Drumpf is going DOWN ,faggots... prepare for the rightful winner to be enthroned..
We will hunt you all down and feed you to ANTIFA fighters... ohhhh I hate you soooo much
Drumpf is going DOWN ,faggots... prepare for the rightful winner to be enthroned..
We will hunt you all down and feed you to ANTIFA fighters... ohhhh I hate you soooo much
Other urls found in this thread:
>Cheeto Jesus
I like this name. I refuse to use it in a condescending manner.
Also, OP will never reply to anybody in this thread. Hope he gets banned and his shitty threads deleted.
My mom called Trump a tangerine fuckchop earlier today. It's better than Drumpf I will admit.
>cheeto jesus
Said the nervous man for the 6th time this week
THat's actually illegal to do and against this sites posted rules.
You don't know how to do such a thing obviously and you are being ironic but still, you can get banned for comments like that.
>prepare for the rightful winner to be enthroned..
Paul Ryan?
you are threatening someone with being banned from pol of all places??? the fuck? thats your best shot? jesus...
>cheetoh jesus
So theyre admitting Trump is the son of God, reborn to save mankind from Satan & his muslim minions?
Actually you are wrong. The statements made in my comments do not constitute as threats, they are statements of the obvious.
>thats your best shot?
You are grasping for straws user.
Is this guy like your side's David Semen?
Is this good or bad
Check and mate. You really walked into that user's trap
>user comes up with better linguistic killshot in an offhand Sup Forums post than current year mans entire writing team.
Actually you are wrong, there is no trap here.
>Die from heat problems caused by decadence on earth
>tfw Cheetos Jesus puts your name on the book of life so you can enter heaven
>Cheeto Jesus
Kek, i think that is the first time a left winger has been funny
>Rightful Winner
Who, Pence? Because if Trump gets impeached that is who will take his place.
>John Schindler
the same John Schindler who has been saying this shit for 4 months and is the main peddler of the "it's the Russians" narrative?
the same John Schindler that things Louise Mensch is a sound, sane and credible individual after she got publicly accosted for her terrible journalism where she floated Russian conspiracy theories?
wow OP i believe it
Wouldn't Cheatsus be better?
this is modern art, like TGT
Indictments are coming, for Susan Rice and the rest of the traitors.
Trump should re open Alcatraz for those involved in Treason. Lock them up and take back SF.
>(((Shindler))) keep thinking that shlomo, never gonna happen
Nah Guantanamo Bay would be better for those fucks.
Or that secret prison America may or may not disclose located in the Australian outback.
Or the one that may or may not be located in Greenland.
Kremlin Klan going down
That's rather funny actually. And I don't even hate the guy.
What was the comment? Just curious.
Jared Kushner, duh. Wrong Jew.
if Trump is Cheeto Jesus then that makes Obama Poop Jesus.
Yes. The same John Schindler who got fired from a teaching job for sending his dick pics to a student. That John Schindler, the ex-CIA loonie. They only hire the best!
some lunatic's tweet is not a source or even an argument
no wonder you lost the election
Excellent. Or Poop Satan, perhaps.
do you need to see any more?
My Organization Does Some Amazing Research Everyday For Average Guys Salvation.
that was the first time i ever stopped watching a gif before it was done
haha, likewise. It was sort of pleasantly nostalgic to the early 2000s though.
why do you capitalize every letter of your sentence like a liberal faggot?
also, impeachment? nigga, please try. we fucking dare you.
Madam President here we come
isnt this the guy that said the piss dossier was real and he will die in prison?
>he said nervously for 1000th time this presidency
Schindler is the Cernovich of the left, nothing he says is ever true
I hope for violent revolution at this point, so yes, please try
shut up, nigger
He stated that I was going to get doxxed and insinuated that I was a "Nazi douchenozzle"
I know. Very mature and intellectual stuff we're up against here. I'm actually a little intimidated facing posters such as this.
I'd ask if I could borrow your brain while you're not using it but it probably wouldn't be much use anyway.
