Huffington Post says it's time for white males to be stripped of their voting privileges
Huffington Post says it's time for white males to be stripped of their voting privileges
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seems a trifle racist
why not strip huffpo
Disenfranchising the segment of society holding up every single other segment by itself? Good fucking luck. That'd be like removing the structural integrity from a building.
What did Kek mean by this?
Because whitey causes all the worlds problems didn't you know
>ban everyone who disagrees with me
Typical leftist shit, nothing to see here.
It won't play for me. Did they take it down?
holy fuck, white americans should be so fucking glad that donald trump is president. these people want genocide
if we're so evil, murderous and genocidal, you'd think they'd stop poking us
Question .... uuuh why did you post an archived link?
When I first read the headline I thought they wanted to make it so we couldn't own 7/11s and gas stations.
Kill yourself
Because they get ad revenue from you clicking on the original article.
only idiots want to give those retards click revenue
Please do it because then we'd get Fascism overnight.
Do it. That'll be all the push white men will need to start warming up those ovens
>Typical leftist shit, nothing to see here.
Yes, it IS typical. And it's annoying to see, as well. When I first seen it, I was a little miffed, but then I got to thinking.
If this is the sort of shit they're playing at, they'll keep at it until we're forced to deal with them. And if we don't, then they'll keep playing these little fuck-fuck games with us until they get their way.
We either route them out, or we're damned to let them take over.
Sad how leftists need to flee to the comfort of fancy and fantasy when their dreams of global enslavement of the masses are crushed and the world has rejected their lunacy.
Wait, it's archived.
I'm retarded.
even with an adblocker?
is there anyone on Sup Forums that doesn't use an adblocker?
I totally understand the concept of "camps" now -- sometimes you just need to round them up and teach them the ways of reality.
>Disenfranchising the segment of society
White fragility.
it still generates a click and tracking cookies. this affects their revenue
how fucking new are you? faggot
The depths of my rage after seeing this has hit an all time new level. I actually want to physically drag the author into the street and beat her to death. I have never felt this kind of reaction towards a woman in my life.
The amount of ignorance she shows about her knowledge of South Africa alone makes me pray she goes there to get "enlightened" by the blacks who now control Johannesburg. The audacity this bitch has to suggest white people in South Africa are "powerful" makes me seethe.
The white people in South Africa have a disproportionate amount of wealth bc the rest of the fuckers don't know how to invest in their futures.
Can't we break it by deploying a bunch of not clickers to over click a link massively forcing companies to pay huffpo out the ass and then when the advertisers get zero sales they stop doing it? Why haven't we broken the system this way rather than blocking it?
White males didnt have the right to vote for almost the first 100 years of the union
This is the 5th time this thread's been posted today
you mean allowing cookies and not using some sort of privacy protection add-on is sign of being an oldfag around here?
fuck my life and call me a newfag then!
They need to keep poking. It's the only was normies will come over to our side.
As soon as America is less than 40% white, Swedish initiatives like this will start to pass. Reason being, shit like this would start a civil war, but if we really become a minority, then they're safe to cuck us.
your clearly reatarted
do not give clicks to the enemy, do not allow them to run scripts, do not give them your're ip, do not let them read any tracking cookies you might have, do not let them write new tracking cookies
get a brian
stop giving traffic or info to enemies
Fuck I hate the pixel and its auto correct system.
Aren't there click bots to just go crazy constantly clicking adds to force payment which leads to zero sales this making the whole system moot?
>redistribution of wealth
if you want it, you're gonna have to come and take it, commie.
Firing nigger seeking missiles.
Arming minority purge cannons.
Installing womyn cages with padlocks and water feeders.
not real news dumbasses
fourth reich soon
Because websites like that get ad-revenue from clicks and also because they sometimes take down their articles if they realise they're too controversial and attack women or Muslims accidentally.
How are progressives so completely unaware of how people treat each other in majority non-white nations? There's tons of violence and racism between blacks from different parts of Africa.
Human rights are a fucking joke in certain parts of the world.
Only if we can also redistribute the violence, gotta be equals ya know? ;)
Is it time to stop listening to the Jews?
That's a man, baby!
> lowers Mein Kampf
Did I just hear degeneracy?
Go back to plebbit.
Quads? Is..... is this your will kek?
Yeah seriously. Please, go ahead and show us how to do things correctly. I'll gladly take a back seat and watch. Kek
When I read the article Is when I realize Identity Politics had finally won. It's now called "black, female-identifying bodies". Why fight back? It's now a lost cause.
because identifying as a dead body is different from identifying a dead body
There were people once who followed such a path, they were called Fascists and Nazis.
keks wisdom is beyond measure.
>When you destroy the West by baiting literal subhumans into kicking off a race war with whites
>the REDISTRIBUTION of the world's wealth
gee I wonder ((who)) is going to be in charge of that redistribution
I live that comment sections have suddenly disappeared from these """news""" outlets
Don't worry guys, I clicked on enough ads for everyone in this thread.
You're welcome.
No one cares faggot
>No one cares
>Everyone spergs out over direct links
How many Jews do you think will call themselves White if this happened?
I always wondered why pol never uses its atomic autism to take down these fucks
.CO.ZA ... check the url
its a fake article...
No. That's huffpo south africa. It's real.
It's just surreal that journalism has stumped this low
Did they just assume my gender?
t. Apache attack helicopter
> picture of fat man in drag
Trolling? Trying to hasten the race war, maybe?
its happening right this fucking minute in front of your eyes, in your life time
its called south africa
they are doing to the whites there EXACTLY what will be done to the whites here once we become a minority.
not sure if the author is transgender or asian
I think it's time for these huffington post writers to be stripped of their fucking skin
Fuglasian confirmed.
as long as we can stop paying taxes I'm cool with that.
let the liberal nigger shitholes burn
>Ban a certain group of people because you disagree with their beliefs
hmm where have I heard this before
>implying most asians are not fugly