What country here was truly in the wrong, Britain or Germany?

What country here was truly in the wrong, Britain or Germany?

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>What country here was truly in the wrong, Britain or Germany?




Germany was only reclaiming land it had rightful claim to.

Whomever put churchshill in charge

this desu
we really sould've allied with Germany


Should not have been so harsh in the Treaty of Versailles.


But that last sentence in your pic disagrees with you.

>Historians believe Poland may not have been good enough to remain a country
And just like the dodo and the panda bear, Pooland shouldn't exist

It wasn't, we were.

>Germany gets fucked in WWI, signs Versailles
>somehow this is Britain's fault

If Wilhelm wasn't such a bitch and listened to Bismarck, none of this would have happened.

Its kind of sad how we treated Hitler, he'd been a lifelong admirer of Britain and its empire and in response to his generous peace offerings we just bombed civilians.

H*tler should never have bombed us tbqh, then Dresden wouldn't have happened :^)

Something about coal or something right?

Wasn't it France that covertly supported the Serb independence as well?

Germany was wrong only in the way they went about it. Britain is and was wrong because of the vast majority of them being walking human pieces of shit.

>the vast majority of them being walking human pieces of shit
Are you a German or something?

>yfw the Luftwaffe accidentally bombed civilians in one night raid
>yfw Britain the next night unleashes all fucking hell on purely civilian targets
>tfw Germany thinks Britain with provocation bombed civilians, Germany goes full apeshit

Really if there were some actual fucking communication between Germany and Britain millions of civilians could have been spared

hitler was the good guy.

Actually Hitler didn't go full apeshit he didn't respond to it for months

>Yes, we wanted them to pay for the destruction of our mines in the North, which eventually led to the occupation of Ruhr by our military forces.
>We massively support the central Europe countries after WW1 as a way to prevent a Habsurg restoration in Austria (see : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Entente).

Cheers Frenchman.

to be honest, germany only demanded danzig at first, but like with czechoslovakia and sudetenland , we wouldve invaded anyway

Churchhill was the first one to conduct aerial bombings on civilians. I fucking hate anglo scum

Hitler freed all of us from dirty imperials


No we wouldn't have, for several reasons.

1. Poland would've been invaluable as a buffer state between us and the Soviets.
2. The liquidation of remnant Czechia happened under very specific circumstances. After the secession of Slovakia the country wouldn't have survived anyway; the Munich Agreement which specifically related to Czechoslovakia had become irrelevant; Czechia was indefensible without the Sudeten mountains. None of these political and strategic factors could be applied to Poland; had they agreed to our demands (return of Danzig, exterritorial railway and highway through the corridor) we wouldn't have gained any advantage AGAINST Poland.
3. The German demands were reasonable and moderate and could've buried German-Polish enmity for good. Had a more reasonable government been in power in Poland, they might very well have accepted them. If such a peaceful solution to the corridor and minority questions had been achieved, we wouldn't have had any casus belli against Poland.

You've bought into the "le Hitler insane madman aggressor" propaganda narrative. Sad!

Explain Lebensraum?

The UK government but mostly the jews who festered in the US.
The brit royal family was nazi-leaning.

Uhh, as in the German political concept that existed even before WW1?

Realpolitik>ideology. Hitler didn't demand the return of South Tyrol from Italy. Nor did he annex Northern Schleswig back into the Reich after the occupation of Denmark. So to insinuate he would endanger his entire strategic position for some political concept is utter retardation.

>So to insinuate he would endanger his entire strategic position for some political concept is utter retardation.

What I'm trying to say is that in the long term, Hitler would have moved towards a full annexation of projected lebensraum.

Just like the whites in amerikkka

Nope, nothing like it. If whites woke the fuck up tomorrow the brown people wouldn't be around in a month or 2.
Pooland on the other hand could not survive on its own. It needed every other kike state to liberate it.
