Trump and his big explody thingies

So how much does a single this one cost?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not as much as obama added to the debt

314 M$
And Trump said that US should gtfo Afghanistan bc looses money & looses soldiers

not knowing the difference intbetween developing the first mg bomb and the price of the next one being 16 mil

basically free. It was built during the bush administration so there was no net difference to our military budget to use it

those bombs cost $300mil

they are not made by the thousands on an assembly line, so they cost "hand crafted instrument of destruction" level money

they are incredibly complex
> 1: fucking massive in size and weight
> 2: requires special equipment to load, arm and deploy this big ass doomsday device
> 3: guidance to keep it precisely on target
> 4: initial explosion to vaporize liquid fuel without igniting it
> 5: precisely timed ignition explosion to light the fuel after it has dispersed to just the right radius and cloud density
> 6: firestorm sucks all the air out of a 1.5 mile radius snuffing out every dune coon in that zip code
> 7: ~200 lbs of wet-naps to clean up the buckets of cum jetting from every swinging cock involved in the mission
> 8: post mission kegger costs a bit too

yep, the math checks out son, $300 million, and it's cheap at twice the price

bitch ass nigga cuh wyd? y u mad tho? less meet up imma beat yo up.

>Trump is dusting missiles out of storage
>people think he's buying them

go back to algeria


MOABs are old as fuck and we might as well drop a few of them for shits n giggles before they expire

If you buy 2, is there a discount?


16 million is still fucking thievery for a bomb like that

its just a big jdam

fuk algeria bruh i'm straight outta nigerian pussy. pure black blood cuh

there is no price for banter

who gives a fuck. it was already built and ready for use. i hope we drop another one.

go back to nigerian pussy

Its basically a daisy cutter with GPS

a daisy cutter costs $27,000


Nanoexplosives are hard to engineer.

more like 16.5 million a bomb retard

dam right bruh, nigerian pu6 da best

They don't cost 300 million dollars faggot shills

>nigerian accounting

>people in this thread even for a second thought it was 300 million.

Please stop using Sup Forums, thanks.


If I remember correctly they were only going to be used within 15 years. This is year 14.


What the fuck is trump doing. We would need a fuckton it $300M MOABS to take out all ISIS camps and bases. The more economic choice would've been dropping a H-Bomb and wiping the whole country from the map. Go big or go home.

Wow! $300mn

When you have your nation thinking their currency is value and working for it when in fact all it is is debt, war becomes a stimulus package.

Grow the economy by dropping bombs!
Warmongers are on to a winner!

Yes the UK is the same : debt curency, war economy, bombing for economic growth (of debt) etc.


sorta, every time we drop one, we get a stamp on the card, after 5 moab bomb deployments we get a free FroYo with 1 topping (rainbow sprinkles of course)

gotta let the pentagon create a good propaganda video. wew lads Trump done gone full autist.

but using what already exists != mass producing new others, he is not adding to the deb, he is using what was already expended buying those things

> its a daisy cutter

no it is not you ignorant cunt.

its a Fuel Air Explosion bomb, not an air burst fused HE munition.

they are galaxies apart in power and complexity

youre a retard.

they cost 16 million dipshit, trump personally wipes his ass with such amounts

Almost as much as one of his trips to Florida.

Thats a bobsled - Trump is also representing the USA in the 2018 Winter Olympics

Is there anything the man can't do?

Doesn't matter. They were made nearly ten years ago. Time to dust them off.

The Bush administration bought 15 of them for about $300 mil back in 2003. They've been lying around unused ever since.
Trump didn't pay a dime for them. Using conventional bombs would have been much more expensive.

> Nuh Uh!!!
> canadian Bantz

16 - 30 mil to buy the firecracker, the rest is for storage, training, maintenance, inspections, eventual deployment, and the after party.

it's not a fucking vinyl record of your favorite underground hipster fag band, its MILITARY HARDWARE.

it has costs beyond the initial investment

the deployment of this SINGLE bomb cost ~ 300 mil, you brain dead shitlicking rump ranger.

Libtards suddenly worried about pissing money away. Good times.

What is shelf life?

Use'em or lose'em.

>It's orange and causes mass destruction wherever it goes


I was reading the cost from the above posts.

In any case, my point is - dropping bombs makes certain corporations money and big contracts

> Implying capitalism isn't all about gaining all the wealth and starve your neighbors kid just because you can(and it's suppose to be "gangsta as hell boi").

