Europe 28 million Muslims by 2030

Not counting Russia. There are going to be mosques everywhere

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inshaallah my friend, its the will of Allah

Good. Soon we will force the natives into reservations. We already won the war in Canada.

Pretty low.

Wew, UK is fucked by 2030

tangents are fun

Considering they're already plowing trucks into crowds of people at less than half that number is be concerned. What happens when there's another attack and some euros decide to burn a mosque down? This would drive all the "moderate" Muslims to inflict mass violence on whites in retaliation. What then?

And this is only muslims, not counting niggers, indians, spics and asians.

toothpaste land is already fucked

A few mosques have already been set in fire here, so to be honest nothing would happen and i think your world view is flawed if you think like this. Perhaps more terrorist attacks if their socio-economic level stays the same and radical islamist groups are still a thing though.

somebody please kill me

There is no way those numbers are correct for Germany.

The refugees are definitely not being tabulated in that chart

We're fucked. We're completely fucked.

>No, it isnt.

Australia is though

Wrong country Belgium.

4,7 millions of muslims in France in 2010?
More like 10 or 12 millions.

As an American I look forward to getting my chance to help liberate Europe from the Muslim hordes.

Ah yes, your country is so irrelevant, that you dont have even an original flag. Sad

More. They need to import more. I want Germany and Sweden to drown in muslims.

A group of young students having fun at a party. I will only encourage that.



Dutch liberal cuck is just the way he is. Look at his idiot and laugh.

>terrorism is caused by socio-economic factors

You're more than welcome to join our fun party, my basement nazi friend.

do these projections take the refugee crisis into account?

Radicalisation is partly influenced by the individual's and his group's socio-economic level, yes.

Cucks like you are slowly destroying Europe. I fucking hate you. I hate the way you are and the way you all fucking leftist speak. I've been having this sensation since the first day I started my studies in the university: fucking leftists everywhere talking about fun, gays, tolerance, getting high on the motherfucking weed and joining the communist party or buying some CHE t-shirts. Fuck you, bitch. I wish all your children will be fucked by niggers in their little Dutch asses.

This was before mass migration of refugees

It's actually a factor of you send their kids to a secular school and ban madarsas you can have muzzies without terrorism

There already are mosques everywhere.
No shit look at our demographics from 2001-2011.
Do note "White" includes other white Europeans not just natives.

2021 census will be double this number.

France is in an even worse state as there is no official racial or religious census best estimates are 23% non white and 18% Islamic spiritually.

Sweden is near extinct 2mn of the 10mn population are non white.

Most Euros wouldn't fight back, I think. Once Sharia is approved as Law in Muslim-majority cities, Euros will just convert to Islam en masse or escape to other countries/regions. Not even 10% of London will be Christian by 2050.

See Lebanon and North Africa.

Hey, i hate the way you speak and your ideology aswell. The difference however is that i still want the best for you in your life. You're raging about students having fun at parties, don't you think youve radicalised in your hateful ideology enough? It's time to reflect on the way youve been living if you get triggered by this.

Are you fucking retarted? I was talking about slow destruction of our great society built by our ancestors during the centuries and you're telling me that I AM RADICALIZED? Fucking hell

wow they dumped garbage on your country. Look at NZ and it is even worse for the same 10 year period. By 2020 i reckon whites will only be 60% of this countries ethnic makeup.

Whites are domesticated now we are civilised men running from barbarians instead of being barbarians.

this is implying every baby of a muslim couple born will also be a muslim.

why so pessimistic?

I think by 2030 theres a good chance we will have lots of fedoras among the (((new europeans))) as well. :^)

You're nearly the most optimistic person on pol
Never change

My message was about the picture of the post you responded to and your tirade towards me.

You can fantasize about the romantic past, where winners decide their history and black pages get erased, all you want, but its never coming back. We like to think that we'd be a king in that past but chances are that you'd be a peasant my friend.

>implying every baby of a muslim couple born will also be a muslim.

dude, there is a reson for islam being the fastest-growing major religion in the world

exiting islam is also very dangerous: other mulsims will behead you overnight

If only all of those engineers who did 9/11 were making $200k a year and they wouldn't have done it!

Don't be retarded, the guys running terrorist organizations are generally well educated and even well off like Bin Laden was.

The real problem is an identity issue. Arabs know that they aren't French for instance, but the ones born in Francd also know that they aren't really Syrian or Algerian or whatever. So they embrace the only part of their identity that they can fully commit to, and that is Islam. Doesn't matter if they drink or eat pork, they start to view themselves as Muslims first and that makes further radicalization easy.

I missread your message actually

Look Mr 56% is talking shit again. 28 mio from 800 mio is about ~4%, jamal

That's a bad example of the general terrorist attack since its the first big one that started it all. You have to very intelligent if you fully believe in starting a political terrorist movement. I was talking about the ones that are born in Europe carrying out the attacks nowadays. Once you're radicalized your education does indeed not matter, but i do think that most of the terrorist attackers in Europe were almost always worse off socio-economically. If you and the group you belong to lead a happy life you are not going to believe in giving up your life for a Jihad since you do not want to ruin that way of living. Heck, Al-Qaeda was even born from the distress that was created in the middle-east.

