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Map thread
>making Germany bigger
It has never worked and never will.
The best thing one could do with Germany is let it implode into its pre-19th century multiplicity of states
Germany is already big enough, they are a mixture of different ethnicities and it works, unlike Yugoslavia which is basically the same thing.
That is somewhat reasonable, I assume you identify as Transylvanian
>wales in england
fuck off gypo
No, I'm a Moldavian. However the existence of a Transylvanian state would stifle all the unrest between hungarians and romanians there.
Moldova part of republic of Moldova instead of being part of Gypsyland are you even trying OP?
Is this some kind of dystopian post ww3 map?
why can't you french and britbongs accept the fact that germany is the strongest nation in europe
Considering that Transylvania is the most developed idk how that would work out. Do Transylvanians want to secede?
i agree. german unification was a mistake. individually they are too weak to be a threat but together they destroyed europe twice trying to conquer it and trying for a third time.
the majority doesn't just a vocal minority
some yes, mostly role-players on the internet anyway.
Try ta find a better europe
>pro tip
You can't
Only butthurt irrelevant (former) countries will complain about this
>Slavs, Balts and Germans lumped together
>m-m-muh independent Cornwall
why is Bulgaria part of Yugoslavia?
>scandinavia ginormous
i fucking hate the mercator projection
Everyone around me is a hard core unionist. Fucking cucks. Most of them even agree that Bucharest rule is obnoxious and dragged us down but still worship the union because if you want to govern yourself you must be a frustrated bozgor. I'm personally done with this place. It's quite convenient that I am an EU citizen. It makes leaving easier.
They're just Germans in denial
Rightful Serbian clay
It's Germany, burger
Swedes have proven time and time again, that they are unable to rule themselves
Man if you cut Milan from Italy you make the country a 3rd world shithole
Best Europe map of all
Template for pic related please????
ok i guess
Nobody in Alsace Moselle wants to be german. Most people here hate the krauts.
>complains about hardcore union faggots
>it's a good thing I'm a jewropean citizen
you have to pick one faggot
>doesn't have constantinople.
Are you slavic?
Japan safe
Nope, I just think Estonians are incapable of having their own country. We were the window into Europe for Russia but now we're the ass of Europe.
I'd rather bow to Moscow than Brussels
fuck grease they don't deserve it
Why the fuck would we include the UK in this?
Because they are in the North Sea
Spain is fucked. Not only is our penninsula literally a 2 hour boat trip away from africa, we also have some independent cities there.
Also southern Spain was sandigger territory from the 9th al the way to the last years od the 15th century. Fuckers probably want Al-andalus back.
cuck, you can have small and succesful country
>wanting to be independent
>all that land stolen by prussia
fuck off tzigan
I am ok with this.
We need a Greater Finland to establish peace and stability on the continent.
you saved my map
i also have alternative version with more fragmented north america
Finland is actually pretty great. There is two different tribes in west and east that are significantly different genetically.