Honest question, would Barron's or any other male's autism be noticeable if they were girls?

Honest question, would Barron's or any other male's autism be noticeable if they were girls?

Why is it virtually impossible to tell if a woman is autistic?

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All women are. That's why.

shy awkward women are cute

shy awkward men are pathetic

I'm a woman and people call me autistic all the time. It's definitely noticeable.

This. Many women are just like men, it just doesn't matter from a societal standpoint.

>a leaf.

Tits of gtfo. You know...

If they're low functioning it's obvious.



look for a thick upper lip

It's not. There is just a drastically lower amount of femautists compared to male autists

Of all the things you could have spent your time thinking about, you wasted it thinking and posting about this. And you're not even a paid shill. You're just human garbage. Why dont you change yourself, user? How the fuck are you ever going to land yourself a redpilled qt3.14 Aryan grill if you're this bad off? Holy shit..

Bernie is cute though.

Bernie's pretty damn swift

You ever talked to women? Compared to men they are fucking autistic. They prattle on about useless shit, have poor understanding outside of themselves and are generally fucking stupid.

What did you use to make that picture?

lol who's is making these female versions of men??

Bernie is c̶u̶t̶e̶ and p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶d̶a̶m̶n̶ ̶s̶w̶i̶f̶t̶ controlled opposition.

I used to work with a guy who's daughter was autistic and it was really obvious. Maybe it's less easy to tell if girls are what Sup Forums calls autistic, but if they actually have autism it's pretty fucking clear.

It is with /mature/ people.

This. Look a woman the wrong way or say something they don't like and you almost always get an autistic reaction out of them.

Because women are allowed to be dumb depdent leeches devoid of purpose or skill in this cuck society. If you're an autistic woman it doesn't matter, because they do not need to made responsible of anything.

Women can get by on mere flattery alone. If male autists attempt the same the get laughed out of the room desu

gotta give bernie credit where credit is due. he's swift for an old kike. that jew has got a hussle going.

Nigger this is my third post here Im from /ck/ kill yourself

being able to move like this at his age is incredible. a lifetime of loafing around payed off i guess.

>katy perry


it is not hard to tell if a woman has autism, there are just fewer of them. autism is correlated w/ excess testosterone (in utero IIRC during development), so in fact autists are the Alpha-est of males.

>Why is it virtually impossible to tell if a woman is autistic?
What the hell are you on about? What evidence are you basing this on?


Autistic women act like Chads, it's actually really funny, theyre based as fuck

OP didn't even think about this.

Just a few half assed sentences with barely any observations ("virtually impossible to tell" - source?) or even proper definitions ("tell" by what, "autistic" buzzword), let alone thoughts or analysis.

Apparently this stuff is worth putting in the new thread box. Cant wait for his next though provoking questions about what cultural artifact could be degenerate.

Aaaaaand thread

Why the fuck can't girls and women run for shit? I swear, every single day I see women missing a bus because they....hell, they don't even jog to the bus, they briskly try walk and catch it - and they miss it. Even when they're in a hurry.
Are they afraid they'd ruin their hair or something? Jesus Christ this is annoying.

He's always been a virile guy.

It would be more noticeable for girls. You expect girls to be in groups and chatter about the most inane things you can think of. Any girl who doesn't behave like this is instantly noticeable.

Women are more pathetic than most people even imagine.

Most of them I know are pretty good at keeping schedules and sticking to some "plan" but anything outside of that they fall apart.

Eh, that wouldn't really make them autistic, but it does out the girls you should be going for.
If they behave like that it means that they had a proper upbringing - something quite rare these days.

nope he´s right

Bay drumi.

when you hear a shekel drop


Ancient jew beign freeed by pharoah at incredible hihg speed

Honestly, what the fuck is going on? Can somebody explain this phenomena to me?
They just don't want to ruin their hear or get sweaty, right?

I see a lot of girls and women do this every day. The bus closes its' doors because the driver has no time to waste, and these women look at the bus with anger.

They're not even fat - there's a distance of about ~20-30 meters top and they decide to briskly walk to the bus that just opened its' doors instead of hurrying the fuck up and getting inside as quickly as possible.


My niece is autistic and it's very obvious.

Same with my friends daughter.

wtf are you on about?

>believes it's virtually impossible to tell if a woman is autistic
Mate, they spend hours getting ready for a 45 minute meal...

It's entitlement, it rules most of their life. If they put on a big enough show they think someone will stop what they're doing and "help" them be a functioning human being.
They don't care to catch the bus, just put on a show that they'll late and get mad when they don't get entitled to holding it up. They don't really even know this is how their pyschology works, so they'll never confess that's what's actually happening either

you can tell, we ban the autistic females


>Tits of gtfo

As long as it's relevant to the thread that rule doesn't kick in

gtfo newfag

Because women arent criticized as much as men or held to as high of standards. Even though the jew media has convinced the dumb bitches that it's the opposite.

My sister is autistic. As is her best friend. What the actual fuck is wrong with America?

The shit is irritating from men, period. Sorry, society kind of propped up these margins before I got here. Depending on the particular girl's fuckability, the same irritating shit no one would care for from a man could be considered charming in someone you would like to put your penis in. And women deserve much better than an autistic guy, unless he is high ($$$) functioning.