I agree with you that the identity plays a part in the radicalisation. If an Algerian does not feel part of France, he will look for a different identity and radical Islamist will fully take that chance to radicalize him.

Holy shit, how can UK have more mudshits than us ?

>16 million muslims in Russia
Where the fuck did they get this number from?

Here are some "Muslim regions" in Russia:
Dagestan - 3 million
Chechnya - ~1 million
Ingushetia - 400k
Karachay-Cherkessia - 60% of 850k
Karachay-Cherkessia - 50% of 500k
Bashkortostan - 38% of 4 million
Tatarstan - 50% of 4 million are Tatars

~8-9 million

Maybe if you include Tatars from Crimea and all migrant workers, even then I think it's optimistic.

I also wouldn't put Tatars in the same basket as, say, Chechens, let alone Muslims from Middle East, because they make a lot of high tech stuff in Tatarstan like Tu-160, Kamaz, IT, etc., and are far from Caucasus.

When i was in secondary school in London there were only 3 other white guys and 1 white girl in a class of about 30

until the women get raped

Don't bother with the explanations, the brainwashed cannot be redeemed.

>If an Algerian does not feel part of France
They CANNOT be French, or Dutch, or German. All they have to do is look in the mirror to see they are not one of them.

The vast majority of these non-whites live in non-white majority areas, and go to segregated schools, so there is zero possibility of them "integrating".

At the end of the day, Islam is about violent conquest, these terrorist attacks are just the tip of the iceberg. They will only become more common.

>January 2011

Look whose talking, it joys me that you powerless people are nationalism's last stand since elites no longer benefit from a protectionist policy. Nationalism is dying out and will be something of the past.

Majority of people don't give a fuck about the Germany of a century ago. The Germany they grew up with is a Germany with mutti Merkel at the top, multiculturalism is normal to them and thus they will want to keep it that way. That is their Germany when they look in the mirror. They do not see the history of Hitler and a great imperialist German empire like you do.

I do not agree with your worldview on both Islam and migrants despite lurking here a few times a week. I might have a different view on life because the Netherlands has dealt with it's migrants better than other European country. There are segregated areas here, but the vast majority of migrants do not live in those kind of areas in the Netherlands.

Are you actually being serious dude?
Are you a non-white?
How would you feel if you had a daughter and she brought home a black or Arab "boyfriend"?

>Nationalism is dying out and will be something of the past.

It depends on the country. In France and Poland youth leans towards nationalism and in the few years we will get to see how this alt-right phenomenon turns out.

Just because a burger posted it, doesn't mean he isn't right.

You wouldn't criticize Brazil for making this thread.

Me too, Hopefully if Bannon doesn't get kicked. We can allow Europeans to move here much more easily. I'm willing to take part in the crusade.

You are delusionnal in this case.
Those kids are uprooted and the only remnant connexion to their past they can use to connect with their identity is Islam.

Only alternative is remigration.

Crusades 2.0 when?

>Russia != Europe
>January 2011

I'm not a shill, no. Try to attack my arguments instead of attacking my person.

Since youre so curious. I wouldn't mind if my child brought back a child from a different race no. I do not share the racepride thats common here, but i do share the nationalistic feel since i was raised that way. If he's well educated, a good person and does not care about a race war i would trully be indifferent about it.

Don't mess our muslims with europeans mudshit. Our at least can speak Russian.

>Britan to double muslims population in just 20 years.

I hope you understand that the "elites" goal is to create a global society without borders, without nationality, without race, without religion, and without any identitity than that to ones own ego. Only then can people be truly controlled. In this scociety the elites think they will be some sort of VIP's living in secluded areas or communities restricted from the underclass. They are pushing the race mixing propaganda and demographic replacements of western whites HARD right now. If you don't see this you are a Fucking idiot. Or if you do see this and are not opposed to it you are an enemy of man and all that western civilization has ever stood for

>In this scociety the elites think they will be some sort of VIP's living in secluded areas or communities restricted from the underclass.
that's already happening, i find it hard to make sense of your argument

Most people don't realize they belong to a group with a specific identity until they are put in competition with another group on the same territory.
History is a power struggle, your naive multikulti utopia will be shattered soon enough and the ones foolish enough to believe in it will have a hard reality check.

> I might have a different view on life because the Netherlands has dealt with it's migrants better than other European country. There are segregated areas here, but the vast majority of migrants do not live in those kind of areas in the Netherlands.

Nothing surprising, dutch have always been coward bending to foreigners, your history shows that you are accustomed to be subjuguated without putting a fight.

That has always been the case in the past empires, except the elite can benefit from the whole world this time around. I do not share your part of the identity though, you will always have an identity whether you want it or not. Be it music taste or whatever else life offers, but skin will indeed not be a part of that. The elites have always been living in VIP areas, you should be against the elite if that is what bothers you the most and i share that with you.

They are normalizing race mixing, which i am fine with like i said earlier. Western civilization is what it is due to the enlightenment, colonialism and science, not because it was against race mixing.

