>*migrates to your country*
>*converts your women*
>*establishes shariah law*
how do you respond?
>*migrates to your country*
>*converts your women*
>*establishes shariah law*
how do you respond?
Other urls found in this thread:
no one wants to migrate here
but if i was german i would wish my government banned mosque/imam funding by saudi arabia, turkey and other muslim countries
>convert to Islam
>get to marry cuties
Pick any four Sup Forums
they all look like shit
We have more guns than people.. no ones getting out alive
They all get the rope
>migrates to your country
France cucked
>converts your women
only ugly women and raised in muslim family are REALLY muslim the other are just whore not following ISLAM
>establishes shariah law
not today maybe if marine or fillon is elected we will be save, but if it is macron in like twenty or thirsty years we will see what is a certain form of sharia
>*converts your women*
not gonna happen
>*establishes shariah law*
not gonna happen
Realy makes you think, germany....
Fantasize about genocide on a Bhutanese rock painting forum.
In Shaa Allah, Europe will be majority Muslim in a fee decades. So many white converts here in the US - my main masjid is mostly white converts.
keep dreaming, the day of the rope will come
u got me
1 2 5 6
i bet number 4 is an insufferable turd
i mean just look at those glasses
Nope, but the day your sister/daughter/niece, etc. reverts to Islam is coming.
Respond with reason and truth.
islam will truly make you feel that you're a special snow flake.
very fitting for murrican.
Give him gibs?
>Prevent them from migrating to your country
>Beat them up at the border
Into the oven they go
I turn up at his shop drunk and order a kebab. I then behave in a disrespectful manner until the tongan security guard has to escort me out.
I eat the kebab in the gutter out the front and then vomit.
This is my protest.
they are 6/10 here at best
Butcher his favorite goat
Butcher his family
Make him watch
>Go to his "country"
>Burn down all homes and buildings in sight
>Slaughter all that we come across, Men, Women, Children.
>Continue until not a single one draws breath.
ah shit
> skin color
me vs islam
>blocks your path
Is this skin color better, many Muslims are converts like her nowadays.
We did that for the most part, got the infrastructure but stopped short of proper massacres. Just handed them shitty chockies and hydro packs instead (might as well have killed them, those chockies were terrible).
Gotta do it just in case
Kill them with fire.
You never know!
Have a beer and a bacon sandwich.
posting on the off chance KEK is listening
How about these girls?
Piss off bogan!
>No Muslim parents
Kek, you're not marrying shit buddy
>Call Straż Graniczna
>Mud gets deported
>The EU is butthurt
an excellent reason to post here
same thing
and how about these girls?
This girl is a white convert to Islam. Not sure if her husband is a convert as well, but this is what Islam encourages - large families.
The Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wa Salam said: "Marry those who are loving and fertile, for I will be proud of your great numbers before the other nations.”
Islam will be Europe's salvation if you let it be.
They will not get out of here alive
They will not get out of here alive
They will not get out of here alive
They will not ever get out of here!
(a russian folk song "лoмaя пoлyмecяц")
eternal youth is already invented and will be widely available in a decade. update your priorities.
start shooting
This life is fleeting, the NEXT is what matters.
(((they))) fooled you to take what is yours in THIS life (there's no any other. biologists are the most atheist kind of people. not coincidence)
T-thank you for e-enriching our unworthy c-culture, Mr Muhammad.
They look better than British women tbqh
>inb4 they are British
>your country
>your women
Spooked and cucked.
They're Somalis, and I think (but I'm not sure) that they live in Canada.
>They dont want Islam to become the dominant religion of the world
It's like you hate morality and modesty.