What is the most retarded thing someone has ever said to you when discussing politics?
"Hitler did nothing wrong"
Diversity is a strength.
>the Nazis weren't real Germans, hitler and his military came from Australia
This happened last week. I asked a girl in one of my lectures about her wanting to specialize in Native Issues with her degree. I asked
>But if the reserves are such bad places, why don't they just leave them? Or build roads and farms there to make them better?
To which she responded
>Well if they leave they won't get welfare and will need to pay taxes. They don't know how to build roads
Nice girl, real dumb.
I've heard some pretty stupid things. Sometimes really reinforces the idea that maybe not everyone should be able to vote.
He said most retarded thing, not truest fact.
"Some conflicts are unavoidable." -regarding the recent strikes in Syria.
"Ever hear the phrase: keep your enemy close?" - shills when cornered about Israel.
Russia hacked our election
Older relatives of mine still believe that the Germans are Nazis whom are wanting to take over the world. They think Germany is really authoritarian. I just laugh because their idea of Germany is not the Germany I know that fucking refuses to stop bending over for Islam kek
That it matters.
Politics is just fun to talk and argue about, like reality TV for the x gen.
If you take it seriously you're a sheep.
I have no answer to this because I don't discuss politics with retards. I smile and pretend I'm not interested.
I'm with Her.
"if everybody was poor then nobody would be poor
The prices will drop, making it more available for every single customer, and with time it would be a normal lifestyle"
someone told me he'd rather send covert ops into the Syrian base trump attacked rather then using tomahawk missiles
I could not agree with this more. This election really changed my view on that.
Were they mentally challenged?
"Islam is a religion of peace"
As a Quebecois living near a reserve, I loled hard.
Obama is one of the top ten presidents in history
>people SHOULD be killing the police
>because all cops are bastards
>Well maybe there wasn't abuse but they weren't treating those children like children ought to be treated
Justifying the federal government burning children alive in Waco.
communist, so yes.
How do you think we can reduce crime rates in the Black community?
>"decriminalize their actions"
>decriminalize crime
Well, they aren't wrong. Crime would decrease.
He said most retarded thing, not truest fact.
I was recently told that Russia is worse off now under Putin than what it was at the collapse of the Soviet Union.
My favorite is "Israel let's us position missile launchers in their country and it gives us a foothold in the region."
I've heard that from a couple people. It's like some people never even attempt to think for themselves.
Black lives matter
Any appeal to morality.
I was talking to a wasp sorostitute today and her reason for disliking trump was because he said mean things and was white trash.
Also minorities are super racist against whites.
>modern leftism is a successor to christianity
A larping pagan just 5 minutes ago
Yeah guys we should all just go to sleep I'm pretty tired let's just go to sleep and not not think about politics or take our lives or government seriously let's all just go to bed.
>said the fucking KIKE
Israel is our ally
>not building roads
native americans are smart.
it wasn't real communism..
I want to live to see the first trillionaire.
"What's so wrong with communism anyway?"
They never say "how" it's a strength though.
english prof praised the whole drumpf name thing from that anglo faggot
The niggers always get me with "abolish the police"
Well technically it wasn't
"I support Bernie Sanders"
VERY recently (yesterday), a woman told me that she believes that all people are entitled to free monetary support simply because they are alive. When I asked her what would happen if everyone relied on that support coming from others and who would be creating it, she said "there is enough to go around."
Women literally literally believe that the things we need in life are free and that they come from nowhere and that no one has to work their asses off to create them. Women seriously totally believe that no one has to work and that we can still have all of our luxuries. And they vote for laws that are built on this assumption. Suffrage was the biggest mistake we ever made.
Pretty much any conversation I've had about Israel and Palestine. Nobody really understands it but Jew propaganda magic has convicined them that they are experts.
>a social democrat next to the soviet flag
If a was a communist i would be mad
"I hate McCain's positions on most things but he's always been good on foreign policy"
I had a friend in college tell that that America didn't need a military at all and we should dissolve it and put all its funding into education and social programs.
He was from a French Canadian family from Maine.
This was a year or two after 9/11 too. I hated the Patriot Act and excessive military spending of this trumped up war on terror, but this kid was out of his mind. No respect for the military at all.
I've met so many women with this mindset. It's insane.
Morality is subjective and not objective.
There are people who unironically support Satanism, unknowingly.
"There isn't an anti white conspiracy"
"Communism killed 100 million people"
Hillary is the most qualified candidate.
Just like how social democrats and socialists hate the Democrats being called socialist?
This. Moderate conservatives often like Israel for their stand against islam and arabs.
