What is it that makes white people "great"?
What is it that makes white people "great"?
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civilizations we created? being responsible for nearly all scientific and cultural advancement?
Nothing. They are the most cruel evil people ever created. They have collectively slaughtered hundreds of millions of indigenous peoples.
My family and my friends are white.
>What is it that makes white people "great"?
>post a picture of a jewish swine
You answered your own question.
>slaughtered hundreds of millions of indigenous peoples.
but that is a good thing.
>that fat kike pig
>indigenous """people"""
>They have collectively slaughtered hundreds of millions of indigenous peoples
Unknowingly spreading disease, a time before the concept of germs even existed, isn't "collectively slaughtering"
bringing order from chaos
remove kebab
I bet she never had sex with a normal looking white male. Only niggers would do this gross kike. And ugly as hell neckbeards.
>hundreds of millions
There were 500 million people in the world in 1500.
The whole mankind reached one billion only in 1800.
having an average IQ of 100 vs 85 for niggers and actual sympathy for other people?
Brown people are so peaceful...
yea but cause and effect are a thing. just because you faggots were to lazy to do you own work and wanted spices doesnt mean its ok to spread syphilis and herp and tuberculosis and small pox
you niggers got dirty dicks
You do realise the idea of diseases was a foreign concept... correct?
Stay mad, no empire.
Our skin
Despite our achievements, we're the only race that advocates for our own extinction. That makes us even worse than niggers.
Woah wtf! Fuck whiteys now!
Our inventions and creations of civilization while the whole time totally supporting the a entire kneegar race, including African.
Without the burden of kneegar leeches we would have already colonize the moon... Kneegar free!
>Our inventions and creations of civilization
Where are you from?
Luck. They came to the scene after all the foundational knowledge had been figured out. They did not even figure out basic civilization. Greece just copied Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Math and sciences were also actually started by Middle-East and India.
just shows how inferior those non whites are. getting surpassed so easily despite having such a huge head start.
first and foremost their skin. then also all that civilization stuff, having done 97% of all meaningful discovery, etc.
That's like robbing an old man while you are in your prime after he has made a fuck ton of money and bragging about your riches.
Yeah, you are rich, but the wealth was created by someone else.
Also, history has not ended. China and India are on the rise. India is the only country to reach Mars orbit on first attempt while on the cheap and the Chinese are an economic power house that will eclipse the West entirely single-handedly.
You need to read history, lad
Greece got things from phoenicia and romans got it from Greece
Most of them are trash t bh.
>They have collectively tried to enlighten hundreds of millions of indigenous peoples.
>Cultural achievement
Nice meme
>Nearly all scientific advancment
What about Asians you retard? They made the gunpowder that we used to conquer Africa, the paper qnd ink we recorded our history on, the silk we wear, glass in homes, the abacus, the crossbow, saddles, mechanical clock, etc. So quit your we invented everything mindset, without Asians we would not have succeed in the scramble for Africa.
t. Someone who has actually contributed to the liat of useful inventions
Ask that to the 'refugees' that risk their life and lie to get into white society.
God I miss those times.
Ask all the brown people who are clamoring to live amongst them.
Come on then, Elon, what's your contribution?
Don't expect a Western Europoor to be actually educated on history bruh. Look at the state of Europe atm. You think a people who understand history would be in such a situation? Western Europe is pretty much completely retarded at this point. Would be better is Russia just steam rolled them and we started over.
Your point?
Nothing. Asians and Finno-Ugrians are the master race. Higher IQ, peaceful nature and a calculative way of thinking is what makes us the superior master race!
Grow up and read a book
That's a jew, NOT a white person.
Poor colgate...nothing to contribute to history but garbage shitposts.
>Asks about what makes white people great
>Posts a picture of a Jewess
For the last time, Jews ARE NOT white.
Notorious racist Haupsturmfuhrer Pekka Siitoin plans the genocide of all whites
Because when you mix non-white with white all goes to hell.
But when you mix white with white everything is great.
It really makes you wonder what kind of shit is in the non-white stuff.
Funfact: Koko the gorilla doesn't like niggers. Like, at all. She thinks they're really ugly.
Jews aren't whitw
Bullshit. Historically whites more than make up for the slight IQ differential w Asians w their superior communication skills, entrepreneurial skills, self reliance, physical strength/size, ability to hope with stress. It's just that this current breed of watered down altruistic beta whites in metro areas are giving us a bad name.
Lel those figures for abbos and red devils killed off. Top kek.
I don't know user, Mongols still have the largest land empire ever.
>amy schumer
pick one
All of known civilization, uh duh.
She is a hateful person. She hates pretty white females and wants them to be fat slutty childless screwups like her.
Thanks for the keks!
they didn't make any gunpowder for us. They accidentally discovered it with their dumbass alchemy. We took it to the next level.
You know who's really fucking this up for us whites? The emotional driven altruistic white female. If they just fucking listened to the White men we wouldn't be heading down this path. How do we fix white women?
What is it that makes her white exactly? All i see is a blonde kike
>what are suits
I detect I high degree of envy and resentment in this post. Sir, are you of chinese or indian origin perhaps?
glass part is very interesting, considering that their underachievment in it negativly impacted shitton of science for theme, especially astronomy
I detect an ad hominem.
Sir, are you by any chance out of rebuttals?
Fight based on ideas.
European cultures though out history have usually adhered to a code of conduct and that code of conduct applies to their people and like minded enemies.
Other more savage cultures only have a code of conduct for themselves. To a Zulu, killing a Xhosa is not considered murder because he is not of the same tribe.
>white people
>posts (((Amy Schumer)))