I worked hard.
I believe that i am entitled to a good and comfortable life .Tell me isn't a man entitled to the sweat on his brow?
I earned it through hard work.
And the people who i am leaving behind are in their condition because of the British as they took everything we had.
Debate me
Why is immigration considered"immoral" on this board
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You ain't earned shit nigga
Oh boi look i worked hard let me fuck your wife and mom
Then why you colonize Africa then?
>ILLEGAL immigration
wipe the poo out of your eyes and maybe there won't be a problem
What's so wrong with your country that you can't stay there and fix it if your such a hard working individual?
Why can't you have a good and comfortable life in India distributing your wealth in India by paying Indians for goods and services?
Or are you just a faggot who thinks living in the west is some sort of trendy fashion statement? Protip: it's absolutely nothing like in neighbours here in Australia, no one talks to anyone else here.
never seen anyone say it is immoral.
fix your country so you can have a good life. dont ruin others by killing 1st world standard wages
Good Thread Pajeeht
Because we could and it was fun
Bit I wouldn't do it again
because it takes the best people out of poor countries and keeps them poor.
Arabs and africans have zero connection to Sweden or Swedish culture. They come here and commit insane amounts of crime (as a group), use up our welfare system that was based on people actually being ashamed enough to not use it unless in dire need, rape our women, lower our collective IQ... and now there are hundreds of thousands of them here in our small community of 10 million total (including shitskins and halfbreeds). why the fuck would I be pro immigration?
Come to the west coast buddy, I love Indian food
British people leave a path for destruction every where they go
They are parasites IMO
your neighbor in India doesn't owe you shit and neither do we
No it's not like that .
I am a good person.i suppose you could say that it's my destiny.
Then why do you want to live with them, Fuck off.
This is a very clever and well crafted troll post. You stated your intentions and also managed to throw shade at your superiors in the process.
Oh and that photo, brilliant, absolutely brilliant. This thread will surely light a fire under every Europeans ass.
Keep up the good work Patel and I hope you get your head caved in by a negro.
1. There is a difference between legal and illegal immigration.
2. Even if you are a legal immigrant, you should not only work hard but actively try to integrate.
To help Africans modernize.
ILLEGAL immigration is considered ILLEGAL, and is therefore immoral, that's all.
MFW what you are entitled to is to work hard and build India into a country your children's children's children won't have to leave.
A place with proper sanitation, and without corruption, you know?
If you guys keep fucking off to the "good land" and you guarantee your countries will never amount to anything more than they are now.
If you work hard by indian standards thats great rajesh, stay in india then.
We dont want to have to kill your stinky child raping brown ass. But if you do come here, know that your innate inferiority is going to get you killed.
That's basically the entire fucking globe, where would you go that isn't?
No, you literally don't fit in at western countries. Westerners believe in free will, people who are deterministic do really badly in the west.
And you didn't answer my fucking question. Why the fuck would you want to live somewhere that's so alien to you? This is not your home. Indians can be very out of place in the west. Why wouldn't you want to live somewhere with a fraction of the cost of living that you can enrich and drag out of poverty just by existing there? All India needs are a bunch of rich people throwing money around.
Immigration is ok when you can be absorbed into culture-work force in a way that causes only positive impacts. But more often than not you get SJW esque losers who are too chicken shit to improve their country so they run to a better one
>all these mad whitebois
>i hate British people
>oh, I want to come live in England!
There is a policy here Rajesh. No shoes, no shirt, no toilet training, no entry.
=======>> don't forget to blame the private Swedish and international companies that are making a killing providing services and accommodation to "refugees".
your tax dollars pay them a minimum of $350 USD per day for each "unaccompanied child refugee", like this poor little fellow, pic related
>creating mixed race children is good
Fuck off there is a reason we refuse to let immigrants integrate into our culture.
Colonization by the British is the only reason you're not some shit tier nobody nation, India is literally the colonial success story dipshit pajeet. You're lucky the Dutch didn't get you
A man may be entitled to the sweat in his brow but he is not entitled the the sweat on another's.
If you go to another country and so much as talk to a doctor or step foot on a train you are imorally taking what you did not earn, yes even if you pay.
What did the British take you dumb fucking poo, the earth you were eating and stood on? We have you third world shits everything you have today from your poorly regulated shoe factories to your shitty space program that we spend our foreign air budget on for some stupid reason. If we didn't colonize your shitty country you'd still be playing and eating your own shit like a child in a sand pit you fucking poo
If you're thinking for your own good and don't give a shit about others then go on OP nobody is here to stop you but if you have even a tiny bit of love for the country and it's people.
