refute this
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Why would I ? It's true
Nothing to refute
I can't, it is impossible to refute.
You cant refute the true.
American Christianity is a flexible belief. You can't just suddenly say it's religious freedom when you just pick and choose what you prefer to follow from the Bible. And this is before taking cis-white privilege into account.
How can I?
American people have grown up with one hell of an excuse of "Christianity", and they're pretty much set out to hate it. Hating christianity is pretty much the norm over there.
However, if the person is a foreigner, and of foreign belief, it's really exotic. You don't show tourists the worst spots, do you?
>allahu aktarts
Interresting that US (or major part of Europe) overrun by libtards. But here, we have to deal with hardliners religious fundamentards who wants to change us into Syria 2.0
Indonesia = basically a reverse USA
wait i thought we disliked muslims
Most Muslims in white country will do nothing.
specially in white neighboorhood.
They will be flustered and embarrassed and go
"You... You too" and that's it.
This is great.
Will come handy while arguing with my whore "friends" on kike-book.
it's obviously false
muslims don't have jobs
In this case, you could still refuse them service by saying "we won't make an obscene cake regardless of our customers' orientation".
No fucking shit.
Once they become the majority they'll openly start killing homos like you.
Ain't it the truth..
All logic and reason must be backed up by violence or the violent will just ignore logic and reason.
This is why I lift.
Cant refute. thats what a moderate muslim.
not kidding.
they do. its otaku japs and Neets who dont
Government "work" creates more government. It's not a job. There's no market or clients that you have to please. Citizens get robbed to pay your salary. It's not voluntary so it's not a job.
They're excelent pyrotechnists.
>You can't just suddenly say it's religious freedom when you just pick and choose what you prefer to follow from the Bible.
I think "religious freedom" means that each person has the freedom to choose what they believe, in a religious sense.
" Gay-friendly 'mosque' opens in Paris"
" The new centre is run by Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed, a gay Islamic scholar, married to a gay man, and the founder of Homosexual Muslims of France."
Look, another atheist that thinks old jewish laws are supposed to apply to modern christians
HAHA, they should be stoned.
" Why it is “easier to be gay than straight” in a society where everyone, homosexual and otherwise, lives in the closet"
" after midnight it would be “full of men picking up men.” These days, he said, “you see gay people everywhere.” "
" Vibrant communities of men who enjoy sex with other men can be found in cosmopolitan cities like Jeddah and Riyadh. They meet in schools, in cafés, in the streets, and on the Internet."
" Talal, a Syrian who moved to Riyadh in 2000, calls the Saudi capital a “gay heaven.” "
Lift what? The jointje to your mouth? Faggot.
>wait for homosexuals to basically have 10x more rights than straights
>gay-marry a bro for the benefits, never actually be gay
Give me the odds on whether or not progs will manage to subvert and destroy Islam before Muslims take over.
it'll take 50+ years for islam to undergo prog change, which will happen like every other religion. The smarter and richer adherents will become "culturally islamic" but not religious at all, and the poor will cling to tradition, slowly letting go of it reluctantly and angrily.
Actually i'd pull a wild guess and say that progs will destroy Islam JUST in time for them to take over the western world. However, this assumes everything will stay the course, no major right wing movements will rise up (less immigration), and no technological advances (designer babies, energy advances, etc).
Doesn't the Bible require the gay men to be burned alive or something? Why doesn't the baker act on that?
>Actually i'd pull a wild guess and say that progs will destroy Islam JUST in time for them to take over the western world.
I'm thinking along these lines as well. Every year I see more lightbrown people in bars and in nightclubs, evidently unmarried and unconcerned with religion. And statistics with regards to age of marriage, birth rates, etc. reflect this.
However I'm also seeing more muslim(a)s at the cutting edge of the leftwing movement. They recently managed to trick the feminists into believing that the hijab is a feminist symbol, and that shouting "Allahu ackbar" is the proper prog thing to do. Couple this with growing involvement of Muslims in politics, and you'll see that Muslims are simultaneously subverting the leftwing.