The crime rate in Germany is lower than in Hungary. Racists BTFO
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sure Ahmed
I don't see trucks crashing into Hungarian citizens though, are migrants even considered criminals since they just let them go and censor information? And why do you ignore all other countries who have much higher crime rates compared to (((racist))) country like mine? Saged.
The crime rate in romania 1955 was one of the lowest on the planet
Well if the msm/politicans/police and even social service push censorship in hungary they would probably have a "low crimerate" too
but that was when people were experiencing the wonders of communism
is that the girl from run lola run
yeah just let your door open goyim
there is no crime i promise :^)
I'd do the thing to breed her.
What thing
can't argue with god's chosen kites
Not lower just better censored.
Also there is a difference between theft, smuggling and rape, mass murder
Missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
I'd like to see Germany's crime rate in 2002 compared to 2016.
It doesn't matter if it is lower than Hungary's if it's still rising
>The crime rate in Germany is lower than in Hungary.
The REPORTED crime rate in Germany is lower than in Hungary might actually be true, since the police is on the side of the invaders and people don't want to get raped AND go to jail for racism by reporting their rapists.
I had my bikes stolen twice, I contributed more to crime statistics than a woman who was raped and murdered just once
>Not lower just better censored.
Better censorship than in a country literally banning universities?
>h-heh, wow, that art is really good, you're so talented
>Jewish brainwashing centre
Good goy
at least my opinion is not illegal, Hans
didnt they raid your own Sup Forums because of messages that your shitty government didnt want you to see, also they just put a license fee for any german twitch streamer so they can remove it if you say something that is not allowed. literally your shitty government is based on censorship. kys
>using lel instead of kek
fuck off Ahmed you're not even trying
white herpes having wigger lover and hanz loves her hahahaha
>Somalia and Iran
>less crime than Argentina and Uruguay
Wie viel Geld bekommst du für dein Trollen hier?
Und weißt du was? Denk mal ernsthaft drüber nach, dich dieses Jahr noch aufzuhängen. Gib einfach mal was zurück :^)
the crime rate in saudi arabia isn't that high either, do you want to live there you taqqiya piece of shit?
>stop recording crimes committed by migrants unless someone is hospitalised or killed
The absolute state of Germany
Sup Forums is impervious to your manipulated statistics krautcuck bitch, we all know what's up. Fake news runs off us like water runs off a raincoat.
>banning universities
>soros unlicensed brainwashing operation
Wow, just when I thought one can not be a bigger shill then a kremlinbot, this JIDF shill straight out of sinagogue prooves me wrong, bravo.
What crime rate? What is that statistic based on? Of course if you don't report crime and don't arrest criminals your crime rate will be low. Is it not crime they genociding your population?
Amazing how much crime drops when police stop reporting the crimes of brown people.
Talentless whore
Doesn't Hungary have loads of gypsies?
well at least our police do something about rape other than saying "They need it"
Also we must remember that southslavlands and especially Romania, Hungary and Slovenia are plagued by some of the most vile breeds of jypsy scum.
there arent road blocks on town squares in hungary
Fuck off shill.
Germany doesn't even understands the difference between stealing a bike and getting raped. I wonder if they even report bike stealing.
>well at least our police do something
Biggest laugh I ever had
They only issue speeding tickets and political arrests
>raped by husband
>raped by stranger
There's a difference.
Why is there a constant need to shitpost her?
I wish that our leader during WWII had killed them rather then deport them
>reported crime
>actual crime
Last time i heard that germany was trying to cover up the rapes from cologne it was Sup Forums and that forced the actual rapes and crime on the news.
And Gypsyland has even lower crime then both you faggots.
You know whats funny I see girls walking to non-stop stores at 1 A.M no problem.
Where as in Germany chances are you'll get raped as a girl or beat up as a guy.
>Crime rate of slavs vs white people
Yeah nah that's not exactly a fair comparison.
I don't think a Muslim woman would ever report their husband for Rape
They aren't even Indo-Euros
Maybe try that reverse. They report crime, but don't get convicted. Police ignoring crime is another level of not reporting crime, is not the same as people reporting and police not convicting.
