As a burger...

As a burger, I just want to say that I can't imagine going on a foreign language board and being able to converse in another language. For as much shit as we give you eurofags, south american monkeys, and chinks, most of you guys have pretty good english on here and it makes me feel stupid seeing how articulate some of you are compared to my own anglo countrymen.
that's all

Other urls found in this thread:

Thanks, mate. Appreciate it.

Id like to second this, and give my respects


>he can speak the queens english AND American english fluently
I can't even tell the difference between a tallywag and a flimmonwunda

Hola alguien sabe como enamorar a una mujer?
Es que quiero tener novia

O,dyole Rules!

>tfw speak basic spanish

Hi, does anyone know how to (talk to?) a girl?
I want to have a gf.

do you guys really talk in simple terms like that? maybe there is hope for me? wheres the spanish Sup Forums?

But this isn't American imageboard, it's Japanese

is this a euro proxy troll
really, really good joke is so

Pues, guanaco - es mejor k konsíguete "trap," por k (come dicen los sabios), "Lo unico mejor de tener verga es tener dos."

I always just thought those were white people LARPing with proxies

Props to any foreigners who actually discuss shit on here. I tried learning Spanish, and that shit was rough just trying to have a conversation

Marvelous, old chap.

Thanks user. You should try learning a new language, it's not THAT hard, you only need dedication

Thanks Burger-user, learning languages is one of the best hobbies you can get into, and its the proper way of learning a foreing culture.

keked. I wonder what percentage are larpers with proxies. take this guy for example:
a Brazilian typing like a native english speaker, what the FUCK is this shit?
and then you have this leaf with the worst english ITT so far

American education, eh?

A tallywag is a perfumed handkerchief one covers one's nose is when walking past a poor person.

A flimmonwunda is the disapproving look nanny gives you when you don't properly shake your dingle dry after going pee pee.

The internet is American
Also I can speak Mandarin Chinese, can't write it though.

To us, being monolinguistic is a weird idea. It's like being illiterate. Hell, I speak 4 languages and God knows I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed

>I tried learning Spanish, and that shit was rough just trying to have a conversation
I started Runescaping when I was 8. Never had to study for English in high school as a result. Shit was so cash.

Dude these are all Americans LARPing with proxies

I'm like 85% sure of. What would foreigners from 3rd world shit holes be doing on here?

How the fuck do all of these foreigners know so much about American politics and culture? I just saw some poster from Batliva type out an essay-length post about the intricate factors around the election.

Yeah, okay.

Good point. Opened my eyes thanks for the red pill

To be honest, english is way easier than any other language I've been learning, that's probably why Im good at it and not that great with others(fuck you, french)

taco burrito nacho supreme

No we're not. Your politics and culture are all over the internet... everyone knows American politics and culture.

I think us cunts butcher English heaps beta than use guys.

I'd like to show my appreciation for Russia and Brazil.

I can't imagine not being fluent in at least one other language.

I am in three and russian will be my fourth and final one. I had an easy start though, could speak english well at 13 and wasn't far behind in german. Its absolute piss easy if you start as a kid.

Still, i cannot imagine living all my life with only one whole language, make no mistake, English is a beatiful language, but personally i grew tired of my national language.

Now, i want to shit-post in French.

I'm only fluent in English and hatespeech

kek, I'm literally in the same situation, polanbro. I think it's also the fact that I've been using English for a long time and that I'm in contact with it much more than I am with French.

If you think euros and asians on here speaking English is impressive, how about the fact that they know more about American politicians than most Americans

agreed. i sometimes feel really bad how we never need to learn another language while everyone has to learn english if they ever want to get anywhere.

Proxy, my ass, 100 % pure. unadultered content from the land of the eternal Taco.

This might by a dumb question: But do anyone of you non-Anglo countries speak English outside of the internet? Does it pop up accidentally in casual conversation? Do you sometimes speak to your family in English? Do you talk to yourself or in your head in English?

