It's time to change the white culture

>Please excuse me if this picture triggers you, but i wanted some sort of example for my following point.

Why are black guys usually more confident, funny and cool to hang out with ?
They dress nice, most of them are fit (their genes allows them to get more gains in lesser time), know how to party, good dancers, etc.

But in the end i can't explain why, do they earn all those traits only by being born black ? even if we argue the jews are pushing them too much in the media, the majority of them still have those qualities, that must of us white guys lack of.

If that's the case, why not educate younger white guys into being chill and careless ? maybe it's time to change our culture.

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Maybe whites need to start selective breeding so that our children may compete with the blacks.

Nvm, it's a stupid idea justo to compete with the nignogs

Fuck off shill
That literally functional retards, and It's only the Jew media that a has pushed this idea of them being like you described on us. Yes there are negros in Australia and i've put up with them, I've saw this one that is absolutely none of what you described, yet his hookedup with top tier women, It's just Jew brainwashing, Why'd do you think every race that come across them saw them as no more then walking animals?

"history is the sound of wooden shoes going upstairs and silk slippers coming back down" -Voltaire "put a jew in a snare to get them out my hair" Voltaire
Blacks have had it hard and thus are more resilient compared to you weak yurocunts but as the chaff rises to become cream only to settle and wait till the cycle repeats.... Our time is coming brudders, viddy well viddy well

White college kid here, studying at a big university.
>they dress nice
>their genes allows them to get more gains in lesser time
also false, look at powerlifters + football lineman
>know how to party
couldn't be more false
>good dancers
I'll give you that one.

They're not as much of a threat as you think. The majority of sorority girls I know still prefer white guys. The black people mostly stick together.

I trust they'll make fine single mothers

>They dress nice
You got that part wrong

As a Chink, these loudmouthed, act cool, unfunny, 24/7 horny subhumans gave me the worst social experiences of my life.

I agree 100%, my fellow pure white man

>Why are black guys usually more confident, funny and cool to hang out with ?

By choice. Why aren't you?

Black people have low inhibition. So they take more risks and don't care about the social repercussions. It's also why they commit more crime.

niggers are r selected. so they mature quicker

a 14-15 year old nigger is equal in maturity to an 18 year old white man. ergo when you put them in the same age cohorts, the r selected niggers have a maturity advantage that levels off once white and black men get into their mid twenties. i.e. white men catch up in maturity.

this later maturation allows white men to end up smarter and bigger taller, but it makes them weak at competing for short term mates early on in life (in teens).

People with bigger penis usually are more confident. Is it too hard to understand?

Small white cocks get completely BTFO.

>black guys usually more confident, funny and cool to hang out with

>Makes claim, offers no substantive evidence supporting such claim

Ok, faggot. Whatever you say...

>us white guys

No one is fooled colombianigger

Black people have shitty genes and weak bones breh. The fuck are you on?

Have you ever entered a gym before? I mean one that isn't located in a ghetto?


This makes sense.

Grew up with two black friends. They were bigger than me in school, but are smaller than me now. Also, they were shit at sports.

>not legitimately retarded clowns

They dress like infants, or poor people. They are not funny or cool, just infantile so if you have a low IQ and like that sort of thing, OK. They can't dance as the "cool" style of dancing just means moving like a vulgar ape. White people don't need to copy anything from anyone else, we have our own cultures, thanks.

>average coon is funny
Just because they laugh at their own jokes does not make them funny

They simply have different life motivations. Just about everything they do is for social proof, since they don't properly have an identity outside a group. They spend much of their free time learning how to do silly dances instead of math or anything more constructive. Much of their anti-social behavior is characteristic of a narcissistic personality disorder. Also, some of the advantages they seem to have early in life is due to reaching physical/neurological maturity faster than white or yellow people.

Lack of self awareness.

>blacks have had it hard
They get literal free everything from Gov daddy
and praised for being a fucking idiot with no consequences.