>They never say "how" it's a strength though.
Never. Never ever. I honestly think Trudeau is redpilling the masses with how many times he repeats the phrase while backing it up with NOTHING.
"im natsoc"
>What is the most retarded thing someone has ever said to you when discussing politics?
Any time unemployed losers talk about other people being degenerate
"Why are you bringing up communism? That's just an economic thing"
I often wonder if those idiots were removed, hypothetically, would the rest of the world be able to reconcile with one anothet and simply focus on progressing the human life and experience forward.
I do realize that this is not the goal of some, as evident by the national socialists on this board, for example. Regardess, I don't think there ever was a bigger threat to humanity, as a species than inital marxism and later commies.
Destroying the individuality of a person is one of the worst things that can be done to them.
It's better to die a free man than live as a slave.
yeah. i know a few around here that think this way too. most of them are the 'politics are my life' type too. it's very worrying.
a friend of mine said this when we first talked about trump during the election.
>why do you hate trump?
>he's a stupid racist!
>how? give me an example when he was outright racist
>he said he wanted to deport all mexicans!
>go on to discuss the difference between illegals and legal immigrants
>still doesn't get it
>they supported bernie during the primaries, but never voted. later got pissed when Bernie lost.
>ended up supporting Hillary anyway
>didn't even vote on election day
>got super pissed when trump won and rioted despite not even voting.
Frankly, she's a good friend, but she's absolutely retarded when it comes to politics.
Communism is the best system.
>black people must own the media because of how many interracial families I'm seeing in tv ads.
ok Jon
well said. gas all commie fuckers
Who's the semen demon?
Someone that retarded in politics is surely that retarded in life. You can do better for yourself user. There's no reason to be friends with people that stupid.
I've been told ethics are objective as they're intrinsically tied to their context and morals are subjective, as they're dictated by a persons perception. i don't know how much i agree with this, but there are certainly actions that are objectively morally reprehensible, so it can't entirely be true.
Show us her tits!
Reminded me of a friend who told his wife, "You have to stop writing checks, we're broke!"
Her response, "We can't be broke, look at all these checks I have left."
this has got to be the most retarded argument i have every heard.
Not only is it not insane, it is EXACTLY what we should expect from women. It is their nature to see valuable things as being handed out gratis because this is how their brains evolved around a system where they were protected from danger and spared labor while men took all the risks and did all the work. Thousands of years of wisdom have taught us that if you give women an inch, they take a mile and that women have no ability to organize or run any government because they simply cannot grasp the nature of labor and the economy. The female of our species is very specially and perfectly adapted to EXPECT THINGS FOR FREE. And when you let them vote, they vote for people who tell them: "everyone will get things for free."
How is that even possible?
There is no dumber argument than preaching for equality for a race/gender/group of people who are already equal in every way.
>not truest fact.
>Morality is subjective and not objective.
but they're right.
I'm curious to see the results of those UBI studies being done now.
I don't see how it could ever work, but every time it's brought up, people say it's a good idea.
It is subjective, doesn't have to mean it is entirely relativistic or arbitrary either.
'its not like they really want war or something, they just want to protect us'
hahaha dumbass bluebill
They look similar
>The more education the government provides, the richer the country will become!
I had to explain to a female co-worker once that if she doesn't pay her credit card bills, they charge her more money. She didn't know that this happened. She was 26 and living on her own.
She asked me one day how I save money and the first thing I asked her was how much debt she has. We got into credit cards, and I said "you have to pay those off ASAP" and she told me she paid her bill every month, but it didn't get smaller. She was paying the minimum for years.
She had a master's degree in Women's Leadership. Spot-on accurate.
I just had a discussion with a tankie on discord HOLY FUCK the whole discussion was me grinding my head into a wall
>There ought to be a law that...
This: "I make a lot of money and there's no reason I shouldn't pay more taxes"
"Donald Trump will make America Great Again"
UBI will work for some people, but not for all. I would guess that maybe 20% of people would use it to follow a highly productive dream project and 80% of people would get fat on chee-tos and fuck out more niglets.
>humans dont evolve anymore
although it was more about race and biology but still so mind numbingly retarded
"Biological sex is a social construct"
>we'll let you use our territory to fight our wars for us
>you grateful yet, Goy?
whats so good about white people anyways?
It's just a slogan every candidate has one.
God is using Trump to do miraculous things.
Don't tell me a white said this
talking with squid about oppression in America via cultural hegemony. while attempting to splain why altright has been labeled/inculcated as the lefts strawman he gave me this golden turd....
>honestly I'm against oppression, especially suppressing freedom of speech... but some voices need to be suppressed