>approach girl

>. Hell, I speak 4 languages and God knows I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed
see this is where I think he might be an American larper. this sentence has American idioms "sharpest tool in the shed" and common americana expressions like "God knows" and prefacing the sentence with "Hell", Though I guess he could pick those up from watching TV and memeing in general, it's just crazy that we give away the secrets of our language so loosely and don't guard them by putting in nonsense words like Aussie bogans or Britbongs.
fuck, i don't know what to believe anymore. The worst is when it's a Tanzanian flag talking about the history and geopolitics of the balkan states in perfect english

This might be the most american post I've ever seen on Sup Forums.

>there are somalians shitposting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW

spoiler: overemphasizing a word is not a new language

srsly whats wrong with you canadians?
I have been lurkin for over a year and i have yet so see an earnest contribution by you gara

Well the statistics for Sup Forums are: United States (47%), United Kingdom (8%), Canada (6%), Australia (5%), Germany (4%), France (2%), Sweden (2%), Netherlands (2%), Poland (1.5%), Brazil (1.5%).
And I'd say Sup Forums is even more international.
The only people using proxies are those with flags from very small countries.


Most of them are shills using proxies

south american monkeys

Hey, dont be so mean.

Why amerifats do this? ;_;

>Dude these are all Americans LARPing with proxies
Nah, i'm brazilian, and i can prove if you feel like it.
>I'm like 85% sure of. What would foreigners from 3rd world shit holes be doing on here?
I'm here for the laughs and the "war" between countries on threads, the joked, memes and the list goes on.
>I'm like 85% sure of. What would foreigners from 3rd world shit holes be doing on here?
I live on the internet. It's not like it's impossible to know this shit.

When i was learning English in the begining , yes, i did the "voice in the head" first, which of course , led to extremely slow conversations (lol) but , as the times goes , you start speaking/typing naturally.

In my job, everyday i have to deal with English or foreing languages, mostly French and Japanese.

>I started Runescaping when I was 8. Never had to study for English in high school as a result. Shit was so cash.
Kinda same here.Used to play lots of videogames when i was younger and they actually helped me,had the best vocabulary in my English class.Too bad i don't use English this much these days (pretty much only here) so i've started to slip a bit.

Dude you see what I'm talking about

Some eastern european poster talking like he's from rural Ohio. They're LARPers dude. They all got History degrees, became NEETs, and now they're LARPing as foreigners.

There are no foreigners on here. Especially the non-whites. Why would they be attracted to this place?
Ok maybe this guy is legit. I could see Mexicans and Canadians coming here

>honestly did not know about Belarus until I saw your post
>have never heard it mentioned at all in movie or media or 18+ years of schooling
>can not find you guys on a map (assuming eastern europe)
>google you and find out you guys are an ethnic group with your own language too


Nigger be honest

Are you honestly in Spain right now or are you LARPing


I get why you'd think that but a lot of foreigners are interested in america
Yeah you're right, I don't watch french movies or play french games, and with english I do that pretty much on the regular


Ne razumem, zakaj si mnenja, da so tukaj samo Americani. Mogoce paranoja, kot vcasih pred komunajzarji ali sedaj Rusi.

Btw google translate doesn't work for shit to translate into Slovenian - a language spoken only by 1-1.5 million people worldwide. And fyi, english is extremely simple. It's easily the most simple language I speak.


>this thread amuses me greatly

Have to echo this sentiment. You ESL folks are pretty awesome. I really have to stop being a uni-lingual pleb and pick up a second language.

kys, melting pot

Pretty much the same here, too. First learned English when I was 6-7 years old.
I had many opportunities to use it (vidya, movies, books, communicating on TeamSpeak - among many others), and... shit just happened. I also browsed Sup Forums in my teens, and I improved tons because I was communicating with people in english much more.
Hell, I have forgotten certain words from my language, so for example, I may know a certain object's name in English, but not in Bulgarian.

>t. Cleetus


Após tantos relatos de crimes, subornos, propinas e corrupção, um majestoso heroi vai à tribuna defende e seu voto e, antes de anunciar sua escolha, as seguintes palavras são ditas: "Que Deus tenha misericórdia desta nação". Todos sabiam do motivo, a festa acabou, a luz apagou, a treva chegou. Apenas os mortos conhecem a paz deste mal.

