What will the average Swedish women look like in 2045? Will women like Pic related be bred out of existence?
What will the average Swedish women look like in 2045? Will women like Pic related be bred out of existence?
>tfw she'll never sit on your face
>you'll never feel the smell of sunscreen that permeates her body
the human race will be all shitskinned by then desu
and what is wrong with that mister racist shitface?
> mutant
> sage
Nobody asked you Pajeet.
>in Sweden
Fucking aussies, at least meme it right
Why would they be bred out? Do desperate sandniggers such as yourself unironically think this chick doesn't have a white guy equivalent, or that "european" sandniggers ACTUALLY get wives like this, and don't just end up importing their cousins?
Top kek, Shabab.
You spend your whole life trying to get a white trophy wife that looks half as good as OP, whereas I've banged around 5 of those tall/skinny types before entering first semester at uni, and that was 8 years ago.
she looks like she's 3 meters tall
This German woman is getting raped by rapefugees as we speak and cuckold German "men" are doing nothing about it. What can we do to help her?
This woman isn't even attractive. She's just a tall skinny white woman with ashy feet, chipped nail polish and a lopsided face.
Try harder.
>Subjugation and enslavement of Nordics
>Nordic sex slave breeding programs
>2/3rds of the world is Nordic sex slaves
>Potential for Nordic uprising but it never happens
>Nordics are sex slaves forever
Implying you wouldn't bang with this comfy mutant.
You could start by paying those fucking debts.
why are you guys so fucking retarded when it comes to breeding? no, whites will not be bred out of existence in a generation (what does it even mean to be bred out of existence? almost all people breed within their own race) and you can't meme a fucking baby boom into existence. stop making these retarded threads
Thats way too white for sweden. This is a much closer example of the average swedish woman in 2025.
>You know this to be true
Yea fuck off nigger. She is hot AF
>paying those fucking debts
So Germany has even more money for rapefugee gibs. Great idea faggot
>mongoloid "intellectuals"
That's not really what they think. They think that you'll have zero, one or two babies with your Austrian bitch (if you don't decide you are a tranny in the meanwhile) and they will have 10 children with Fatima. Eventually there will be a shortage of white mates, so interbreeding will happen.
Boer, actually. Women who look like her are a dime a dozen in my country. And no, I wouldn't fuck her, not even with Mugabe's cock.
If she can't take care of her feet, as basic as that is, can you imagine what the rest of her is like.
No thanks.
>no tits
>celt like face that looks irish or north scotland
I hope so
Fun fact. Her Boyfriend is a turkish football player
You know this photo is a hoax right?
this is your problem. arabs think swedish women look like this on average. They are more thick like in the torso and not in the hour glass way. and more plain albinoy in the face. Blonde hair more yellowy
wtf is ashy
Something that happens to nigger skin. Dry and flaky basically.
which one?
What is with the spam of 1 post by this ID threads lately on Sup Forums?
speak for yourself you tea slurping cuck.
everytime I go to bongland i play the game "spot the white guy".
my count is still 3
I think you need to take a look at the demographics data. Babies aged 0-4, who are they. And how does the burden of the welfare system taking from productive members and giving to unproductive but baby-producing members limit the number of babies natives have.
UK muslim population has been doubling every decade since 1970s. By 2050 UK will be majority Islamic, nothing can be done to stop it.
top kek
>now 2 posts by this ID
Also, to the people calling her ugly, shes a 10/10 Swedish Super Model
It's either we become a minority or we breed with British "women". I choose becoming a minority.
I see tons of Swedish landwhales in the summer here.
Get lost.
click the link faggots
hey. remember that time when we came over for a visit, stole all your shit, raped your women and took the most beautiful ones back home and left the ugly ones?
if we can do it then so can the muslims
That explains the average UK woman... Damnit Iceland.
lol no
yeah I remember
Swedish girls are little fat nuggets. Norwegian girls on the other hand... very nice!
Holy buttfuck she is gorgeous.