You should payback by giving back to the society and serve as a building block for the nation.
They should hang as well. If we had an optimal cleansing, I think 50% of everyonde in Sweden would be dead.
>.i suppose you could say that it's my destiny.
or we could say "you have to go back"
My phone's auto correct also sucks as much ass as your people kek
>in a way that causes only positive impacts
I think you forgot this
>i am entitled
I can see that
The company I work for hires a fuckton of pops as code monkeys (which they are all shit at) and then staged a dirty protest until they were given a shitting hole in one of the toilets floors. Filthy, smelly disgusting subhuman creatures.
>And the people who i am leaving behind are in their condition because of the British as they took everything we had.
Gave you everything you've got more like.
Because you arriving there by your hard work takes the place of someone living there and working hard. Non homogenous societies hate each other. There are so many reasons.
Limited immigration? Maybe, ok. But large or mass migration ruins shit super bad.
>You're lucky the Dutch didn't get you
>large or mass migration ruins shit super bad.
like this
You can live a comfortable life in India you dumb poo. Don't abandon your native people and country for greener pastures you fucking coward. My grandfather had his lower half blown off in Normandy and didn't fuck off to India where it was safe.
Work for the betterment of your race and don't race mix, that's about it but yeah good b8 all the queens men will come and tell us now how great colonization was
fuck off poo in loo, you damn well know that the british didnt do shit. In fact you guys had a civil war when they tried to get rid of your caste system.
One either can believe in freedom of association or open borders, not both.
I identify myself as a bulgarian. I would like to associate my self with my kin within a physical space. Thus I need a border that my group can decide the rules and develop itself within. If there are no borders, my right to seek the company of my kin and practice my culture is becoming impossible as there are about 7 million of us of a total of 7 billion people on earth.
So fuck off, we are full.
Because most here have fallen for the Jewish schemes of 'nationalism' and 'closed borders'
ur skin is poo
We are going to take everything you looted from us with interest you Britfags after the Brexit.
Your Queen will wipe our dirty laundry you mothfucking faggot.
Trips of truth.
Maybe you'd have a better and more comfortable life if you could stop shitting in the fucking street, Pajeet.
Fuck off, we're already overstocked on disgusting shit skins.
Doesn't matter how hard you work, your skin will always be the color of shit and black eyes
work hard in your own country to make your own country better and have a comfortable life over there and for your people
If the constant never ending terror attacks, the increase in rape crime, the increase of msm and politicans selling out freedom of speech to not offend some goat fucker, the increas in antisemitism, the increase in no go zones, the disgusting demand for sharia, or the not so slow eroding of western values doesnt tell you the reason you are a fucking idiot or pretend for whatever reason to be ignorant.
the trail of destruction in NZ isn't that bad desu
how uneducated are you shitskins, can't find the toilet and you think you can comment on geopolitical discussions go back to your designated streets
That 'child' looks old enough to be those other children's dad.
>not improving your own nation
That is why the white man is the master race
nah whites are homos
I believe there's a difference between legal and illegal immigration.
I mean, if you government consider me worthy of a permanent stay visa all the way up to citizenship, there ain't nothing you can do about it. There's no room for debate either.
It's not like legal immigration is that easy. Only a fool would lose its temper over legal immigrants.
Are those white women about to join the 78% of single mothers fathered by black men. You can have those dumb whores, just stop making the state pay for your mistakes.
Give proper examples m8. Australia, NZ and Canada look pretty fine to me
>I believe that i am entitled to
Hol up. No one is entitled to anything at all in an absolute sense. All entitlements rely on a particular moral or legal system, and those vary. By most prevailing legal and moral systems currently in place, people are not entitled to residency in a foreign country.
Because most of you can't take a bog in a danny you fucking shitcunt
>British as they took everything we had.
Get fucked you shitskin vermin
>because of the British as they took everything we had.
Terrible what we did, building your infrastructure, educating your people in medicine and law, giving you a parliamentary democracy. Left you with nothing.
