What's his fucking problem?
What's his fucking problem?
He doesn't how to distribute the nukes between all of his enemies.
>What's his fucking problem
he didn't make Korean woman into turbo whores
What's his fucking problem?
it's hard to stop playing a game that was started two generations ago.
What's the context here?
does anybody else really want to jiggle his neck?
If he doesn't keep the North Korean people in a constant state of fear they might realise they can just get rid of him
I guess you Americans are used to being led by neocons and Israeli Jews who hate your country if you see a problem with him defending his own nation.
This, to be desu
>Kim orders his lunch for the day
>telling the U.S he will defend his country if attack
i think the question is, whats the U.S's problem?
and the brainwashed north american people who thinks kim threatens to attack america, they if you actually read their statements they only "threatened" to attack if invaded.
Do you think he feels any sense of guilt that he is the only fat person in his entire country?
Being fat is actually a state of power
Doesnt he eat swiss cheese and drink American whisky while "hating" the west at the same time
He actually probably doesn't hate the West especially if he was educated in Switzerland, i think he just knows he has a good thing going so why ruin it.
No Rothschild's bank, the cunt.
North koreans starve to death while Kim Jon eats Italian pizzas
rofl asians are so docile
>be Korean, live in Korea for 5000 years, fight off foreign invasions
>be Korean, 1910
>get annexed by Japan
>your people enslaved, raped, forced to abandon your language and names, forced to learn Japanese language and adopt Japanese names
>be Korean, 1945, Kim Il Sung's anti-Japanese liberation army crosses the Yalu river and marches down north to Pyongyang, liberation
>the Americans roll up south
>America makes pro-US sycophant Lee Seung-man the dictator of US-occupied Korea
>Former Japanese collaborators are put in charge of southern government positions, the same generals enforcing Japanese laws are now enforcing American laws
>the tensions at the artificial border are extreme, erupting in violent skirmishes from 1948-1950
>finally, we've had enough, Korea is our country, not America's or Japan's!
>Headline in America "THE KOREANS INVADE KOREA!"
>Korea almost liberated from American puppet government, the US lackey forced to retreat to Busan
>Kim Il Sung greeted as liberator in Seoul
>the anti-nationalist UN and the US decide to invade Korea, over twenty countries gang up on one of the smallest and poorest countries in the world
>15% of your civilians are killed off through no fault of their own, other than wanting peace, independence and unification with their racial kin/family members
>the Koreans are pushed back, though fight back with the Chinese
>finally after 3 years, a ceasefire
>borders almost exactly what they were before
>in the next 70 years you have to watch the US station hundreds of nuclear weapons in south Korea, have to watch US military negroes sleep with Korean girls and spawn mulattos
>the southern Korean youth starts speaking a mongrelized "Konglish", barely intelligible to the pure native Koreans in the north
>Bush declares Korea an "AXIS OF EVIL" alongside with Iraq, right before invading Iraq and executing its leader
Who is really in the wrong here? I stand with Korea
Too much cheese.
nigger tier victim complex
This post reveals the utter bitchiness of nationalism. Why be content with nationalism when you can be an empire? Sorry losers, the winners are globalizing "muh sovereign nation" right off the fuggin map :DD
Bow down before me you pathetic weakling
Might makes right pussy whethers it's military or economy
Your capital city is 50% nigger
Judeo-negroid Empire of Satan
he is the asian Trump. small dick, fat, stupid, paranoid, and a cult leader.
Wasnt jabba the hut the leader of a country?
Might will make right when Korea nukes your cities you kike slave
Nice larping
Obesity, he is a fatfuck who was spoiled and now he throws tantrums like a little kid he is. Probably autistic too
Man I wish I had slaves like he does who do everything he orders them even do fake laugh when he laughs
He has a tiny, flacid, Asian penis that he can't see because of his belly. He is also very short. So, evrything he does can be explained by "Napolean syndrome" and penis envy.
That's not fat that's obese
>be South Korean
>g-guys, cmon, calm down
>being a Western style capitalist state isn't that bad
>actually pretty comfy desu
>lots of food
>wealth and fun toys
>p-please don't nuke us, we like it this way
in the US she is slim.
It's another case of it being hard and lonely when you're at the top.
He fears for his people. Its good that they have nuclear protection from bloodthirsty amerifatties.
>be South Korean
>riot against America
>third largest populist party is pro-DPRK party that wants US to leave
How is his nation so glorious?
If it hurts jewmerica it's fine in my book
Bet Australian farmers don't get live music while working the fields.
>Muh empire
t.John McCuck the jew slave who's going to fight in NK or Syria while a nigger fuck his wife at home.
The only purpose of the US,in it's current state,is to fight wars for Israƫl.
Lmao in the end it's just the jewish cartells that own this empire
He loves bad bitches.
Imagine, if you will, a country that is so poor and desolate that it is somehow cheaper to train a multitude of rock and roll bands, transport them around the country, sending them to play to rice farmers individually than it is to manufacture radios
Then, incredible as it seems, have a Nat Soc/ Libertarian yak hair knitting board worship this country feverantly
Welcome...to the Sup Forums door
Honestly? His dad died. They all need to put on a show of force every year to keep up the national effort of being independent from central banks. Every year is getting harder.
Nukes are basically insurance on whether or not he can maintain his country. It's not easy. I do feel bad that he is in this predicament as it might very well end with Jews taking his land.
IS it Habbening?
Interesting. Which hair style would you go for, user?
I was promised WW3 last night. I went to bed and then it's fucking nothing. What the fuck? Where are my rockets' red glare and bombs bursting in air?
His bantz are in another level
good post
Not really
Nah I agree. If it wasn't for the blatant abuse Best Korea does to its own people, I would mostly side with Best Korea due to their push for being independent
Do you know the whole of NK's GDP roughly matches one of our provincial government's budget now?
Anyway, 'Konglish' is a derogatory term for typical Korean broken English(see youtu.be
>check out how I 360 no scoped this noon on COD or I will 3 generations of your family
He's too goddamn sexy, that's what.
>ee youtu.be
whoever edited that is pretty much off the autism scale
damn this clip makes me want some cock.
>be red army soldier
>be selected by Stalin to enslave Korea under communism
>declare war on non-communist Korea
>get btfo
>sacrifice hundreds of thousands of Chinese soldiers and Soviet military resources trying to get back what you had before
>dedicate your remaining days to deifying yourself and being butthurt at America
real human bean