I know a girl with autism.
It's noticeable, yes, and dealing with a girl with autism is hell.
They're as entitled and bitchy as any other girl + autism.
I would say it's worse with girls actually.

Shy and ankward aren't the same thing as autism.
No one likes the autistic girl i've mentioned, people see her as a pathetic NEET and the only boyfriend she ever had was a beta who couldn't even hug her without sweating.
Not that she would let him hug her anyway...

Pretty much

You can get away with being shy as a man if it's obvious you have a violent or crazy side, tho.

Is it? I used to date an Aspy. You definitely could tell she was off.

I think people as a general rule just don't call women out on their shitty behavior as much. So, it may appear as if no one notices.

Autism affects women differently than men. They get all their social cues from boys. It's because girly things like dresses and accessories and makeup actually hurt their sensory issues. It's different from being a tomboy. They literally can't help it.

A case study


It depends on how high functioning they are. Maybe you just knew one lower on the spectrum.
Because like I said here () the higher functioning ones are just boys with vaginas who still consider themselves girls.

She claimed to be lower on the spectrum, yes.
But still, she was such a weirdo, a fucking obsessed weabo, if we showed her one of her Anime self inserts getting fucked in a r34 drawning whe would LITERALLY shake and REEEE

I would think in this era of douchey girl-bros an autistic chick would be pretty easy to spot.


Why would you do that?

That's just Monarch mind control


She's a cunt and making her suffer is fun.

>shy awkward men are pathetic
Maybe you think so because you're a guy. I think they can be really cute

Memes aside, Barron hardly seems autistic for a ten year old. None of them understand basic conduct, they're ten. Autism is a thirty year old acting like a ten year old, not a ten year old acting like a ten year old.

I had an autistic girlfriend once. Half of the time, her only contribution to a conversation would be alternating "yeah" and "oh, okay". She was so inexpressive that there were loads of times when I thought she was bored as hell during a date, then she'd spend the next week texting me about it nonstop.

It was like dating a normal girl, but having even less idea what she was thinking at any given time. I only put up with her for as long as I did because yellow fever runs deep.

No, I mean, why would you actively show pornography on your phone outside of your home?
I think you may be the autist, here.

OP is a fucking retard that doesn't know only 1/10 autism cases are women. its basically a male problem

Well, there's really nothing wrong with that.
But i don't show it on my phone, i print them and ask a female friend of mine who also thinks she's a cunt to hide them in the girls bathrooms in our university.
We do it every saturday.

Autism spectrum disorders are less common in females, but when they do occur, they're usually more severe and involve greater cognitive impairment.

h-he's fast

Jesus Christ for an old man he's fast.

This was... this was absolutely terrible.

>er only contribution to a conversation would be alternating "yeah" and "oh, okay". She was so inexpressive

> I only put up with her for as long as I did

what?!?!?!? that was the perfect woman user! you thought she didnt talk enough?wtf is wrong with you. who cares what women are thinking? or men for that matter

Autism is 4 times as common in boys but far more severe in girls

Fucking This

what are you , gay ? You are not a woman thats for at least 99.99% sure.

>Well, there's really nothing wrong with that.

Of course there isn't Brazil, just like railing coke off of a shemales dick is totally normal.


I won't take my phone out and show it in the middle of class or something, but there's nothing wrong with showing porn to a mate while having lunch or larping homossexual love while drinking a beer.

Dude, stop talking.
Jesus fucking christ, this website sometimes...

Same app to make pic related.

yea its wrong
back to the cage pls

>they don't have close friends they can be edgy and overly sexual with

You're like this dude I knew.
I'm out. Fuck this.

its not wrong if its a hot shemale though

By this logic an outgoing manly woman is autistic.

Makes sense

Bye mate.
I once kissed a extremely hot trap.
It was disgusting.

Female autism is far less common. But do not believe in memes. Being autistic is much more than being socially retarded.

>no friend to be overly sexual with
I'd kill if I could crossdress in front of my friends and get complimented about it

loose weight then fat ass

That's not what I meant, asshole.
They'd fucking start avoiding me me if they found out I crossdressed. Such is life in Bulgaria.
Hey, at least they won't beat me up like the russians do.

Is she turning into a guy?

>Why is it virtually impossible to tell if a woman is autistic?

males are almost all basically autistic in the sense that we do not communicate, feel, emote, etc., as naturally as women do. We take things apart and put them back together and we learn in the process. Thus we become engineers, mechanics, whatever.

have you been around 8 year olds? girls can talk up a storm. the boys are running in circles bashing things.

so, young women are inherently not autistic, but their heightened feels can send them off into the tumblr equivalent.

tldr; many humans are dysfunctional. male problems show up at an earlier age.

The lack of communication wouldn't be a problem on its own, but it was coupled with a habit of talking about "hot guys" she knew (who usually either didn't exist or were based on guys she went to school with half a decade ago) when she wanted attention from me. It hard to trust a girl like that, even though she was a terrible liar.

>It's not gay if you're larping

>That's not what I meant, asshole.
but you are a fat ass right user?

Lmao 10/10