
>Map of Europe if every land where significant amount of ethnic germans had lived united today.

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You are not Germanic, balt. Generations of your ancestors cringe at your Germanbooism and mental subjugation. But I guess you have to emulate your beloved Herrenvolk even in their cuck mindset.

oh god......YOU IDIOT DO FUCKING REALISE THAT ethnic germans lived in Livonian Order RIGHT?I am not saying i am a fucking german but germans lived here before 1930,s when hitler called them to new reich, Riga used to be german city you retard.
Pic related you dumb polack

West Germany will be a part of France, south - independent or a part of Austria-Hungary, east - a part of Poland (you too, my dear shpraut)

this is how we will solve the german problem

>No Syria
>No Turkey

Just stfu before we annex you again, pseudo-german russian rapebabies

you will be a part of France, Hans

and will finally become white


a perfect world

Poland Balts Finland Ukraine Belarus Russia - one country

France Belgium Dutchland West Germany - another

Austro-Hungary - third

Where will be Germany and Prussia?

in your hearts :))

>Said russia

I think France can transform into a greater Belgium with two languages - Dutch and French

>Poland Balts Finland Ukraine Belarus Russia - one country
Yeah no, thanks but no thanks Ivan.

thats not going to happen

You will speak Polish, not Russian

Poland will be a russian's Prussia

>Significant number of Germans lived here
There were some in Maribor and Kočevje but that's nothing.

if you will stay cucked - it wont

germans are showing again that we have to solve their problem if we don't want another big war in Europe

We aren't eaven slavs you dumb russkie, i will not speak any polish, i will speak Latvian!

>Austrian city names are in Italian

Of course you will

at home

Make me.

>thinks he's white
Just because you're 'whiter' than the united 56% doesn't mean you're white



No thank you, we don't need more niggers here.

The very name proves it was polish

Good thing japan safe

> Do you realize how big of a cuck I am
We do, now kys.

there, you solved your mystery, it ''was'' polish, now it isn't, hasn't been for almost a century, get over it

it was setttled by slavs and now its ours. Deal with it

Your language and people are beautiful, your history is filled with trail and suffering and your people have withstood the test of time, hence are worthy of respect, yet here you are sharing your german c***old fetish. Sad.

KYS you mountain jew, you are not eaven a real country you are just a shit left from HRE

>He thinks that we are cucks
Latvia is still 99.9% white country and less then 0.1% muslim.
Fact however remains, a lot of germans lived here before ww2.Riga used to be 60% german city at one point.


Didn't have any kings, just leaders of Baltic factions, role preaty similar to king though.

We killed them all and nobody misses them ever since.


>That pic
WTF where did you get that?

you are not aryan too because you don't speak a roman language.

We're not Germans, never were and never will be. No cuckery here, no need to degrade ourselves either.
Pic is from a 14th century cronicle, picturing the battle of Morgarten where the Swiss Confederation slaughtered the imperial army.
Have another one where the Swiss confederates slaughtered all southern and foreign nobility.

you have to speak Rumatsch if you wanna be white, dude.

we wuz germans

>what is magna germania
Get away from our land you dirty slavshit.

>itt german sandniggers telling me we are not white

\balt\ acting all high and mighty because it's almost refugee and muslim free. Completely ignores the fact WHY it's vermin-free.
Because even war-torn country refugees (not even mentioning economic migrants) flees baltic countries because how a shit everything here is. FYI thats not a reason to be proud of.
>Balt faces when that german jihadi slut makes Baltics lebensraum for the refugees while choking locals in poverty.

>inb4 called a russian

>magna germania
>on the land named by others
>still using the foreign name

No they run away because we are so based and redpilled. Sieg heil my german brother

The point still stands, get away from in you squatting squatter.

>speak a roman language
what? if anyone is to be called aryan (which is retarded by definition)- its the slavs

A literal cuckold. What a fucking loser.


Also kek confirms

cuck your country never was german and will never be german.

Why haven't we killed all GERMans yet?


there were no 'significant amount of ethnic germans' here and those that were colonized were promptly cleansed post ww2
desu all germans should've been culled for having destroyed europe and allowed soviets and new world goyim to take over the lead

this one is better

I so often see retarded maps here grouping fennoswedes with swedes (or germ*nics in this case). Why do you do it? Can you stop doing it? ''Fennoswedes'' is a technically incorrect name, it should be swedish-speaking FINNS, but it's used because it's shorter. I'm not swedish, and never will be.

why balts like to be cucked by germans??
i mean have you heard about northern crusade?

yeah berlin is a slavic name
they can't stand that we are connected

I meant Pomerania but ok

>wanting to unite with gaymans
baltfags are the biggest C U C K S in Europe

You're forgetting New Swabia
> hasn't been reoccupied since the Nazi's left



>German education
Then who built this?

>Netherland cuck is trying to say that i am a loser
How does the new dutch like the red streets by the way?

We need to get back what is rightfully ours.

The swedes can have Scotland, Scotcucks would integrate with there attitudes well, but we want half of France.