This board is COMPROMISED with shill threads. They are using the current air of uncertainty to attempt to tear Trump's base apart.


Every unsourced shill claim is just another lie designed to cause doubt and division.

The globalists know Trump is inexorably beating them, so they're running scared and doubling their efforts. The pedo arrests are moving higher up the chain of command, soon they'll reach the deep state, and that is what they will do anything to prevent.


May KEK destroy our enemies.

Nigger, he's your president, not a football team. If he does something you disagree with, call him out, don't just blindly pledge allegiance, that's some stupid shit

Sup Forums really doesn't have the power you think it does

I am now a #cruzmissile

>you mad drumpftards, with no other info
>lmao is pol really x with no other info
Fuck off

How do I know if this is a shill thread? How do you know that my post is not a shill post?

Anyway, drumpf is a fucking loser so I welcome it

So, nothing has changed in other words.

you don't understand bong. This is america, everything is a competition with sides. There are coke people and there are pepsi people. There's people who like country and people that like music. There's burgers vs burritos, Marvel vs DC, Intel vs AMD. EVERYTHING has sides, and each side is clearly defined by GOOD and EVIL

I can't believe we let him get the nuclear codes.

If Trump can't weather anime imageboard posts, he can't get the real shit he said he would get done, either.

pretty sure there are more t_d shills than shillary shills here.

All the time they waste here us welcomed, it diverts their efforts from places that actually matter

No one is changing their minds here, its just chills chilling chills and trolls fucking with them


Plus they arent immune to bait either, probably just gonna look up abunch of videos of niggers going ape on women to trigger them

it's not shilling, Trump is under the emotional manipulation of his jewish princess daughter

Trump should be moving his forces into Europe if anything to get rid of all the fucking Muslims. Why is he going after NK? Is Japan and SK so pussified that they can't hold their own? On and on with this America World Police BS. I thought you faggot traitors were NatSocs, not a bunch of world police supporting Globalists. Trump is a Globalist, it's painfully obvious now.

If NK is attacked then China will move in to NK to claim more Chinese clay and stop the expansion of USA backed SK. Trump is literally helping the fucking commie Chinese get more ground.

And you fucking retards can't see that?

These trump retards truly are unable to think for themselves. Gas them all.

Yeah, this is what's so strange about the net neutrality and pro-privacy debates. Like, why not tell the trump government that that actually do care about this rather than do some mental gymnastics and 180 your opinion.

Who cares. Anons hunting pedos will keep on doing so, 14/88s will promote their line of thinking and keep beating civ nats of (havent seen a civ nat thread for some time; not enough personal?) and shitposters goen shitpost and larp as shills. Whoever tries to coordinate this shit show with about 68 real shills, with the goal to shut down this place, or maybe even conquer (lel), I pity em, I really really pity em for not realizing Trump was for everyone just a a means to an end.

I always thought Yeb was our guy, but you memelords turned him into a bowl of guac.

The MO reveals they're ultimately leftist shills. The only endgame they can see is "drumpf impeachment not my president reee", they can't comprehend the concept of disagreeing with one or two issues and fighting to have those issues recognized by the administration. They'd rather just come here and vent and shitpost their rage and try to wage war against the president's supporters, than try to make changes on issues they claim to care about.

Project Alamo

Pretty sure this board turned on Trump when he abandoned his agenda for Jews.

Oy vey, shut it down.

the narrative analysis of the archives show the opposite. Your polls are worthless

Nobody's falling for it retard. Shill threads and post almost always have a pungent oder of piss and moth balls around them. If you can't tell the difference between a well thought out position and some spaz trying to fit in for Sup Forums BTFO, you need to lurk more.

Get back to T_D already, stop shilling for ((Drumf))
Braise Putin and Assbad Syria Iran Russia and Best Korea are the last true white contries in the world

Bump. Fuck the blackpill.

This was a bloodless coup by Soros. The proof will be Bannon resigning. (((They))) are probably threatening Donald through threats to his children.

Bush, Obama, the Clintons, Sanders, Trump...they are all the same
stop supporting fucking politicians.
you don't get to the top in politics by being "anti-establishment"...who the fuck do you think allows people to get in top positions to even be considered as an alternative on the voting ballot?


I don't think anyone is falling for it. It doesn't even feel like that much shilling. Sure, there was lots of paid shilling during the campaign and on election night, but now it feels like butthurt democrats just trying to depress Trump supporters daily.

Limbaugh's take on the media applies here as well: the left has to spread disinformation to set up straw man arguments against us. When this fails, they have to over-exaggerate circumstances in an attempt to depress us.

tldr; what we're seeing in the media and on Sup Forums is butthurt liberals throwing tantrums because they're panicking after everything they've lobbed at Trump being powerless to stop or even slow him down.

And no, the man isn't being slowed down. They found two activist judges to stop his EO on temporary blocks from 7 countries? No problem, he makes an EO forcing people entering to divulge all of their social media info including passwords for investigation, which turns out to be more effective than the original EO.