In North Dakota it's illegal to sleep naked

>in North Dakota it's illegal to sleep naked
Will burgerclaps defend these laws?

Other urls found in this thread:

If I wear one sock on my foot but keep my genitals fully exposed, is that legal?
What possible purpose is that law meant to have?

In North Dakota, if you sleep naked, you will DIE



I may be naked but I was not sleeping, officer. I was resting my eyes.

Does seran wrap count as clothes

How are they meant to police a law like this? Do police spy in peoples windows to check if they're naked? Has anyone ever been convicted for sleeping while naked?

They don't. There's a bunch of silly laws in some places that were enacted as jokes or sometimes remnants of older times. Here in Arizona any home in which more than four girls live is considered a brothel. Also it's illegal to have more than three dildos in one home iirc

Proving you were naked is easy. Proving you were sleeping is not.

I get arrested for this all the time and have never actually been found guilty once.

In Pennsylvania it's illegal to sleep on a refrigerator outside.

The country is filled with Goofy laws like this that aren't actually enforced

> in Missouri you can't drive down the road with an uncaged bear in your car

> in Orlando, Florida if you park an elephant at a meter you must insert the same change in the meter as if though you were parking a car there

> in Illinois it is against the law to give your pets a lit cigar even if you can prove your pet enjoys them

Most of them were passed so long ago no one really remembers the reason anymore and it's not worth the state or local expenditure to go through and root all of them out

So america literally has a proud history of idiocy?

No they were usually actual legitimate reasons why these laws were passed for example a lot of laws that say things like if you drive your car at night so one must walk one hundred Paces in front of it swinging a Lantern so as not to frighten horses.
And apparently many years ago in Orlando someone used to own an elephant that he would bring into town as a promotion for his business and would leave it in the parking space.

Used to live in Bismarck.

Can confirm.

But what could have possibly caused the no sleeping naked law to be passed?


If I had to Hazard a guess I'd say the one user really wasn't wrong. If for some reason you need to get out of your house quickly say in the event of a fire and you are sleeping naked there's a very good chance you're just as dead outside as you would be if you stayed inside due to the Sub-Zero temperatures

Minot here, people have died from exposure sleeping with too little clothing

I am calling the police on you stupid faggot get ready to be raped in the ass by some niggers for sleeping naked bitch

And why the fuck does the land of the free need a law to enforce common sense?

All countries have fucking weird laws, I believe it's illegal to die in the UK parliament.

we have a history of cheeky cunts doing cheeky things because they're "technically legal", and afterwards a specific and later ridiculous law must be written

You did not understand me. I meant under blankets, inside a house. Death.

In america it's also illegal to eat haggis

The rationale behind it would be that it was mostly for people not from the area.

>common sense
nigger, you didn't even know it got cold in ND until I told you.

I see reading comprehension isn't a priority in Slav City.

But clearly if I lived there it would be common sense that sleeping naked isn't practical due to the temperatures. You're literally defending a nanny state

>implying this is enforced

t. NDSUfag

America is big as fuck. People move around for work.

Maybe because a hundred years ago some guy was going to college and his dormmate slept naked and it really pissed him off. So he became governor and passed a law declaring it illegal to sleep naked because fuck that guy. No one took it seriously, everyone forgot about it, until someone dug through old laws and found it.

like this motherfucker for instance. probably from Alabama or some shitty state. He would have no clue, and he would die.

And the other members of the governers just let it slip through?

Explain please Australia

> it's illegal to be in possession of more than 50 kilograms of potatoes in Western Australia

> it still legal to offer a reward no questions asked for stolen property in South Australia and Tasmania

> there's a $10,000 fine for disrupting a funeral or wedding in South Australia


>there's a $10,000 fine for disrupting a funeral or wedding in South Australia
literally nothing wrong with that

>someone has a shit in their yard so ignore mine

Shut up cunt

Maybe it was signed into law before North Dakota became a state, when it was still just a territory. I don't fucking know.

No one asked you Chad. ( you might be Romanian but I didn't want to offend you by suggesting that you were a gypsy instead of from central Africa)

Also it was a fun little threat about crazy laws various countries have and they all have them including yours I'm sure and you go and turn it into something ugly

No, I'll tell you what. Your faggot forefathers signed a retarded law and your actual stupid governors do all sorts of stupif shit and try to fuck you over on any way possible but never took 10 minutes to cancel an useless law.
Eat shit walking diabetes

Correct. We can also legally shoot a Welshman with a bow and arrow in the city walls of Chester after midnight.

Oh shut the fuck up you piece of shit gypsy. Some of these laws were written hundreds of years ago for various reasons, and some are just outright fabrications.

Just as I feared, a nigger gypsy.

>Also it's illegal to have more than three dildos in one home iirc
typical from the patriarchy

Dont mind that gypsy nigger. Being a cunt online is the only thing he has to look forward to in his life.

Which are left untouched in the constitution. Sorry to break it to you, but your fathers were a bunch of morons.

The smoking law isn't that outlandish. There is no minimum "drinking age" in the UK, but you need to be 18 to buy alcohol. In practise, the parents are likely to get a visit from social services if the kids are getting boozed up every night.

>being lectured by a gypsy about the American

What a bunch of pussies.

Here in Finland we put babies outside to sleep.

holy shit...hivemind gone too far?
i to that too.
only one sock,dick and balls out of underpants or underpants lower than balls

In North Dakota, everyone's primary concern is to move out of North Dakota. In other words nobody cares