>blacks invented literature
>blacks invented democracy
>black explorers discovered Amerikkka thousands of years before Columbus
Why do white people claim our history as their own?

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You guys made peanut butter and the supersoaker. STFU and take it, that's all you get.

Go back to instagram

Cuz you weren't smart enough to oppress them first.



Where does this delusional shit come from?

One of the very few actual facts about Shakespeare is that he went to primary school in Ashford. He knew how to at least read and write and there is actual proof he at least wrote his Sonnets. But yes, the plays he didn't write, he produced them as owner at the Globe Theatre. He was the Steven Spielberg of his time, not the best writer of his time. But every English teacher has been teaching it like they are history teachers for a hundred years so it has stuck a bit.

Aztecs invented Peanut Butter thousands of years before blacks did.
They can't take credit for that shit.

Also, the works weren't from this girl, but instead many different writers of the playwrights guild.

>white bois rewriting history
Ever heard of George Washington Carver?

I remember seeing this a while back, and how fucking stupid could they be to believe that some nig-nog had an innate understanding of English and European culture to create those pieces, perhaps it was not Shakespeare who wrote them, but it would be ridiculous to attribute it to some random nigger girl.

Black nutjobs on social media who are really insecure about their races inferiority to whites.

Really activates yours almonds...

It's easy to change the color of that picture on a computer

>Contrary to popular belief, George Washington Carver did not invent peanut butter. .The earliest reference to peanut butter can be traced back to the Ancient Incas and the Aztecs who ground roasted peanuts into a paste.
literally first thing that came up in google. Go read a book Tyrone.

Are niggers really this delusional?

So your saying white people didn't invent it? Wow

No im saying idiots like you once again are claiming blacks accomplished things that other races are responsible for first, yet again.

I bet you believe a black guy discovered electricity

that wouldn't surprise me if that was true given how many things blacks have invented. we are the true master race.

This is true nigger-tier bullshit. Trying reading a book sometime, Tyrone.

Nobody claimed they did.

Post a picture of you shitting on a picture of this thread. After that I want you to kill your neighbors.

Yet you still think whites are superior. baka

black on black crime is mostly a myth. more blacks are killed by cops than other blacks in chicago

Once I found that dog vagina tasted like dolemas I found myself intrigued by greek culture.

>we are the true master race.

Wow, she sure did know a lot about white people stuff!

Bitch trying to take credit from Bacon


My grandpa built the pyramids.

not possible. the pyramids were built thousands of years ago. idiot.

>Believing stuff without actual source to prove your own ideological shit
>We wuz kangz

Nice try reddit.

Domestication of the peanut makes a race superior?

My grandpa is thousands of years old.

Its an example of being able to think outside the box which is necessary to advance civilization

Are all white people really this dumb?

oh right because people from Turkey have really done a lot for the world

i.e. greek philosophy was stolen egyptian priest knowledge, reason all the greek philosophers were chased out of greece because their knowledge was foreign.

Yes. That's why we go to school. To read black Shakespear and shit.


And the Caucasoid facial structure?

yes. Thank you

At least we are not niggers.

You should pretend not to know that flag, makes it more believable.

if you put your mouse on the flag it tells you the country. jesus.


>Alexander Hamilton was really black
>born in the Caribbean to a poor family
>war hero
>invented American banking system, got rich
>was shot dead because whitey could'nt handle it
>not enough for whitey to murder him they had to steal his identity and whitewash history

>behold the real Hamilton

Oh ok good save.

>I hope

also, the oldest universities in Europe were founded during moorish reign if spain. Spain was the center of culture and knowledge while the rest of Europe was in the 'dark ages'

idk about shakespeare, or alexander hammilton being black tho lol, need to look at sources for that shit, not just pictures.

I don't know if this is true but he did have roots in the Caribbean

Yet another reason to hate niggers, did you think I enjoyed getting Hamlet beaten into me?

History scientific production should be banned in the Americas.

not surprising

what do you mean?

Race is a construct.

one day we will invent the wheel.

nice try but Africa had no need for the wheel through most of it's history

They used to discover it all the time, but who uses the zappy chair these days?

Didn't blecks discover computers?

pretty sure more white people died in the electric chair

so u b sayin


u stoopih

no but we built the fastest one in 1989

ethiopians been using wheels for thousands of years. good one tho.

the truth about our people will come out soon

discovered fractal geometry, can't have computers without fractals and recursion.

yeeEEAEAAAAAUUUUUH muh nigguuuuuuh

Fun game. Put a Jew and a nigger in a room and ask who built the pyramids.

I don't get it

>ID is brown
topkek. Even the internet knows you're a nigger. If you're baiting, it still knows you're acting like a nigger

who built lalibela churches?

saging this niggerbait


dang you can go back to africa and be all intellectuals now. everyone wins.

>Race is a construct
Created by egyptians to enslave the jews

clearly don't know any history user. africans created civilizations and taught you barbarians everything you know. but yall learned fast and are savage so destroyed out shit and stole our knowledge. ancient civilizations in africa at tens of thousands of years older than anything you pig-skin demons did in europe, i.e muh greeks who were civilized by africans.

Well said my white friend. Kek must share my sense of humor. Thank you all for the laughs.

You're probably right, I most likely triggered a black intellectual mod on Sup Forums a while back.

sage was disabled on Sup Forums

go back to africa, nigger

>"The Ethiopians conceive themselves," says Diodorus Siculus (Lib. III), "to be of greater antiquity than any other nation; and it is probable that, born under the sun's path, its warmth may have ripened them earlier than other men. They suppose themselves also to be the inventors of divine worship, of festivals, of solemn assemblies, of sacrifices, and every religious practice. They affirm that the Egyptians are one of their colonies."

based Ethiopians.


man, havnt heard that before.

Where's the proof? I mean hard, historically-backed proof agreed upon by more people than a few thousand lefties hunkering down on facebook.

Well technically the Aztecs invented it, but the recipe was lost for thousands of years after they died out. It was invented again in the 1800s by white men and then perfected by the Kellog brothers later on. Carver only found uses for peanut butter. Great contributions to the field there, niggers.

>I don't get it
Jews think they built the pyramids because muh Moses and "Jewish slavery" and niggers think they built them because we wuz

Dindus also apparently invented magic

jk. thank you all for the lulz.

We Wus Jesus an sheeeit

niggers did built the pyramids, modern jews are buncha lies, synagogue of satan.

“You (fake Jews) will never be able to live here in peace, because you left here black but came back white. We don’t accept you!” -Gamal Abdel Nasser (Egypt leader 1954 – 1970)

>magic only every practiced by niggers in africa
>"But what about literally everywhere else in the world?"
>"Shuddup muhfugga mup da doo majiks com from africa you heard nigga?"

Twitter. Look for it sometimes.

>And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.



No of course not