Because racial diversity is a social toxin. The Lockean ideations you are advancing emerged largely in the enlightenment period in Europe. They have never been field testing in a racial mosaic and they are making our countries compratively weaker except maybe with respect ot GDP but then the rich are getting richer so that's not cycling into the accounts of the masses
“Our analysis shows that peace does not depend on integrated coexistence, but rather on well defined topographical and political boundaries separating groups, allowing for partial autonomy within a single country. “
“For every ten percentage point reduction in own-group density, the relative odds of reporting psychotic experiences increased 1.07 times (95% CI 1.01–1.14, P = 0.03 (trend)) for the total minority ethnic sample. In general, people living in areas of lower own-group density experienced greater social adversity that was in turn associated with reporting psychotic experiences.”
“His conclusion based on over 40 cases and 30,000 people within the United States is that, other things being equal, more diversity in a community is associated with less trust both between and within ethnic groups.”
“We show that ethnic diversity or fractionalization and values diversity are distinct and while the former has a negative effect on innovation, the latter contributes positively. However, countries are bound to have both types of diversity. We find that countries that are ethnically homogenous but diverse in values orientation are the best innovators.”
>I deserve a better life
Build it in your own fucking shithole. That's your fucking problem. Instead of fixing your fucking shit mountain of a country, you go to other people's countries and leave your own to rot.
Then, then ext asshole comes along saying the same shit. 'I worked hard, I deserve a better life!' Every generation, they work hard, they leave, and the 'developing world' never fucking develops.
meanwhile American commercials are showing the raw truth: Pajeet and Priya are having a baby while Ryan and Stacy adopt a puppy
We have merit based and it still gets abused desu
This. We have a point system, yet still flooded with 3rd world trash.
> because of the British as they took everything we had.
They took your loos?
Why do Indians still cry about the Raj? If it wasn't for Nigel and his East India Company your probably be some filthy dalit picking up garbage for the local Raja before being strangled by a thugee cult member
If your country of origin isn't a nice place to live, we don't want you. Make your own shitskinistan great again with the sweat on your brow, if you can.
The fact that you mentioned "I am entitled" no sir no one is, people do their way to make themselves successful through hard work you sound like a righteous dick. This is why working with people from your country is shit, you all believe you are better than anyone at what you do but when it comes down to perform you annoy the fuck out of everyone and turn everyone against you.
If you want to build a society based on your values and norms then don't fucking move and stay put simple as that, we don't need self entitled dicks like you.
Waaa the British took everyone we had, and yet you continue to elect corrupt officials and sending rockets to the moon while your people can't even make a sense of how to use a toilet.
Fuck off Apoo.
Model citizen right there.
You cucks can't even make babies, you all just want to be puppy parents
So...when are you paying them back for 99% of your infrastructure?
Your country would have no railways, dams, or colleges if not for the British. Either send them a check or show some gratitude.
Because no matter how hard you work, we don't want your smelly brown ass in our countries, streetshitter. Even if you did come here no white woman would give you the time of the day anyway, if this can somewhat comfort you.
This guy is living in topsy turvy land.
So fucking what? You solve an aching tooth by shooting yourself in face?
>Brits colonize India
>Doesn't replace the native population
>Brits colonize North-America
>Replace the native population with Europeans
>The US is the world power and Canada is one of the best countries to live in (for now).
>Brits colonize Australia, New Zealand and various islands
>Replace the native population/fill it with Europeans
>Turns out great
Your problem Pajeet, is that your people wasn't genocided. Had we removed the native Indian population and replaced it with Europeans, India would have been a great country today. There is no reason why India should be this shitty, other than that the people themselves are shit.
Lol you'd be shitting in the streets in the dark if it wasn't for the modernization the British brought. Nobody owes you anything fix your fucking country Pajeet and stay the fuck out of mine.
While 18th century Britain was a utopia, right?
200 years == 70 years, really makes you think huh
Good luck with your new puppies, they and your grandpuppies will certainly work to pay for your retirement and take care of you when youre sick!
This is destructive of the host countries. Stay home Pajeet
This Norge makes a pretty good point tbqhfamalam
I would extend the comparison with my current flag but that might get me in trouble
There, better.
>I believe that i am entitled to a good and comfortable life
>I am entitled to your land
Because you leave your shitstained country in a poopidemic and then expect people to praise you for being a "hard worker"
Yes it really made me think. What is your point? Who was colonized for 200 years and who was colonized for 70 in your history book?
The shitskins won't either and without them at least the bombs aren't going up everywhere and trucks are actually used for their intended purpose around where I live.
Retard we gained Independence 70 years ago