Dystophian no middle class/brazil/cyberhell here we come. In the future we will have eternail chemical torture machine, that will keep you alive, slow time and give you all kind of psychical pain. It could even be used as an eternal hell.

Psychopathic behavior should be rewarded mang, cuz dat shit is gangsta and u playa hatin if u dont cuz u broke ass mofo and yo kids is on muh crack yo... now im gonna rap about dat shit boi!!

More like, how many jobs does this thing create?

just kidding, you can go back to The_Cuckshed now

your parents taxes paid for it 15 years ago sweetie, and it was just going to sit in a hangar otherwise soo?

MOAB also kill by sucking all the oxygen out of the area causing people to suffocate

youre stupid as fuck, why does the f35 cost over a trillion? OH because theyve factored in the cost of 50 years of maintenance and refittings. 300m includes that as well you limp dicked jack slawed pole smoking autist

that's fucking sweet bro

We paid for them with rare pepes. So no problem.
Also stop complaining over dead muslims.

Mother of all vape pens confirmed

The psychopathic behavior of which you speak is because todays "capital" is actually debt. It provokes such gangsta behavious to create more "capital" (debt).

I recognise there are problems with actual capitalism too, but today we have corporatism or debtism.

> dropping bombs makes certain corporations money and big contracts

damn right nigga.

Probably less than a nuke that will never be used

lol! Not what I meant - but I like it

My son just broke one of their vinyls the other day that I owned. I forgot to beat him for it. Thanks for posting this up, now I'm gonna go beat my son and shop around for another vinyl.

the f25 costs over a trillion because its a pile of shit that doesnt fly, and they keep trying to fix it, driving the cost of the development program higher and higher, increasing the outlay, which is then divided by the number of units to be purchased, resulting in a massive cost over-run, both in toto and per unit.

maintenance hasnt even been figured in yet because they dont know what it's gonna cost to keep these turds flying.

also not figured in:

the cost of retraining flight crews pilots and mechanics for this new soiled diaper with wings

the cost of replacement parts, retrofits and downtime for the inevitable system failures yet to be discovered

replacement cost of aircraft downed by a single sparrow going through the engine intake

the cost of training replacement pilots after all the current pilots refuse to fly the Cuck-Kite into battle

the cost of refurbishing and re-deploying all the previous generation fighters when the Cuck-Kite proves completely worthless

on the up-side, they can take the Cuck-Kites to the recycling station and get a few bucks back with their bottles and cans, so theres that...

and people wonder why there are so many prolific serial killers in America when this kind of parenting style is A-ok.

I bet you have a cock broom mustache too.

> icelandic virtue signalling

shut up bjork.
nobody cares about experimental prog-pop these days.

>lots of unused bombs just sitting there collecting just for years
>Trump just says "Fuck it let's use these"
>Liberals: WTF Drumpf could've paid for my college instead of using missles i hate him!!!!111

What...? Does this it close to home? Did "papa" slap you around instead of bothering to do proper parenting and now you're a fat piece of vindictive beta trash? Go get fucked behind a dumpster you faggot.

bjorkniggers really are the worst

He has clearly done this to dominate the news cycle over the Easter long weekend you retard.

Only foreigners are into bjork, into put the blame on us (natives). Also, you should get your ass whooped for traveling to Iceland and then listen to bjork music, because that makes you look like a total filth.


holy fucking shit you stupid fucking retard
this isnt fucking red alert 2 you dipshit the rocket was made before and trump used it

Why didn't they just use 1000 naplams instead?


This bomb was perfect for a large tunnel complex, it's blast would literally suck the air out of the tunnels even if the blast didn't damage them. I actually wrote a paper on that usage for it at the outbreak of combat in Afghanistan.

it's like you're the only economically-literate american in this thread

its already been built, and we need to get rid of it at some point

might as well bomb ISIS with it


couldn't happen to a nicer rising islamist caliphate

actually this is red alert 2...

These things are priceless if used correctly to kill muslims and niggers.

Literally saved money by using it, no point in having them sit around. Wasting millions on maintenance etc. The same with when people ask or say how much it is for Russia to be in Syria. Not as much as you think, they just get to dump a bunch of Soviet-era surplus munitions. The jet fuel they use they get for basically nothing from there state run gas company etc.

they had one lying around, why not use it?

and that ladies and gentlemen is why this user lives in a 3rd world shithole.
mustafa cannot into economics