Who will win the nomination for the Democratic Party in 2020?
-Doubles becomes nominee
-Triples becomes president
Who will win the nomination for the Democratic Party in 2020?
-Doubles becomes nominee
-Triples becomes president
Who cares, we're going Ron Paul / Rand Paul on the Republican Ticket, provided they both survive the Nuclear Horror that'll happen around the eclipse
I swear Democrats could improve their image 60% if they just gave it to O'Malley
feel the bern
Honestly I don't hate that pick. It's just that O'Malley has the charisma of a rock.
With any luck the DNC and RNC won't be around in 2020
You're right. USA will most likely be ruled by Kim Jong Un.
Gavin Newsom
> Babe wife
> From California
> Cucks for browns already
> Well spoken
> classic white man
Has all the right qualities.... and Tulsi Gabbard as VP
>ron paul
Do you not know how old he is?
Adolf Hitler
Cuomo is prepping for a presidential run.
>$15 min wage
>free college
Fuckin faggot.
Gov. Jerry Brown
Hillary again.
Evil never gives up until it's crushed beneath the boot heel.
Your mom
I hope to God they pick Elizabeth Warren.
Barack Obama
They should pick Booker and try to repeat the success they had with Obongo.
this goy
same, it'll ensure President Trump's reelection
Booker / McAuliffe
McAuliffe / Booker
McAuliffe / Klobuchar
Tulsi if Sanders retires beforehand, Warren is an obvious shill.
Sanders/Tulsi is a killer ticket desu
a faggot
who cares?
hillary/bill 2020
KIm Jong Un
Democrats won't win
Warren is damaged from the 2016 race.
Booker might get it, but is incompetent, and has a record the progressive wing hates. More VP material than P.
Tulsi will get jewed out of it same way bernie did, since the establishment hates her.
My money is on Bloomberg running.
trump won't even be the candidate imo
I concur. But after 4 years of Trump and the ostentatious and flamboyant style of this administration, a "return to normalcy" a la 1920 may not be such a terrible thing. I think O'Malley has all the credentials to win a Democratic primary, but I think with the Democrats' devolution into identity politics, they're going to want a woman or a minority. I think Warren and Booker are going to be spoken about most of all. I also think Tim Kaine, should he win re-election in 2018 would be given first dibs by the establishment.
I don't think Cuomo or Gillibrand will go that far considering his lefty ambition (although Booker has that same quality...just look at his eyes) and her work for Philip Morris.
Hi shareblue.
Fucking Ricky
Booker, obviously. He bridges corporatists and Berniebros and they're gonna try to ride the Obama black vote wave again.
no one
Kaine / Klobuchar
How do you even manage to use the internet?
I'm running
Me/Sup Forums 2020
Bloomberg will be too old
Kaine / Kamala Harris
Inslee / Kaine
that one's on me. my bad nigger.
Klobuchar doesn't get enough press but I vaguely remember her being spoken about a few years back.
Lena Dunham
Cuomo / Klobuchar
Oh god no. Him and Bloomberg would be my nightmare P/VP ticket
a transsexual
Cuomo / Booker
cap both my posts and talk to me again in 2020 fuckboi
grayson or warren
Literally Soros.
a dirty jew
Dark horse candidate
Katy Perry w/ VP Chance the Rapper
Clinton / Booker
Bro do u even Sup Forums?
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have our nominee!
Clinton / Martinez
Michael Blake / McAuliffe - either way
Hand up. I fucked up.
Noice. Katy Perry's obvi a HillShill and there's lots of hype in Chicagoland about Chance hitting the political scene.
Klobuchar / Blake
No 2020 election due to significant global event
He doesn't look presidential. There's a certain look that they've all had I don't know how to explain it. Like I just couldn't envision Hillary being president she doesn't look like one where Trump does.
> tulsi gabbard
The Donald declares an emergency and cancels all federal elections?? Don't hate that
Rolling again.
Tulsi Gabbard
And again.
I don't think so if Tulsi is able to do decently in debates and garner a following she'll win.
Elon Musk / Booker
Let her be our first hot President.
Bernie's reanimated corpse (controlled by Killary)
Musk / Michael Blake
Musk can't run he's born in South Africa and neither parents are American i'm pretty sure.
south african
Musk / Unidentified Black VP
My bad..
Mark Cuban / Cory Booker
Kek has spoken
OH SHITTTTTTTTTTT. Time to move to Canada folks!
no homo
Jared Kushner
Jeff Bezos will run for president.
Bernie Sanders/Tulsi Gabbard