The inside story on you young fascists is a lot of you ended up in shock humour/lonely dude forums that nazi recruiters joined. It’s not a fucking puzzle, all the history is on the sites. There you crossed ur nerdy hobbies with ur nerdy resentment. Bunch of fucking nerds with your dipshit teenage beefs probably started with a resentment of woman who won’t speak to you and now you think you have become POI radicalized.
So how did it happen? How did you become a fucking nazi? A bunch of real Nazis whispered poison in your ears while becoming your only community, your only “friends”. And they used multiple levels to make irony and bigotry and fascism more acceptable by drowning it in “oh we’re just joking” So you combine all this with capitalizing on isolated nerd dude resentment and even deeper isolation, BAM nazi.
You can talk to any former “chan” boy and they can tell you how it went from “shotty shock humor” to “white supremacist recruitment”. The “lol only normies care about hurting others attitude” + the general nerd male resentment of these communities. Its prime fertile ground for actual Nazis to grow. People talk about pol, but you need to see the various communities converge. R9K’s “who wont woman fuck me” bs “anything goes and anyone who gets mad is just a normie” vs endless outbursts of anger at everything. Pol here becomes less of an isolated phenomenon and more of a natural end point for all these circles crashing into one another. And pol, also being its own thing, emans it is rolled back into those communities amplifying your worst aspect then roll it back into pol.
So essentially you have an online pressure cooker to turn your typical teenage nerdy bullshit into honest to god fascism. The surrounding of hateful idedas, the detachment from the harm you do? Turning them into “just jokes” becoming your only friends and that just your community you can see it in many others but again your not a fucking mystery
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw never been arrested
>What did he mean
He copied from some other lefty who is freaking out right now
Wait he plagiarised it? Bahahahahahahaha
Pee pee poo poo shi shi?
Report all of his Nazi talk, mothering quotes, any insult to the museum. He's literally insulting paying customers. Kill this thing fast. He's already said enough bull to prove he's there to start shit. No museum will put up with that. Get the project moved, he'll then be fucked by paying for a useless cabin(if he's even in one)
Into the maceration unit of the coal power plants you go you communist faggot
That's a great idea burger
theres a reason Australia dont want you in the motherland, we dont our dogs to get fucked by a bunch of hairy island apes.
This but ask your mums to do it or pose as your mum.
It will look better if it's a bunch of old ladies complaining that he called them nazis.
He went on yesterday for hours repeating this furfag.
>hey mum can you please phone up this museum in finland and complain that former celebrity shia labeouf is harrasing paying customers with nazi hate speech
Fur faggots need to be gassed
Already reported him to the musem. Here is a picture I took
>be me
>on lonely dude forum
here is only a part that I captured. But it went on and on and on.
nigga dont make me gas you in that shitty cabin of your
>your only friends
Nice try stinky Shia, it's almost like he doesn't have any friends or something or any original ideas
Good work finanon
furry is really mad tho, he might find Shia himself and beat him
>what did he/she mean by this thread
Every time I see this headline I weep for the future
Are you seriously too stupid to even THINK? Do you have to make threads like this because you are unable to THINK for yourself?
Of all the rants written about "chan culture" in the past couple years, and this jabroni chooses to rip off a little faggot into fur-shit on twitter? At this point we have to accept the entirety of his actions the past few months have been some type of ironic performance piece on progressive idiots.
It's a meme ahmed calm down
you summed it up mate! the cracks to the abyss is getting closer for shia. That alone is living art
if your still trying to find the cabin this will help find the cabin follow the shitty internet.
No. Sup Forums is a place for serious political discussion. Memes and humor aren't allowed.
being retarded isn't a meme, you fucking sheep shagger.
he is on 3g network judging by the feeds provided not the greatest video stream 3mb down maybe lower.
He mad.
however he "might" be correct.
That's more of a reason to fuck him for explaining the writings on the wall.
Have we found his cuckshed yet. If not we could ask the weirdos over on /x/ to remote view his location, it's about time that we weaponised their autism.
Watching this is like watching a paranoid fame robot try to fool normies into believing that he's not AI
Just tell them he's a skinwalker.
