Trump and Putin bros

Alright niggers check this out.

The chemical attack was a fiasco. Assad had no reason to use sarin – he essentially won the war with Russias help. Even if it did occur, it wasn't him – Russia's version that a plane mistakenly bombed a stockpile of chemical weapons of the rebels seems plausible. It's not the first time this has happened.

Trump's office replies by immediately tomahawking the shit out of the airfield, yet pictures show that 1) the landing strip is essentially intact, 2) Russia was warned hours before thereby warning Assad to get his forces out of there. The US didn't even bomb the airfield. Its staged.

Whats the profit here –Trump has had shit ratings even among his supporters. The situation around his Russian connections wasn't helping. I presume Trump purposely agreed with Putin to have him bomb the airfield so that he can get recognised in his local theatre as a hero. Putin, seeing the overall benefit of having a relatively sane guy as opposed to Shillary president, agreed to take the fall to avoid Trumps potential impeachment.

Meanwhile, as this shit is brewing, both Russia and the US focus on North Korea. NK is a huge liability and threat to Russia and the US (and its allies too). Russia looks favorably at getting rid of Kimmie. Tillerson even said that Russia and the US have an agreements on NK. All of NK's military tech is essentially Russian, meaning Russia has all the intel which the US lacks. Perhaps there is a plan to strike there.

All in all, burgers, I believe we're still homies yo. MAGA and ave PUTIN

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You Russian niggers really should use a proxy or something when you post crap this shilly

Civil war in the US. Trump was supposed to loose by a tiny margin and ignite the powder keg. now he has to be more sneaky about it.

He was always their guy, but if he flip flopped as soon as he got into power we would have noticed it, and started to question the entire narrative... Now all eyes are on trump, and trump alone (for the normies at least).

Trump is just another neocon doing as the Atlantic Council and other D.C. think tanks command.

Burn/Pillage 2020

how is this shilly?

this is a fucking photo of a 'crater' from a tomahawk. Fucking really?

In case you faggots missed it –the US is bringing its whole navy to North Korea.

The bottle rockets that get fired into Israeli from Palestine do more damage then that, lel.


assad used sarin. probably supplied by russia. very potent. The jets missed their target, yet the gas still killed 80+ people. that's amazing. Chemical weapons are amazingly lethal. We should make the legal to use against jihadists. That would be so cool. The taliban and isis would instantly surrender.

their guy as in Russias guy?

The Russian narrative was just grasping at straws. He wasn't supposed to win remember; he was supposed to get the goyim riled up and ready for revolution. (((They))) want war. It's easy to kill off undesirables during civil unrest. They'd just be another statistic.

how the fuck is this a jewish conspiracy?

so you think jews dont want assad taking control so that Syria is a permanent shithole with these sand nigger rebel groups running around? I feel like it would be way more secure to have one guy actually keep all these pricks under control

I pray you're right. I voted for Trump specifically to avoid escalation and so we would get the fuck out of the business of all these sand nigger countries, and instead it's all gotten worse

Stability hinders "progress." No one change when they are living a comfortable life. Why would a middle eastern country adopt western customs if the way they are currently living is practically a utopia.

Seems possible, but even still, people died in that bombing. Or so we're told. Justice would be for everyone responsible to be hanged or decapitated in public, Trump or otherwise.

Murder is murder. I voted for him, but I'm still pissed. Even if pic related is accurate.

If he had a set of testicles he would be dismantling the Federal Reserve. Bombing countries does not take balls. It's pussy. Dismantle the Fed and maybe I'll consider him a not-so-shitty zionist shill.

>Russia's version that a plane mistakenly bombed a stockpile of chemical weapons of the rebels seems plausible. It's not the first time this has happened.

It wouldn't be the first time Assad has used chemical weapons against civilian populations either.

It would be very simple thing to prove Russia's accidental bombing hypothesis wrong. Here's how U.S. would do it (as they already have):

>make a map pinpointing where every person died of sarin-related symptoms
>compare that map to the known radius of Assad's airstrike
>also compare it to the radius of any nearby chemical weapon stockpiles

If the map of sarin casualties matches that of Assad's airstrike, it's an obvious conclusion.

Also, U.S. observed that Assad's airstrike didn't have much explosive ordinance that you would expect for conventional weaponry. The blast radius was not very powerful for conventional airstrike. This is also consistent with chemical weapons.

There is no evidence that a chemical weapons plant blew up 'accidentally'

Syria use to be nice though. Like you could have gone vacation there 10 years ago

Those rebel groups are funded by them an their friends.

The state of Israel it's been on cahoots with the saudis since times inmemorials.

It's about the control of the worlds money supply, and limiting the power of the EU.

>Syria use to be nice though
Exactly... But they weren't what (((they))) wanted them to be. Israel sees themselves in the same way Japan did before and during WW2. They think that only they are able/deserving enough to rule over the middle east. The only difference is that they are using America as a proxy.

I love a zionist conspiracy as much as the next guy, but you guys are taking this shit over the top.

have you heard about China?

Then why do they insist on spreading democracy all around the world? It is incredible easy to influence a democracy from the outside... Just look at all the foreign lobbying groups in America (Israel has plenty). They don't like long lasting stable governments... Democracy(in its current form) is the perfect tool for them to run the world by proxy.