H-holy fuck guys... drumpf basically dropped a nuke today... these truly are the end days

h-holy fuck guys... drumpf basically dropped a nuke today... these truly are the end days

Hiroshima 15tons
MOAB 10tons
and why Afghanistan of all places? He needs approval from congress to start a war.

UN is basically writing up war crime chargers right now. First president ever to be brung up on a war crime. #impeach

He sure dropped a big one in his chines made diaper after hearing about Best Korea's new glorious street.

Yeah he didn't drop a nuke... but the bomb was fucking 2/3 the size of the nuke. Impeach NOW

The bomb dropped today had only about 10% of the yield of Little Boy, the smaller of the two first atomic bombs.

It was just a really fucking big bomb you twat. No radiation. Just sweet, dead terrorists and 21,000 lbs of freedom.

People overrate the size of nukes - at least the ones we dropped on Japan. They're big and do a shit load of damage, but all of that is minimal compared to the effects of radiation.

Did they also give him the MOAB codes?! They did, didn't they??

I am afraid they did

Afghani cave terrorists are notoriously difficult to get rid of

Gotta fucking MOAB them

How many people were killed?


UN cant do shit.

>take troops out
>drop fuck huge bomb

these measurements are not comparable completely different type of warheads

hiroshima 15kt
moab 12ton

it was not even 1% of the hiroshima baby nuke


11 tons vs 15000 hmmmm


hahahah you idiot.

>First president ever


~100 ISIS terricucks

You have no idea what a nuke is retard

Why did he drop this bomb?

>They're big and do a shit load of damage, but all of that is minimal compared to the effects of radiation.

Sure maybe the ones dropped on Japan. But the fact that we were able to produce enough nukes to wipe out the human race, sitting in their silos, is a testament to the power of these suckers.

I think it's hard to overestimate conventional nuclear yield.

Fuck off he said he'd bomb the shit out of em why are you surprised

i hope he drops more, even in non isis areas, fuck mudslimes, they are the real goblins and orks of the real world

He drops bombs! But he keeps on forgetting! Moms spaghetti!

Kim waved his dick at us, so we're waving ours back.

>15 kilo tons
>10 tons
Not even .1%, you retarded nigger.

>a nuke
christ man

Hiroshima was 15,000 tons, user.
MOAB is just a fuel-air bomb with 11 tons.

>start a war

That's not what happened

>approval from congress

This is not true. Read our country's laws.

>He needs approval from congress to start a war.

We never really withdrew from Afghanistan under Obama, dumbass. This is the same war.

slightly less than 0.1% by my calculations

No the moab was actually 11 kilotons :/ one of those infographs was wrong

Nvm I got it wrong ur right it's only 11 tons damnit I told a few people the wrong info

M8, there's enough in this thread to fill a bendy bus full to the doors.

There's no video of he MOAB?

I thought the US loved showing off, they should have recorded it and released a video.

>1 post by this ID
Wow what a high quality post

ISIS is utilizing tunnels and underground bunkers. We also wanted to test out this new bomb which Obama wouldn't allow, because it frightened his Muslim brothers & sisters. Its basically a huge bunkerbuster.

Over 100 ISIS died, which is pretty good for one bomb.

To show he's a tough guy. See, when Drumpf tells someone else to tell someone else to drop a bomb on someone else, that makes Drumpf a tough guy.

Damn it.

Fuck you


Though it isn't.


The only funny joke in that movie.



I want a MOAB dropped on Melbourne CBD, which I assume you live in.

You assumed wrong, dickhead. Your stupidity and inferiority complex would suggest you are from Perth or Addle-aid. Correct, Cletus? Correct.

Get aids and I hope a moab is dropped on your house. if the Op of this post doesn't respond. A thousands moabs will fall on him inshallah. I am tired of these posts.

>You assumed wrong
Something tells me I'm not. I bet you're posting from a cafe right now with a dragon dildo up your arse.


Dodged my question. kek. It's so easy to spot the derpers out west.

He should have used an actual nuke. Other countries would be reminded not to fuck with America.

11,000 tons of cuckery

Poisonous Snaggletooth Geographic Kangaroo Racism

got me good m8

Too soon. It has to be "declassified" first.

Killing ISIS fighters.. war crimes

Good job goyem, give this guy a refugees

Better than nuke
>Huge blast radius
>no radioactive fallout

"Fuck that country, but specifically this 3.14 mile circular area." - Trump today
