>that moment when you realize you actually want muslims to fuck up the so called "western world" which is ridden with gynocentric bullshit and beta numale cucks on every corner in order for only real men to survive and rebuild whole civilisation from the beginning
I actually want mudslimes to fuck up our civilisation
>Implying a world where you have to sell your daughters away to a rich man who already have 3 underaged wifes to be beaten and raped regularly is any better
Yes, it's all about looking for the bright side in life. When Islam destroys Western Europe (USA, Ausland and E. Europe might hold out), it will also destroy 3rd wave feminism, Marxism and ((((((other bad things))))))). So there are some positives. I'm a glass half full kind of guy
Not saying that. I'm saying, bring them in, let them fuck up everything, then get guns and it's gonna be easy to kill these dumb roaches, no fucking leftist is going to cry then "hurr durr racism" when they are all gonna be dead. This way you will have no gynocentrism we have today, no leftism and no shitskins. This is a genius plan.
>our civilization
Hmmmm okay
I had similiar thoughts. Let them crush this civilization riddled with compassion and altruism so that the Ubermensch can rise and get rid of human rights, islam, feminism and other bullshit.
It's not about revenge. It's just that christianity is dead and so is humanism.
Kys and spare your family
>>that moment when you realize you actually want muslims to fuck up the so called "western world" which is ridden with gynocentric bullshit and beta numale cucks on every corner in order for only real men to survive and rebuild whole civilisation from the beginning
Sorry that i have to be the one but this makes you a bigger cuck then the people you are angry at
Similair scenes in Dubai, Abu Dhabi etc. Not sure what point you are trying to make.
The simplest way to make Islam a touchy subject is for white males to unanimously support it citing that it gives women fewer rights and that women's rights were a mistake.
As the string of conversions to Islam increase and suddenly things go south for the cunts, it'll become known as the scum of the earth once more.
I'm reasonably sure that it would be worth fucking up the world for a few centuries.
So? What are you trying to say? UAE is one of the most civilised countries in the world. Their muslims are not the muslims of all the -stans and northern Africa. Get rekt Slovenian fuck, you smell and literally no one cares about your irrelevant country.
It's a slow progression M8, it's like bleeding a tiger to death slowly vs trying to beat one to death via fighting it
Also daily reminder to back up UAE closed their borders and never let the waves of extreme mudslimes in back in 2015.
Muslims are also homofags. Muhammed himself said that he found boys attractive and warned about them. In Islam it is considered holy to drink camel urine. In Islam your wife will get stoned if she leaves the house. In Islam you will be stoned to death for eating bacon. Christianity has none of these disadvantages, is the one true religion, and still fights degeneracy completely.
Yes, I agree, I get all of this. But islam is the best weapon against leftism and everything behind it.
Polish cities are designed and build by poles.
Dubai and Abu Dhabi are designed by Europeans and Americans, who then manage south east Asians to build it.
My point is that nice buildings =/= civilisation as you were implying.
There is nothing civilised or there ever was in cities like Abu Dhabi, Dubai who are both nicely developed thanks to the oil money.
Look up the Battle of Vienna. Sobiesky literally defended Christianity from the muslim hoards...
We all get there eventually.
There. You just said that there is a reason why UAE looks like that, unlike Poland (unless we also have oil money or were any other way lucky that these cities here were erected NOT BY US BECAUSE WE ARE UNCIVILISED, if so - prove it). So go away, you are contradicting yourself.
Islam is not even more resistant to jewish corruption than Christianity or even the secular west, look at Saudi Arabia ... dancing like puppets.
Yes we are to far gone to salvage. We must rebuild from the ashes and anything that might accelerate the decline is welcomed
Muslim here.
We are not cucks, nor do we subscribe to all these silly bullshit terms.
But every human has a right to exist, we just happen to be doing our own thing.
Btw Zionist scum don't count as humans, they are overgrown filth from the deepest sewers.
(((Democracy))) and (((banking))) was a mistake. We need fascism and the nationalization of banks.
>Marxism and ((((((other bad things))))))).
Jews have been on Islam's side since the very beginning. Any Christian city conquered by Muslims in the middle-ages would be quickly followed by Jews moving in and enslaving all the women and children for sex slaves, stealing property, and becoming tax collectors. That's why when the Holy League retook Belgrade, for example, they killed the fucking Jews. That's why the Reconquista resulted in the Inquisition and the Jews being expelled.
If you think times have changed just because there's an Israel and cell phones, you're wrong. The biggest pro-Muslim immigration to white nations schemers are all Jews.
That's a buildings not a civilization you daft fuck. Look at Dubia and how it looks with zero civilization. Fuckkng kiddo
kys treacherous sand nigger. You are a shame to your people, country and culture of origin AND you are a jew to your host nation. Just end your ride you eternal piece of cancer
We already had this conversation >c-civilization is not how civilized your cities look, it's only other things because your cities look like you are too civilized and this doesn't work with memes I fell for ages ago and still believe in them
I am waiting for Hitler 2.0 to emerge from your country. Poland pls hurry up before bright eyes disappear
They are like the barbarians of the iv century.
I wonder who posted this
It's not gona happen. The Muslims will eventually embrace degeneracy too, I already see it happening. Turkish whores walking around in skinny jeans, long nails and mounds of make up and yet they still wear their headdress. In a generation or two that headdress will be gone and their children will be twerking just like your average gender neutral white 12 year old in a Western city. We doomed ourselves to this by rejecting tradition and conservatism and embracing liberalism.
>In Islam you will be stoned to death for eating bacon.
Pretty sure that's bullshit.
kek this what the fuck is the deal with posting a city scape at night and claiming they are a civilized 1st world country
> all the -stans
The central Asian -Stans (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkemanistan etc.) are actually some of the most secular Muslim states due to their hsitory of communism under Soviet rule.