When will you take the Socialism pill pol? It is obviously the superior form of government

When will you take the Socialism pill pol? It is obviously the superior form of government.

because equality is a myth

Detroit was ruined by social programs.

The location you took is an inner city of Sweden.

Cherry pick much?

You're as likely to get raped by a nigger in either.

Race has nothing to do with that.

When Europe stops having their entire defense budget subsidized by the United States I don't think their large social programs would continue to exist in their current forms.

Detroit isn't a country, neither is that city picture in the Sweden side. I can show you the skyline of New York and a shit hole town in Sweden and say the same about capitalism. Except capitalism is objectively better anyways

Give it 20 years and Sweden will look the same. Importing darkies to fix your crumbling economy (because of socialism) does not end well. Note also that in addition to being filled with niggers, Detroit was run by socialists for 50 years.

Sweden is not a socialist country you stupid fuck

You mean the, actual, red pill, as opposed to the brown pill most of these fuckers have swallowed?

this site is all about cherry picking

>because equality is a myth
Irrelevant. This is a capitalist strawman.

>implying detroit hasn't been destroyed by socialist economics

>Detroit was ruined by social programs.
Nigger, Detroit was ruined by building 4000 lb. gas guzzlers and selling them against Toyotas in the 70s.

>Buildings built hundreds of years ago

Compare stats for these two on public grenade attacks

>>implying detroit hasn't been destroyed by socialist economics
The Ford LTD wasn't designed by socialists, you dumb emu fleeing kangaroo fucker

Not entirely true.

The only equality is in being equally impoverished.

Nigger your country is socialist. A lot more than Michigan.

White living conditions vs nigger living conditions.

>post picture of things made by white people
>"Look, non-whites aren't that bad!"

>equally impoverished.
(polishes monocle furiously)
how original

It's buckling under the darkies, though. That shit ain't going to last; Niggers ruin everything.

>White living conditions vs nigger living conditions.
Niggers built Detroit and made it rich. Capitalists decided they'd rather have malls in Grosse Pointe than factories
>result:Nigpocalypse now
But it's all race of course, decisions on the deployment of capital have fuck all to do with that.

I believe Detroit is actually improving, much like a lot of American inner cities.

Remind me, which country is slated to be a third world country and the most egregious rape capital of the west again?

When you get gang-raped by refugees in Sweden at least you can look at the pretty architecture.

But somehow Indianapolis and Madison, Wisconsin weren't.

>Niggers ruin everything.
Niggers built the same shit in Detroit you take pictures of falling apart to show how bad niggers are

>This is what a predominantly non-white part of the country looks like
>This is what a white country looks like

Someone should add the Detroit pic again on the bottom with the caption: "This is what socialist Sweden will look like after 15 years of open borders and flooding the country with niggers"

this is nigger sweden's future, detroit.

Right, because wtf is legal equality?

How many grenade attacks has Sweden had since 2016?

Oh yes, they've have over 40 grenade attacks lel

US industry is a smouldering crater due to all of the value distortions brought about by market interventions. When it had sound money and liberty is when that infrastructure was created.
So you are showing what socialism did to US infrastructure. I hear Sweden is doing great though.


>But somehow Indianapolis and Madison, Wisconsin weren't.
Muh gubmint: state capitols can always rape the rest of the state to stay afloat. Madison, Indianapolis, Lansing, Columbus, all fine. Then go to Milwaukee, Fort Wayne, Detroit, Cleveland, the places they raped, and see how it's going there. It's not like Indy is short of niggers for Christ's sake.

I have already taken it and it isn't marxism but national socialism

Sweden does not have full Socialism like Venezuela (which is fucked). Sweden has social democracy; large national healthcare, social programmes and a welfare state; these things are supported on the back of a very efficient free market.

>US industry is a smouldering crater due to all of the value distortions brought about by market interventions.
Such as what exactly? When trade barriers were removed is when Detroit when to shit. That's literally what Trump ran on

nice, loving all these sources.
I too, get all my news and statistics from MSpaint Sup Forums infographs. we are truly enlightened.

ITT: red pill me on niggers

I'm all for judging individuals but put a million plus of them together and you get Detroit

>Sweden does not have full Socialism like Venezuela (which is fucked). Sweden has social democracy; large national healthcare, social programmes and a welfare state; these things are supported on the back of a very efficient free market.
You act like that's some kind of exception to what Western Socialists campaign for.

>I'm all for judging individuals but put a million plus of them together and you get Detroit
Yeah, if you fire them all at the same fucking time. If you do it with whites, you get Magnitogorsk.

sweden is capitalist you retard

Such as now. You think a company that has never made a dollar should be worth billions? The banks hold total control over where investment happens or does not happen. It's communism by stealth.
Communism and central planning are only ever temporary as its too complex to manage, they balance the values incorrectly and suddenly a car company becomes completely worthless instantly without any warning.

Its capitalism mixed with socialist policies.

Free healthcare and welfare arent capitalist.

>oh wait, this is sweden

Socialism isn't a form of government.

>oh wait, this is sweden

Detroit was one of the biggest success stories of capitalism before the race riots. When over half of your most productive workers and valuable tax payers suddenly leave any place will go to shit

yes but the core is capitalist, not socialist.


>this is sweden

does she have nudes? genuinely curious to see if butterface

i want money



>Irrelevant. This is a capitalist strawman.
Incorrect. This is a misuse of a fallacy.

why is belgium and kiwiland so high? I didnt expect them to be higher than us

That is retarded. Nothing is ever free. You pay genius, via taxes. Private health care is just a fast way to get less service at a higher cost. That is a businesses objective. There is nothing wrong with capitalists pooling funds for non-profit healthcare. It's sensible. Welfare is no different. I would contribute a small amount to keep bums away from my children.

perpetual growth=/=economic realities.

Enjoy your economic collapse and/or population replacement.

Exactly, no one gives a fuck about equality if the poorest guy in your country has a yacht and a Ferrari.

I assume it's maoris and refugees getting some ficki ficki going on

In the past decade sweden has massively went down the quality of life index because nothing is free and human nature is a bitch

Not that I know of

nigger city vs white country

Let me know how Sweden looks after Sharia Law becomes the national law there.

National socialism is the only path

This is the most true comment I've read on here in a while.


If Sweden keeps trucking negroids and Asian bus rapists into their land, Stockholm will look just like Detroit in 30 years, guaranteed.

niggers vs no niggers (at least when the pick was taken). There, I fixed it for you.