Possible life on Saturn Moon


> "Over the course of the Cassini mission, observations have shown that Enceladus (313 miles across) not only has watery jets sending icy grains into space; under its icy crust it also has a global ocean, and may have hydrothermal activity as well," NASA officals wrote in an image description. "Since scientists believe liquid water is a key ingredient for life, the implications for future missions searching for life elsewhere in our solar system could be significant."



There are a bunch of moons that have these tidally heated underground oceans but that doesn't mean there's life. It's just wishful thinking.

NASA just makes stuff up. They have never been into space.

I'd like to drink a beer on our moon first

>We can now definitely say that there is possibly a chance of life somewhere else. Maybe.


I have read Leviathan Wakes and it is obvious, that one or more of Saturns moons are captured extrasolar objects, that were meant to hit earth 2 billion years ago.
Do not approach them!

>Water that has been warmed for nearly a billion years is wishful thinking

This shit will kill us all!


it's a nice thought

>bait science news

I prefer crazy architecture koolaid desu.

bump because science is cool and shit

Can we really build a probe that magically melts itself through a 100 km thick ice crust? Won't the tunnel collapse due to statics?

What if we find the perfect mermaid waifus livin under the icy crust


Come on...

Doesn't really matter because they will never do any of that. This is just news meant to keep the public interested in space programs/funding. They won't every actually waste money on trying to discover that there are micro-organisms on some moon near Saturn/Jupiter. What's the fucking point?


bump because space and shit


they are planning a probe with nuclear material that will heat up the probe that will melt through the crust. After reaching the ocean it will release sub.