>judging someone or adding negative connotations based on skin color
*buttchugs tea*
you do know its literally impossible to do that to anyone here ,right? saying that was a hyperbolic farcical jest for comic effect like satirical parody of the screeching autistic liberal .. but you maintain your smug attitude by all means....
It was better as a YTMND
You sound like a high school kid TalKinG LikE tHiS with your super big words "organisation that does AMAZING research EVERY DAY for the average guy's SALVATION!!1!!".
What kind of research is it? What kind of databases, experts, journals, sources etc are you using? Looking up shit online doesn't qualify in the same way that high school maths differs from differential calculus.
(((Schindler))) hmmmmm.
take each upper case initial and spell out what you get
and don't complain to me when you realize how dopey you were
"How Vladimir Putin Catfished A US Election With the Collusion of Team Trump Did Russia invent a criminal case against Anthony Weiner - so their hacker Nikulin could plant Hillary’s emails on his computer?"
I have to tell ya, man... I'm amazed.
>you do know its literally impossible to do that to anyone here ,right?
No I wasn't aware of this actually. How is it not possible?
>but you maintain your smug attitude by all means
Oh absolutely. I'll go as far to arrogantly self justify my behavior in a condescending manner towards others who challenge me on it too.
need more?
Holy shit you're too fucking dumb if you think we're all actually anonymous.
Yes actually. You come across as somebody who is capable of giving clear, precise information to back up your claim.
And just because posters here are anonymous doesn't mean they can't be traced right? Is there certain software that Sup Forums is using right now that makes it impossible? I thought that with the right know how and enough time anybody could be traced. Even if they were using Tor or proxies.
But I have been misinformed before.
you are to anyone without a warrant from a Government agenecy/Police department for the IP.
no user will have the ability to reach this... IT WAS A SPOOF FFS lol.. How old are you twats anyway.. please grow a brain.
To be replaced by whom? Not Hildawg, it will be Mike "Putting Kike Dikes on Pikes" Pence.
>can't be traced right?
wrong.. you can't I can't.
This isn't reddit or your gaming forums mate. If you think the mods here are fags fucking call them out on it rather than capitalising letters like some kid trying to hide his txt messages from his mom.
And you still haven't explained the type of research, sources, databases and all the crap actual analysts work with.
Don't complain to me when you realise you actually have nothing on Trump.
Yea you are either a kid or a troll lol. Gl with your impeachment "research"
they gave me a 14 minute ban for my joke claim which is literally impossible to do anyway... please nuke this thread I can't take all this homosexuality
>being afraid of leftwing garbage can death squads
Says some liberal dumbass who sends 100 tweets a day. Let me now when it happens.
You honestly think posting on Sup Forums is anonymous? You've got to be kidding. Tor or proxies can make it harder, but if someone or some entity wants to, they can eventually trace your posts with the name associated with your IP (i.e.: you).
Let's face it, most Sup Forums "red pilled" morons don't post behind a proxy. If they ever plan on running for office or doing something of importance (unlikely, but hypothetical), they'll have thousands and thousands of inflammatory posts that can be relatively easy brought to light.
They are just like dumb kids doing dumb stuff on YouTube or whatever, just waiting to ruin their adulthood and/or job prospects.
Yea, he's a partisan hack who specializes in sensational claims that are always wrong. What Semen is to Pizzagate Schindler is to 'Muh Russia'.
Both are retarded.
look up the word ;' Mock'
I posted in mocking jest... get it?
You've just had a not so very deep , serious or elaborate jest explained to you over several minutes... if you think you should perhaps enroll in some remedial education classes you;re probably not wrong.
But seriously we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Tor has always been compromised.
It was developed by the Navy. Anyone claiming otherwise doesn't understand that the government isn't as inept as they lead everyone on to be. They're smart, but they play the stupid card to hide in plain sight.
>Indictments are coming
>Tanks in 30 minutes!
ohh would posting this on his feed be wrong?
Yes im totally going to take the word of a journalist at face value.
what did i just watch
oy gefilte
Worth the wait.
the best minutes of your life go drifting by
Is your mom this person?