Celebrety star to isolate himself in cabin - in Finland

Celebrety star to isolate himself in cabin - in Finland

Finanons can you confirm this, so we can start with locating this absolute cuck and fuck with him?

Other urls found in this thread:


Basicly he will reside with two other celebreties in a cabin in finnish lappland (google it) as part of a (bs) artproject. The entire thing will be livestreamed, since the retard hasnt learned his lesson.

Please, please, can we fuck with him?

we were yesterday,sharia looked depressed as fuck

He will reside somewhere in this area, if I were to guess, he will live near a lake, up north, since he is a basic bitch and would do shit like that

Oh shit you already found him??

nah,our guys went to the exhibit in the museum geared up in maga hats playing shadilay,sharia lepoulet looked like he wanted to kill himself

So this must be the next step, to find sharia leneet and burn down his cabin or crush the windows or hang up maga caps everywhere in the trees and shit

old news you fucking faggot


>old news
>12 april

1 day = old news kek


Im so happy to be late to the party because that was absolute gold

God i love Sup Forums

I could drive to finland if no one else wants to.


never forget who directed it

Stupid phone poster.


So I think it's safe to say it's been a while since Shia's gotten any serious movie or TV offers

finns are the biggest memers on this planet
they will find him

he already disclosed his location, fag

68 52' 30"N 27 11' 3"E

Sweden, pull Ackhmed's cock out of your ass for five seconds, leave him to your wife, and go to Finland.

Did he? Is this real? The text is not centered like it is in all other pictures.

This is what the text should look like.

looks like a cabin to me



The fingolians won't do anything though apart from meme at the gallery.

This gonna be boring and cringe, better to just wait until season 5

>find shack
>Wait till he goes to take a shit
>Post Maga flag on wall in front of camera

This is of course assuming he isn't being a faggot and just streaming from a set in his house. Someone should go by and check. See if we can jack the feed and find out where it goes

You're late to the party kiddo

can you give a time in the live streams where he said this? the picture someone posted here can be faked, the livestream is way harder to fake.

This is a fucking trap. A cup of tea? Yeah right. If any anons plan on going to that shed, don't expect to come out with your anal cherry intact.

urbanites won't survive

So this is a job for people who enjoy Sup Forumses

What's all this text? I had no idea he was aware of Sup Forums and /r9k/

He literally stole it word for word from a furry

Good luck

Jesus what a faggot.

>so butthurt that he put himself in a literal cuckshed.

Can't make this shit up.