The average asian in 2300

Good,blasians are hotter than asians

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There is literally nothing wrong with this


This isn't good, Blasians have none of the good points of Asians and are essentially niggers, just like hwhb

Just a watered down nigger

I can't take any of you seriously lol. Nigger became a cute word

fine then it's just a coon thats diluted

Why haven't you gone blasian Sup Forums

A coon is a white worshipping nigger?

Hate coons but love black people

nigger fantasy. you trade up not asian in their right mind wants to lower their childrens iq.

Niggers+Asians hybrids already exist

they're called southeast asians

And guess what? The Philippines and Indonesia suck ass

Black people call Uncle Toms coons

In the south white people just call all black people in general coons

At least they used to until Southern protestants became cucks.

a leaf

>nigger fantasy. you trade up not asian in their right mind

You're forgetting that thanks to their child policy China has millions of men more than available women. They're already importing women from other asian countries (which will have knock on effects itself).

But China is expanding into africa too and claiming a lot of women.

Yes, they're literally cucking the blacks with TINY YELLOW PENOR. Probably because they also have money and no AIDS.

Brazil is the future of all countries.

I never had a chance, born in a fucked society. But I don't understand why a functional society would choose to be a shithole.

Insulting based Duterte. neck yourself

>tfw half flip

As long as you kill druggies your okay.

Why would you fuck up your near perfect asian genes like that? Not to mention that kid is going to have a serious identity crisis when she is older.

most african countries have more women than men, btw

Or because black women, despite being retarded themselves, realize how dumb and useless black men are for anything besides chimping out and muh dick

Duterte is trying to fix the country, but he recognizes it has major crime and poverty problems that emboldens the drug gangs.

You don't see this level of criminality in east asian populations, only in south east asian populations, more specifically ones where east asians bred with Melanesians (Negroids)

I'm white, and half Poo, is this okay?


yep! :-)

Hnnng, who is she?!?

Id make this asian guy suck some high quality top of canadian med promo neuro surgeon 100% west african dick lol. Gtfo with you IQ bullshit.

>right mind
NVM your story checks out.

>Gtfo with you IQ bullshit

That sums up life in Apefrica

>Doesnt know how flawed IQ measurement is

Not surprised coming from some idiot brainwashed by this shithole

Oh look, she brought her own dog for dinner.

Cozy looking family, otherwise.

It's actually the worst mix of all.

didn't think eastern europe was mexican tier.

>most consistent and reproducible social science experiment on earth
>never been debunked once despite the "brightest" leftists on earth trying for 100+ years


>Doesnt know what he's talking about

As a country develops, the general IQ increases. Chineses had a lower IQ 90 something back then
Lower than richrr neighboring countries. As the country developed,the IQ average IQ gradually increased

Holy fuck they're even uglier than niggers. Didn't think it was possible.

if that's the average asian by 2300 the the average european will be 95% black

I was gunna marry a girl from there but I found out she was a muzzie and also she was fucking crazy. Every single week she has a mental breakdown about something stupid. Jfc. I dodged a bullet and thank god everyday I snapped out of it. She was an interior decorator so she would have tried to fuck up my house

>Another episode of blacked Obummer leaf butthurt bonanza.

>just looks like a SE Asian


The Flynn effect is limited, regardless of how much you try to educate blacks they still score a standard deviation lower on IQ tests than whites. It's similar to fertilizer. You can give a tomato plant as much fertilizer as you want, but it's never going to turn into wheat.

And regardless of how many times you try to tell blacks to not kill each other they still murder each other over pairs of Nikes while actual violence and idiocy on that level is practically non existent in East Asia.

You dont even know what you're talking about

still 50% less nigger than you, amerifag

you do realize that japans native population (the one they mixed into near extinction) are australoid, right?

You're thinking of the Ainu

They look sugoi desu

they're literally pale abos.