She can't, since it isn't a crime. In Africa police rapes you if you report rape.
>Top Ten countries with highest reported crime rates
>Top ten countries that have the logistic capacity to report crime
>Gypsyland has even lower crime then both you faggots
What are gypsies going to steal from in Gypsyland?
Germany... The country known for its massive rape coverup.... But I'm sure we can trust these statistics, right goys?
each others shit my little burger
Anything, if only for sport
Considering how many fucking Gypsies there are there I'm not sure whether racists are BTFO.
>trustworthy source
Pick one and only one moron. Also hungary has hundreds of thousand gypsis and they are famous for a reason.
Shieeeet. I guess i have no other option now, than to get a gf, then marry her, then move to nearest country with bbcs and let myself be cucked
Finally Germany has decided to use the same system as South africa when it comes to monitoring crime.
>If you turn the charge sideways, you can actually see the crime rate going down.
I never saved her butt pic, if you want to post it to help a tent pitchin brother out?
>implying most of the shit these freaks get up to is actually reported.
When a certain US politician was criticizing Sweden a few months ago, weren't liberals rushing to the nations defence by saying that higher crime rates are actually a good thing, because it means people feel confident enough in law enforcement to report it?
Because the statistics didn't make it trough. for the Propaganda.
Just like ours today.
yeah, hungary is in the path of destruction those niggers cause on their way there.
Wow, awesome. So you have maybe, what one more generation before becoming a mixed race of people with zero identity?
>mixed race of people with zero identity
Identity politics are cancer.
I think they chose Hungary because Hungary was/is anti-Immigrant.
The whole statement is vague, as well. Who cares if it's lower if it's rising.
Is Germany's Crime rate rising with Migrants? This is the question they are avoiding
I don't even care what you type, cause you posted that Gross bitch.
Lol. She probably saw that movie. I really like it btw.
race war soon, comrade! erhmm, I meant revolution
that was my point, i don´t trust the regime/person that caused the problem to tell the truth about it
It's sad to see how once beautiful country is turning to shit. Not just country but also people. I remember when I worked at Germany summer jobs, I admired it's culture and attractions, nice and humorous people, peaceful streets, nice women and prime quality beer. Guess that wont happen again any time soon.
What is even more sad that you're happy about it.
thats a lie and you know it
Germany doesn't consider rape or murder of its citizens to be a crime unless they are Muslim
Yeah but don't most other hungarians hate gypsies?
I don't think people are very ""tolerant"" or ""accepting"" Of them, except for people here in North America who don't get the hate for gypsies because they've never had to deal with them before
>her butt pic
I lived in a village, in a bigger town, and in the capital, and everyone I ever met hated gypsies with a passion
They are truly irredeemable subhuman scum
Like two days ago there was a big outrage because a 21 year old gypsy robbed the money of a 10 year old boy in a city called Gyöngyös
There are crimes which you hear about (like murdering 90 year old ladies for the equivalent of 5 dollars) and you say 'it must have been a gypsy'... and it always is
I can't stress enough how much of a strain they are on our public safety, economy, demographics, whatever
Because when you dont count niggers physically mollesting children and young woman or nigger pickpocketing as a crime aynmore and white crime rates are much lower to beginn with its totally okay that niggers are much more criminal than us and act like savages.
If you don't report the crimes, they never happened
and you communist gypsy trash, of all people, still pretend to be better than germany
>Trusting (((Government))) statistics
yeah, because we are aware of how these subhuman scum pose a threat to our way of life, yet you still embrace Ahmed's cock :)
>literally banning
gr8b8 gyuri
>foreign university funded by Soros who funds half of antiwhite movements thorough the world
Sure all they were teaching was pure science and STEM.
hey mohammad, didn't see you there. germany doesn't report half of the muslim rapes they have. enjoy New Libya, faggot.
They're literally Asian you retarded weeb fag.
Hungary has an unfortunate gypsy infestation. Happens to the best of us dont judge