He's grasping at conversations, trying to grasp a rope that leads to sanity, while only capable of rudimentary speech
You guys realize you're trying to analyze a crackhead right? Good luck with that.
The fact that this was all written by a degenerate furfaggot really makes this funny to me. Puts the whole rant in a new light.
There is just something funny about a person who in a healthy (read fascist) society would be locked in a mental institution, trying to psychologically analyze us.
>pressure cooker
I call it a cesspool
That's another term I coined, actually I started calling guys like you norms and then someone added the "ie" at the end
also I'm not a nazi. Some guy called me a "centrist" and said I should be gassed.
>I get sad sometimes
>but then people come and pick me up
yeah it's about time the paddy wagon takes him to a loony bin
people around him are using him it should be obvious this "art project" isn't the best place for his sanity
Someone go casually drop a few "stink bombs"/chemical farts around the cabins and send everyone screaming. Or pull fire alarms and shit.
>I refuse to shut down to anyone
>but I do engage with people who try to harass us
this faggot is such a pussy
>I'll be right back
>as long as I remain calm
>I get sad sometimes
>but then people come and pick me up
>I really with they didn't handcuff me and fine me for public intoxication every time they do that
Nazis are centrist too (economically)
yah, that was kinda hilarious, no denying that
I can't believe he was trying to get the bowling ally to get the cops down there
he would have been the one they took in
best part about this is it's all wrong
the true explanation is much simpler
Sup Forums is contrarian.
Naturally once we become aware of the genderqueer tranny furfaggot degenerate feminist agenda, we rebel against it.
The form this rebellion takes, ironically enough, is traditionalism.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm really makes me think
>it's nice to have an anchor
>good u
the finn ledditors didn't even say anything besides play Shadily and he's having a break down
>Wait he plagiarised it? Bahahahahahahaha
Yes the original author seems to be a furry on twitter who goes by the name "spacetwinks", first name "colin"
after they left, shia went on how they said they were going to rape his mother and kill his wife. The periscope showed otherwise. Fuck Shia
>you "only" believe that because you're mad
>you "only" believe that because you're unhappy
>you "only" believe that because you're a loser
>who cares if you would be better off without multi-culti, think about other people!
These people are so unaware of themselves.
just like everything he's ever tried to produce himself
there's nothing wrong with copy pasta but it's still amusing
Normalfags belong on fb. We don't care what he thinks, but its hilarious that he gets so ass hurt over such insignificant things. It must feel like a crime against humanity to not have everyone like you because you are famous.
Take us to the promised chan.
So close yet so far.
It's amusing to watch people stutter through an explanation of Sup Forums. They just can't understand the culture as they aren't part of it.
Ive been lurking this cess pool for nearly a decade and I couldnt even begin to explain it as a whole.
What "is" this shit we have here?
>start going to nihilistic hmong community chalkboards
>slowly lose all empathy
>begin hating people different from me, lose interest in their sides of the story
>begin hating women when I can't get them to fuck me
>everything becomes a joke
>caring becomes a joke
>relentless torment of ideological rivals becomes a fact of life, at a certain point it's no longer even fun, it's just what you do
I mean he's not wrong
he also assumes all are losers here. I have friends and a gf. I just like going on here because I want a different view rather than the leftist hivemind elsewhere.
I don't think normal fags like him. The entire cafe was laughing at him and his LA outburst.
He is literally a furry how can he even INSULT someone when he is a mockery of himself.
Shia is a shitty Jew actor who got work through nepotism and spreading his cheeks.
He & Amy Shumer represent everything Sup Forums hates.
Both would be in stocks having vegetables thrown at them for being mental cases in normal societies.
In todays degenerate world they are 'respected artists'...
>Hiding out in a cuck shed will accomplish something
Nazis watch out
I have been a traditionalist my whole life, because that's how my parents educated me. Sure, I'm rebelling against society, but not against my family.
I'm not even right leaning. I'm here because I hate political correctness and I think SJWs are parasites that corrupt and destroy any group or ideology they touch.