskusija.

>responding to pasta
How is any of that Tito's fault?
>Yugocommunist scum
Literally the only period in history Croatians were relevant. Go cry in your failing dairy farm, Slavko.

>It's totally not Greater Serbia, bre

Only thing good about karadzordzevic is šnicla.

he probably was a political genius.

that being said yugoslavia was doomed anyway.

He was the Yugo Jesus and kept things in check through his Charisma, couldn't build up a worthy successor though.

This man alone is why I have a distaste for Croatians. He's one of the factors why Kosovo is considered an independent nation even though it shouldn't be. He was also behind the Jasenovac concentration camp from what I've gathered where the majority of the people killed were Serbs. Thanks to him the hatred between the people of Yugoslavia grew.

Fuck that shit. The only monarchy I recognize is the one that happened under Stefan Dusan. Anything that's not from that period is literally trash.

It's not, you dipshit. Ban of dravska banovina was Marko Natlačen, author of Srbe na vrbe.
Serb military and political elite was against Yugoslavia, and for London agreement, deal with Italians.
How do you explain concordate and the first ever inclusion of Dubrovnik into Croatia? Banovina Hrvatska from 1939?

You mean goli otok?

Shut the fuck up, Tonybenn. Commies must HANG

Democracy only works for people, not for animals. Check Jugoslavia for proof, check Iraq for proof, check Libya for proof, etc.
I think communism is absolutely unnatural for humans, the ideology can not work. So in that aspect i think he was a degenerate but, he was the only one ruthless enough, with enough resolve and ambition to keep the country together.

Democracy is only as good as the information most of its voters have available to them. So until we make internet implants and turn earth into a hive mind, democracy will not work.

Not even Prince Lazar?


Igra rokenrol cela Jugoslavija
sve se oko tebe ispravlja i savija.

I didnt ask for feels

The charisma of a rifle's muzzle can be quite convincing as well sometimes

You think I'm defending him? Give me your location Moshe, i got some cousins that would want to pay you a visit.


Do we have a tito pepe anywhere on the internet?

If it all falls apart after you die because you failed to set up the state properly, and all your achievements are erased, should your achievements count?

I guess he showed the Balkans another way. I'll respect him for that. He seems honourable from what i've read as well which is rare.

Why aren't you defending him? He basically gave your retarded cousins the entire Kosovo and made FYROM out of thin fucking air where your kind thrives to this day.

Poor man's Stefan Dusan who had a semi-chub for the church and lost everything in the process? Aye sure, might as well support the albos.

Based Russian,

I'm not defending him because the deal was Albania would get Kosovo if the Balists would help the Yugoslav army push back Italy and Germany, but after they did they had all Balists rounded up and executed because giving Kosovo to Albanian "would upset the Serbs".

One of the most cancerous threads ever.

Tito is perhaps one of the most capable politicians of the 20th century. He played the USA and USSR against each other to the advantage of Yugoslavia, while creating a third block out of all the nonaligned nations.
It is also true that he made some critical mistakes that are still felt today, but one needs only talk to people here in Serbia to see that he is still considered a great man. And with the happenings of the past 20 years he loos better with every day.

Jerusalem. Angus Ramsay. You can find me on a gun range

>Potomak crnogorske i bosanske komunjare "Srbina" dojebanog u Beograd ili Vojvodinu

Close enough?

>sva ova ekstremna guzobol sinova i unucadi pobijene ustaske gamadi u ovom threadu

bleiburg best day of my life
trebamo novi blajburg sto prije moguce
ustaske izdajnike i gamad potamaniti i istovariti u velike neoznacene jame gdje im je i mjesto


I suggest you don't hang out too much today.

koja je alternativa bila partizanima i titu?
kako bi ti bolje rjesio sve te situacije u to vrijeme s takvom politickom situacijom u europi?
i zasto vjerujes propagandi u vezi brojeva?

>"Hrvatski" internet istoricar.
Sta pokusavas da postignes?

Only faggots who worship tito are cityfags

Kako se slažeš sa ubijanjem i progonom potomaka onih koji su bili većina hrvatskih partizana?
To su hrvatski Srbi bili.
Da pogodim, u međuvremenu su postali četnici i agresori?
Iako su glasali na izborima sa 95%+ glasova za komuniste i SDP, a ne srpske nacionaliste?

Vama poremećenoj gamadi uvijek treba neprijatelj i drugi krivac. Sad kad ponestalo Srba, krivi su "ustaše", "bosanci" "hercegovci" "kamenjarci".

Kojoj propagandi?
Nitko od vas degenerika na ovoj temi nije se dotaknuo niti jednog navoda.
Niti jedne činjenice i brojke.
Vi ste dogmatici i vjernici Tita.

Kako drugačije? Što fali Banovini Hrvatskoj? Parlamentarnoj monarhiji? Federaciji?
Tito i komunjare su VRHUNSKI ODGOJILI LJUDE i ISCRTALI GRANICE, taman za devedesete.

gamad izdajnicka i ljudski izmet zasluzuju samo smrt oni i njihove obitelji
muslimanski kozojebi i balije
kockastoglavi untermenschi i lopovska banda koja je pokrala ovu zemlju
primitivne zadrte budaletine kojima nema pomoci, preporucena eutanazija

Jebem ti mater u usta, potomče dođoških pseta, nasranih nakon 1945.

Pitao sam te glede hrvatskih Srba. Koji su bili većina partizana u Hrvatskoj.
Zašto su takvi kao ti devedesetih onda bili za ubijanje i progon tih istih ljudi i njihovih potomaka?

>Kako drugačije? Što fali Banovini Hrvatskoj? Parlamentarnoj monarhiji? Federaciji?

a tko bi to omogucio? ustase? sa kakvim teritorijem? ti bi dao istru i dalmaciju za jebene degenerike iz bihaca i jajca?


ko je reko da sam ja bio za ubijanje i progon hrvatskih Srba?

vecina Srba nisu nista skrivili u devedesetima
pobunjenicku gamad, paravojne kriminalce i ratne zlocince trebalo je sve streljati, a civilno pucanstvo, bilo ono srpsko ili hrvatsko, ne dirat

kys muslim faggot

I know more because my bloodlines fought with the serbs against the ottomans and with the partisans and have shed blood

Worse as in the context and evil of their crimes. Only the japs in unit 731/nanking were worse than you cunts.

if we remained united yes, but now you nationalist faggots have destroyed what could have been a superpower and we are dog shit on our own with no teeth.

if you are against tito then I am the moral authority.

Ako me pamcenje dobro sluzi Jugoslavija je organizovana kao federacija?
A Socijalisticki sistem je nama najblizi. Jugosloveni kao i ostali Sloveni su kolektivisticki narodi.

Pa rat je počeo Merčepovcima u Vukovaru i prosvjedima u Splitu gdje su ubijeni i ranjeni JNA vojnici.
Srbi su napadani u gradovima i proganjani prije početka "pobune". Čemu promjena Ustava i izbacivanje Srba, grba, nalaženje i uvoz ustaške dijaspore?