Brit/pol/ - 1 in 9 edition

> Brexit vote site may have been hacked, MPs say in report

> Melenchon Crashes Front-Runners' Party as French Vote Risks Rise

> Douglas Carswell 'Very Keen' On Free Movement Of Labour After Brexit Politics&utm_hp_ref=uk-politics

> (((Boris Johnson))) insists Russia could still face sanctions as Government colleagues criticise 'total let down' at G7 summit

> The G7 proves too weak to hold Putin to account

> FT: Brexit: why did the ECJ become a UK ‘red line’?

> FT: Kosher Sharia May ensures only Brexit key allows entry to No 10

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0/10 shit bait. You didn't even try.

who / I N V I C T A / Here?


How do we have overall more right wing press than the uk but America elects trump but ARE NIGE cant even get a seat

Do you live near there

>89% of migrants are unemployed

>than the uk

is the worst Love Live


America elects individuals to public positions like president, we elect parties, so the fact that the whole cult of personality thing doesn't come into play as much here may be a factor.

What about this?

>more right wing press

We don't have anything resembling a right wing press, or any significant outlets that are 'right-wing'. The Daily Mail relies just as heavily on emotional, left wing RAYCISS nonsense as any other left leaning publication - a glance at its front page demonstrates this.

Nick Cohen is a regular contributor to the Spectator, which also heavily opposes grammar schools and significant cuts to migration in its editorial line.

The Sun is barely a newspaper - it rarely covers politics; and still features a plethora of 'anti-racist' stories.

1 in 9 workers being mass imported slave labour is good for the economy goy. It has increased GDP by 2% over the last 5 years alone. Just imagine how destitute we would be without that 2% growth. Also hitler/racism/nhs.

Boy I sure am glad you're here to educate us user. Now I know I don't need to worry about anything!

The New European is the only good source for news.

Wow, think what it will do for the unemployment rate if suddenly 11% of jobs become open.

Thank you my gentile friend buy my book Global Capital: The Stand Against Populism. It's only 40 shekels.

>The United Kingdom should hold a second referendum on whether to stay in the EU once the conditions of Brexit are clear, according to a senior official from Germany's Social Democrats (SPD).

>"When the referendum was held, nobody really knew what it would be about — not the British people, not even the political class," Katarina Barley, the SPD's general secretary and one one of its highest-ranking leaders said in an interview.

>"A lot of people wrongfully thought that Britain could get a deal like Switzerland or Norway without the inconveniences, without accepting the rulings of the European Court of Justice, without free movement of labour," Barley said, "Now they know that this isn't the case ... and they should be asked [to vote again] on this."

He still would not stand a chance.

The British public have been effectively neutered for decades. None of them have the stomach to do - or vote for - what is necessary.

>Democracy is great until my side loses, then it's bad
>The other side won? They must have hacked the voting!

What sore losers

Not to mention there almost no anti-abortion coverage, the only pieces I can think even come close to it are some articles about some twins born at 23 weeks and them surviving, and it being mentioned that it would have been legal to abort them. It pisses me off no end when I hear opposition to immigration being in the hundreds of thousands being described as a right wing position.

Doesn't matter what you consider true right wing, when compared to the U.S. our press is a lot less left wing. Name a centre or centre right US paper. All major US press supports dems except Fox news. That's not true with Labour here. It's really not the same.


Slightly better.

Good afternoon

>The United Kingdom should hold a second referendum on whether to stay in the EU once the conditions of Brexit are clear, according to a senior official from Germany's Social Democrats (SPD).
There should have been a second referendum in 1975 because we didn't know the EEC would lead to the clusterfuck that is the EU. The British people were lied to and were easily manipulated in the 70s.

hope you're just memeing laddo.

Reminder that Mogg voted for Snoopers Charter, despite stylising himself traditional conservative and defender of ancient institutions and traditions.

Reminder that Mogg is a notorious carpet-bagger and stood in seats from Scotland to Somerset before he actually won a seat.

Reminder that Mogg disavowed the Traditional Britain group after he came after fire from the leftist media for daring to speak to a conservative group.

Reminder that if Mogg placed principles/country above Party or had any integrity whatsoever he would've defected to UKIP back in 2014.