Bet ameriguys will not understand this

I never use english outside of the internet, certainly not with my family nor in my head.

>muh proxies
Just go to int you fucking dumb burgers

Majority of "them" arent shills, if you have a million unique users a day probably a few thousand are shills, but since its their job to sit and shitpost they will still manage create a vast amount of shitposts


I find hilarious the "every non-American flag is a proxy" , Sup Forums is a very popular website, worldwide, maybe the faggots of Reddit have the same issue ?

You can LARP if you want to. I know Missouri gets boring

Fuck you Latvia

t. mohammad

See and explain this, then. And Slovenia is central Europe, not eastern you inbred jizz stain

How big does your ego and ignorance has to be in order to believe everyone is an americunt?
>Sa-ti iau mortii si ranitii-n pula de radasca batrana.

I live in Malaga wich is plagued with drunk britbongs, so yeah.

But it is the most useful at searching resources at the interwebz.

i dont get it though. how are some of you able to type and respond so quickly? don't you have fucked up looking keyboards that you use for your language or do you all have burger-standard keyboards?

Yes I live in Spain because I am spanish.
You can bet that 90% of anons with a non-USA flag are legit foreigners, the rest are LARPers with proxies.

Fuck, i got to the point i think in english, i forget some words in portuguese but remember it in english, it's pretty inconvenient most of the time.

I don't speak english with anyone outside of the internet, but yeah, it's not like i talk to a lot of people anyway,

Damn dude I just looked up Belarus landscape, it looks identical to Wisconsin here in the USA

Unless you're LARPing, then you would already know that

Pretty much internalised it by the time I was ~13.

>central Europe

I can half understand it ,thats the beauty of Spanish , you can half-guess Portuguese, French, Italian, and of course, Latin. Brazil-brah ,its a bit dark , aint it ?

Only the dead know peace from this evil.

Posters from non-English countries on Sup Forums are so good that I can read their posts in my own inner voice.

Whereas non-English posters on the internet years and years ago not on Sup Forums sounded like retards who needed to ask for a refund from their english language teachers.

Politics in my country is dead and has no hope, and I love the bants from all over the world.

Is it that hard to imagine that people who are non angelo can speak english?

Embed or no watchy, Ahmed

Dude, fucking hell
Do you know how prevalent your culture is everywhere in the west? I grew up watching mostly your cartoons and movies, wearing blue jeans and listening to your music, it's only natural people know your language

Zapierdoleni ci amerykanie są, myślą że ich język to jakiś niewiadomo jak trudny jest.Paranoja kompletna, jeszcze zarzekają się że larpuje sobie bycie Polakiem, no normalnie poezja kurwa mać.

eu moro na australia e todo dia eu sinto meu portugues ir embora gradualmente :((

>graduated with history degree in 2016
>be on Sup Forums
>want to LARP behind proxies
>pull up google translate
>type in gibberish
>copy and paste

>Central Europe

ok that's enough. How do we stop foreigners from stealing our language? it's fucked up that we are exporting our language and getting NOTHING in return.

should we al justl start talking and typing with a southern drawl like Slingblade?

I have a hard time accepting that everybody in Romania is not sitting on a stoop wearing a fur hat drinking vodka

I'm on to your tricks, Steve from Ohio

Burgers have a very poor comprehension of the outside world. English is amazingly widespread.

huehuehue gibe moni plz

being a cunt is colorblind

Ahahahaha, jesus.
People pick these idioms up naturally when they communicate, is that so hard to grasp?
To think that you actually think like that...just beggars belief.

Esse deve ser um dos piores sentimentos :(, aguente firme, irmão.

>keked. I wonder what percentage are larpers with proxies. take this guy for example
All of them are proxies
nobody can speak english because its so hard

Break is over, back to customer support, Paki.

Yeah ok, you're a troll, and not an entertaining one at that

It's because English is hardly a challenge. It's grotesquely simple, especially when compared to French or German. English is so simple that beginners are often intimidated by the simplicity itself, or doubt the usefulness of the language altogether. Most languages rely on intricacies and details that you're bound to miss unless you speak them natively or have creepy levels of talent. So don't feel bad.

Break is over, stop wanting to be German, Slav.