My God. Russia is cucked beyond belief.

Can you just answer these 2 questions from me?

1. Are you white?
2. Do most of your countrymen share your beliefs?

It's so funny how wrong you are.
The French security services (they do exist) did a study and the profile for the highest risk of being radicalised was the second- and third-generation children of le "integrated" wealthy immigrants.
Most terrorists in Europe aren't "refugees"

If race becomes an identity, like in America somewhat, it will be an issue, but if one embraces the multicultural identity like many cities, Amsterdam for example, do it will be cancelled out aslong as the individual did not live seggregated. Aslong as the elite can benefit from multiculti and globalism it's pull will be stronger than of the nationalistic basement dwellers.

>Nothing surprising, dutch have always been coward bending to foreigners, your history shows that you are accustomed to be subjuguated without putting a fight.

Nothing surprising from a poltard aswell, judging a person for the exaggerated actions of their group.

I know that most terrorists are born here, my posts in this thread were about them.

Id love to see the study of both the individual and his group being wealthy and doing good socially.

an they will mostly be young while euros will mostly be old

for example germany will be shockingly arab under 40

while the media will say its no big deal (due to all the old germans who will never have kids again... smart)

>If race becomes an identity, like in America somewhat
it gets better, soon they outnumber you in your cities and vote for even more immigration

see our democrat party

we have "sanctuary cities" where illegal immigration is basically legal

if europe doesnt learn from our mistakes they will cease to exist

endless immigration only causes one thing.... genocide

>Live in quiet UK village in the countryside.
>It's spring.
>Everyone is friendly, knows each other, goes out to the pub to enjoy a good friendly pint and all work hard.
>Real old-fashioned, English community spirit with three churches, village greens, community events and carnivals.

>Go up a street straight out of Lord of the Rings this morning to visit the shop for bread and milk.
>Open door. Proceed to dairy aisle.
>Turn corner.
>A black sheet is staring me in the fucking face. "Oh hello! Me and my husband and six children have just moved here from Birmingham."
>Man wearing white robe, cap and neckbeard down to his chest comes around with her. "Greetings young man, this is a lovely village and we are very much looking forwards to living here and getting involved in the local culture. This place has everything but could use more HALAL foods."
>Quietly buy my shit and leave.

Oh no my Islamic friends. You can have Sweden, you can have London. You cannot have my fucking home.




top fucking kek.


Most of the youth in big cities dont think about it, its normal to them. They grow up watching Dutch, black and Moroccan youtubers having fun with each other like they're brothers. Have an immigrant friend etc. The only seggregated areas are a few immigrant areas and a province full of PVV voters.
More than 50% of the youth votes progressive left here.

Most of the population is somewhat scepitcal of Islam since they're afraid of it, but they do not have any racepride due to The Netherland's long history with its colonial population.

south west?

These bitches ain't loyal.

Peak District, Derbyshire.

christ mate. i feel for you.

walking around certain parts of Bristol and cities in the south west feels alien. so many fucking veils and nonwhites.

There's your problem

The numbers are going to be way higher for France and Germany

i live in deep central somerset

bristol is our london and is as cucked

absolutely rammed full of entitled liberal snowflakes and INFESTED with identity politics

Isnt it normal that people of color dont vote republican? Trump gets labeled as a bigot and its in their own interest to vote against that.

You folks seriously need a parlementary system instead of two corporate companies.

>ywn have moggs as your mp

FeelsGood to live in a >95% white country

Amazing, we're actually going to be extinct in the future, just amazing, a whole race, yeara and years of evolution down the drain in decades, jesus christ im full of anxiety now, jesus fucking christ I hate europe, I hate this shithole so much I fucking do

mogg's a euroskeptic and the best we have

btw he IS current elected MP for NE somerset

>Where the fuck did they get this number from?
Well there's ten million shitskins alone in Moscow

Remember kids, this is a good thing. Diversity is our strength. Think of all the kebab shops that will open up, stimulating your economies! Islam is the religion of peace, your children will only become wiser reading the Qu'uran.

I know I mean I have some fat spear chucker but you get Moggs, it isn't fair

>only 1,5 mil increase

I call fake

oh shit i misread the comment

i do feel blessed every day we have him

ever thought about running yourself?

I feel utter despair over our future. Europeans are like docile livestock being mindlessly herded into a halal slaughterhouse.

Wrong. That's from 2011. Without the refugee (((crisis))) that's not over yet. And that obviously doesn't account for the increased non-war immigration from MENA and central Africa.

Fortress Europe now!

and in your country they will all vote for one party, and if you let them outnumber you they will take over

i think its called DENK

16 posts so you must be shitposting

>“Nonwhites have been in Parliament for a long time, but all the parties are still dominated by white Dutch people,” added Mr. Mudde, who is an associate professor at the School for Public and International Affairs at the University of Georgia. “We haven’t had a party dominated by nonwhite Dutch that has a potential chance of getting elected into Parliament.”

i think they got 10% 15% in the cities

imagine in 30 years.....

We just need 10% of the pop to turn this around. Just 10%. We're getting there.