Reminder that not only did he not defect, but he helped to campaign against Mark Reckless in Rochester in 2014. Mark Reckless being UKIP's second elected, and only decent, MP.

has anyone got a oliver Cromwell pepe
If not how would I make one

Thank you.

Who's the real butt of the joke here? I'd have to say it's the clearly-a-Taff artist.

dumb wannabe frogposter

Only 40? Good deal!

Did a 23andme and I'm 120% Jewish. I can't believe all the anti-semitism on here my grandparents, parents, sister and pet cat were all murdered in the holocaust.

It's 2017 user. Just give it up. dead meme

ahhh you missed my point. whatever can't be bothered to argue




>It doesn’t occur to SW1 and the media that outside London their general outlook is seen as extreme. Have an immigration policy that guarantees free movement rights even for murderers, so we cannot deport them or keep them locked up after they are released? Extreme. Have open doors to the EU and don’t build the infrastructure needed? Extreme. Take violent thugs who kick women down stairs on CCTV, there is no doubt about their identity, and either don’t send them to jail or they’re out in a few months? Extreme. Have a set of policies that stops you dealing with the likes of ‘the guy with the hook’ for over a decade while still giving benefits to his family? Extreme. Ignore warnings about the dangers of financial derivatives, including from the most successful investor in the history of the world, and just keep pocketing the taxes from the banks and spending your time on trivia rather than possible disasters? Extreme. Make us – living on average wages without all your lucky advantages – pay for your bailouts while you keep getting raises and bonuses? Extreme and stupid – and contemptible.

>These views are held across educational lines, across party lines, and across class lines. Cameron, Blair, and Evan Davis agree about lots of these things and tell people constantly why they are wrong to think differently but to millions they are the extremists.

Always a good summation of extreme views presented as the norm when they are the deviation - or highly contentious, as abortion is.

>our press is a lot less left wing.

Really? I would rate them about the same - they both advocate open borders, feign outrage over #UnarmedBlackTeens, push welfare, abhor the white ethnicities and embrace feminism myths such as the wage gap. Where have you seen any opposition to that in the written press over here? Genuinely interested, even search for the Telegraph shows of the top 10 results for the 'wage gap' - 7 push the idea that it exists.


dailymail isn't a left wing "das rayciss" newspaper. CNN ,guardian or even FOX wouldn't put articles like this on its front page

>i cannae buleev they made me look like a blowted whale, t'jus a typical left wing art school tactic, i should know, heh *sips cola*

America, the UK- vestiges of the old powers. Within the next 50 years a massive power shift will occur. Countries like China and India will take over as global rule makers and superpowers. Of course, sensing the changing tide, other prosperous nations-australia, Canada etc will shift their alliances to be more Asian centric. Get ready for a bumpy ride lads, brexit has accelerated the shift.

The Chechens are no more homophobic than most Muslims

The only reason the media and the west are focusing on Chechenya right now is because they're Russian Muslims.

get tae fuck mooslim shill this is an edinbruh accent I dunnae soond like shrek

They are left wing by the standards of not too long ago, like in the 60's. They also constantly shill for the Tories when it comes time for the elections and will happily plaster Farage on their pages during all the unimportant times because they know people like him.

>feign outrage over #UnarmedBlackTeens, push welfare, abhor the white ethnicities and embrace feminism myths
tell me when a releavent paper other than the guardian that does that.

Morning lads

fuck the european court of human rights

the only person you blame for terrorism is terrorists

>ywn live in middle ages little England

Stop posting this coalburning dyke whore.

There are comfy medieval-esque communities all over Britain. Just live there.


>once a've won th' race war ah will buy this synth

> tfw you'll never be a lord or king and walk upto a peasant and demand you shag him daughter up her bum against the hay bales as the peasants sow the crops and cheer

Why even live?

And yet they also publish things such as this.

I am not denying that they publish stories such as the one you posted, but their motive isn't a political agenda, as it is with publications that are run at a loss such as the Guardian. They are a fine tuned clickbait machine - so they will publish anything; note the extensive coverage of US police 'brutality', too.

Just from today - yet they will not give the same airing to black on white violence. There is no agenda behind this aside from money - so they are a little better than the rest.

