>a measurement system based on ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the north pole (that they measured wrong anyway) is more "rational" than the length of a man's foot
M-muh metric
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this, honestly
it's pmuch easier to produce only one shoesize anyway
>Because everyone's foot has exactly same size
And what is the length of a man's foot, roach?
found the manlet
fuck off dumb CUNT
Anglo, u just jelly coz french measurement system is superior.
>1 post by this ID
That's why no one is known to be culturally great in your country. Governed by a granny in 2017.
Go back measuring atoms with feet
Literally no one cares about the 'rationality' of the measurement.
It's the fact that the difference between the measurements is by increments of 10 (centimeter -> decimeters -> meters).
Rather than 1 yard being three feet and there are 12 inches in a foot. And one mile being 1760 yards (aka 63360 inches) rather than a kilometer being 100000cm.
Same with units for weight. Metric having kilograms and grams being 10^x. Where with imperial system you have 12oz in 1lbs which 2000 of them make 1 ton (US ton, which is another thing that imperial system has two values for the same unit depending on the country).
Stop being a chimpanzee.
>Trust me using people's feet is good logical way to measure things
I honestly think feet, inches etc are meant for mongoloids to use cuz anyone who thinks it's a good unit system doesn't work in a STEM field
>STEM field
>needs units to be in multiples of fingers
not sure if woman or nigger
>"it's m-muh decimalisation!"
>has less than half the number of factors in money than imperial, dumbed it down
>has literally gotten people killed
>thousands of SI units that no one uses because they're so useless (exametre, yottasecond), hundreds that need imperial conversions because SI is so divorced from real life (metric foot, metric ton, AUs)
Fedora of measurement systems
Ok so I'm a woman/nigger because i don't want to divide by 25400000 to get from nanometers to inches when i could just move the decimal left 7 spaces.
Why is there two different values for a ton in imperial? According to American standards 2000lbs make 1tn but according to the UK it's 2240lbs to 1tn
Which one is the one you refer to when you say "a ton"
but my foot is probably longer than yours
What do we do now?
Deal with it, Imperialfags
At least it wasn't based on length of OP's dick, or we'd keep running out of numbers
You 'avin a laugh mate?
>has literally gotten people killed
Wut, do you have an article? I'd like to see two mongols fighting over centimeters
ton=2000 lb
tonne=1000 kg (2200 lbs)
This, not people have died under metric based measurement society than imperial
some American retard company still using imperial didn't warn NASA (which uses metric, like every other major corporation in the US) and it resulted on an accident IIRC
Woah calm down, just because your mom hasn't changed your adult diapers and you're sitting on your shit doesn't mean you have to get mad and call people names
Metric is literally a system designed for retards that can't handle remembering numbers that aren't equal to the number of fingers they have.
That was a probe, no one died there.
A foot
No one will use imperial faggots. Stop bitchin' around.
Haha tu sait que dans ton coeur metrique est superieu
>he doesn't use exametres
One ton of feathers weights more or less one ton of lead. It varies a bit with humidity and temperature
Imperial is the most retarded system to use
> b-but muh 5'9''5'''7''''
Everything but metric is literally subhuman.
>know my foot size
>apply it anytime i need to measure
>know my cock size
>apply it anytime to your mom
>muh imperial
> knows his cock size
So for comparison is 0.5 inch smaller than 18cm or what?
This is the funniest thing about metricfags. On the one hand, they want to believe there's something vaguely STEMy and superior about metric, that imperial is for women and niggers. On the other hand they can't stop pissing and moaning about how difficult it is to use real units and how much easier it is to fanny around with zeros. Can't have it both ways, clever clogs.
read a book idiot
Metric is inherently superior as you can make up units of measurement far more easily and people understand them without having to hear a long winded explanation.
fucking kek
>they want to believe there's something vaguely STEMy and superior about metric
Every country in the world except for USA use metric, and every company that matters in USA uses metric too.
So pretty much only hicks use imperial
Oh come on, you brits are the worst
>lb mass
>lb force
>£ sterling
>I weigh X amount (((stone))).
And you don't even use BTUs even though they are all produced locally in Britain
But man is the measure of all things.
>muh STEM
>unnecessary complicate things
>using the same system as the commies
Is this related to politics or current events?
>>a measurement system based on ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the north pole (that they measured wrong anyway) is more "rational" than the length of a man's foot
>HEY guys look i'm retarded i think we live in the 19th century or something
learn to read nigger : en.wikipedia.org
>The metre is defined as the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum in 1/299 792 458 seconds.
>The metre is defined as the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum in 1/299 792 458 seconds.
Oh, phew; I thought it was completely arbitrary.
Even better: it used to based on specific things but the French academy is going away from that because THE CAMT KEEP THE BASE UNIT STRAIGHT so instead they've begun turning the basis for units into completely observable phenomena because a stick in a vault literally changed length in a few hundred years and they got embarrassed
Not the actual definition but my favourite is
>a cubic metre of water weighs a metric tonne.
>manlet has a foot less than a foot so would rather use a system based on nothing
>americans literally idolizing smelly appendages they can't even reach or see because they're so fat and the risk of rolling down hill is too great.
>Europeans instead use beautiful meter which also has big hard metal rod like European penis
>Meter has more history than the whole america