It's not a hoax it's an actor in make up for a tv show
couldn't give a fuck what it is, i just joogled 'blond beaten' and grabbed the first picture.
Just wait until you can design your baby. We will see which looks are the true master race.
CRISPR here we go.
sorry fucked up my reply
but hey consider it a favor.
yet heed my warning!
muslims will breed you out if you don't take action.
look at sweden...
> Will women like Pic related be bred out of existence?
No - you can't breed them out of existence because there is no negative selection for this phenotype
> average Swedish woman
Is much fatter. What you're looking at is an American.
I will have you know that Sweden is the only true multicultural society, trying to complete the extraordinary collectors game. How many different brown and black cock can my white daughter take, before she is ran over by the local jihadi assault truck. Times running out!
>muslims will breed you out
Like I said earlier its either that or mate with British women. I'd rather die childless than breed with one of them.
Go to Ukraine - there'll be packs of white 6-8\10 bitches fightng to jump on your cock if you tell you are from GB and came for a long term wife.
what's wrong with your faaaaace?
how is that fun
oh german flag nvm
That desperate are they? Ukrainian girls are qt so I might just go there as a "tourist".
The same as the average woman in places like Rinkeby and Malmo. The last of the Nordic beauties will be either sent to the USA/Israel to serve Gods' chosen or will stay in the area that used to be Sweden to serve the Muslims.
then you are the problem.
no one will remember your name pleb and you dare call your self a kingdom...
I am dissapoint
This guy gets it. Funny thing is if you go to Iceland the girls will jump on your dick because you're one of the few guys there they're not related to.
Indeed goy, white women are terrible! perhaps you should give homosexuality a try?
>then you are the problem
>not the ugly, inbred, disgusting, primate like, caked up in makeup, obese, bucked teeth British women who burn coal regularly, hence the thousands of half-castes on the streets
Maybe I'll go there too and reclaim our stolen women
Something like this
Fucking degenerate.
To answer your question, user
yes, you are the problem.
you see the problem yet do nothing about it, you are a coward.
you are supposed fight even tho odds are against you and until your final breath.
blaming everyone else is the easy way, the coward way.
The honorable MANLY way is to take action and do something about it.
British women aren't worth a fingernail and neither is this country today. Sorry, I won't pick up arms to fight for it. I'd rather leave.
desert maidens>>>>>>snow chimp "women"
Desert chimp women are the worst. The worst part of bitchy traditional woman self-entitlement and SJW self-entitlement at the same time.
well then, that is your choice.
A shitty one to say the very least but you have the right to one.
But in the end, your cowardice will haunt you till the day you leave this existance and over to the next one.
ps. know that if I ever find out who you are, i will give you the bitchslap that you rightly deserve.
honestly is this a ton of makeup or does she look a bit inbred?
You'd understand if you lived here. I don't see Iceland drowning in niggers and other scallywags.
Belive it or not but there definantly is women out there who are worth fighting for, like finding a needle in a haystack but i can guarantee you that they do infact exist.
I'm sure they exist, just not in this country mate.
Her mom is a Mongol
Flee where goy? your people have not acquired a secure ethno-state like the chosen have in Israel. You western white maggots are literally getting conquered in all of your lands and I doubt the Slavs would want you infesting their lands with your cuck-genes and your degeneracy.
we have a crisis with eastern eu shite like pooland.
I dated one. From the UK she was pretty good
This is what Swedish women look like in 2045, and the rest of Europe for that matter.
muh dik
Yeah the Polish love to come here as well, mostly for benefits.
She probably had blood on the continent or wasn't British at all.
Who needs girls.
>name is "mayer"
>looks kind of like natalie portman
Sweden is doomed, I suggest that we send in the boys in black
Yes. Sweden will be 100% Northern Germanic in the next 20 years
In Germany they have to be raped. Hellenic women and men killed their bloodline by intermixing long time ago
It's like a blonde greyhound had sex with a pretty snake.
I have a beautiful natural blonde Afrikaner wife with blue eyes. I'm good thanks.