>the sun, daily mayel, daily meyel london equal about 5 million

the brexit vote was done by paper ballot, you fucking idiot

daily reminder that this is are tims wife

The problem is I actually cannot afford to move out of the hell that is Stoke on Trent. There's no work, the education is shit, there's pakis and shitskins everywhere and everything is falling apart.

would rather die a virgin

>tfw you have more twitter followers than a main stream meteor outlet

Reminder that WN is a 43-year-old man who alleges to have a wife and children, and he unironically spends time on Brit/pol/ as a tripfag who cries about shitposters and catholics daily

they showed the video of the white kid in the Italy shirt that got shot by the police aswell. Stop with your persecution complex.

Yes you can pick out a few leftie articles but you cant deny the overall right wing editorial bent. The front page is full of "brown person commits crime" articles everyday when ignoring some guy getting stabbed in Newcastle or glasgow

I hate it when companies argue they need immigrants. They just want cheap labour and idiots in countries who earn way less take the chance.

You're really milking this meme for all it's worth

The Metro does it, as does the Standard, Mirror and the Independent. You must also consider the online aspect of this too - circulation is increasingly representing less and less of reach of news. Guardian articles are shared tens of thousands of times online - it has 7.3 million likes on Facebook alone. That dwarfs any of these figures.

Even the Telegraph's opinion pieces will say something like "it is well known that US authorities have a issue with violence against young black men". They still push these narratives - it simply isn't as obtuse as when the Guardian does it.

And he defends the worst tripfag of them all (Preusse) to boot.

I would like some milk from the milkman's wife's tits

Lads, what are we going to do about the exploited workers who cough their guts out with tuberculosis until they too are thrown on the scrapheap of the sweatshops?

>"British people wouldn't do these jobs"

Therefore your business is badly structured or you should move overseas. They're so entitled, they think people should want to do their awful jobs for minimum wage. Fuck Globalists

If we don't have millions of slave labourers that means we will be forced to invest in modernisation and automation which would cut into our profits. Think of the profits, goy.

Those poor devils, do tell us more Mr Mosley.

He's also a thread splitting faggot and claims to have been on Sup Forums since 2003 despite the fact he only appeared in January.

One of the worst tripfags.

Those poor devils, simply tossed as a gift to communism.

You lads glad they're removing the old disgusting Victoria Tower Gardens and replacing it with this wonderful monument?

>Gun crime in London increases by 42%


>"well if you're against these people coming in then you must be a horrible bigot/racist, they have feelings you know :^)"

Yep, an absolutely useless bastard. Then he expects anyone to respect his opinions (on the rare occasions he even says anything meaningful).

As relevant as ever.

Sucks, m8. Do you have any (((qualifications))) or connections you could use?

Looks like bloody lemon peel

Just in case you forgot to watch it today already.

You really 43 mate?

Listen to thaht, et actually sounds a bit like rain. Sort of. It really is jast lovely.

>I actually cannot afford to move out of the hell that is Stoke on Trent.

why does it matter where you pay your rent? go work on a farm and pick strawberries if you don't have any other marketable skills, I'm sure there's a demand.

A picture of me linking to the actual thread when the Randposter tried splitting.

1st for me

I literally passed within a few metres of Timbo a couple of hours ago

He was in Stockbridge in Edinburgh for some reason

Yes each atom represents 1 of the 600 trillion Jews killed by the murderous Christian Nazis I hope they opt to replace Big Ben with the Holocaust Memorial, in fact NOT replacing the grotesque expression of nationalism that is Westminister Abbey with a Holocaust Memorial is another holocaust just as bad as 60000 quadrillion Jews being gassed.

>the Randposter
That's funny, because it was actually that thread you were posting in. You were keeping the Rand thread bumped linking to your own thread you posted too late whilst spamming the real thread.

Nice try though.

>1/3 of population is migrants
>1/9 work

Might be getting an apprenticeship working with a heritage specialised stonemasons

>Fuck knows how much a career in stone masonry will pay

>I'm an informative and interesting poster and people only dislike me because of my name
So you're a comedian too?

>More pointless spending in London
When will it end?